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2006-07-27 22:04:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

26 answers

being forgotten. never being missed.

2006-07-28 10:47:39 · answer #1 · answered by Stormy 4 · 1 0

I worry about my children once in a while. But no major fear. What can you do about fears. It's a waste of time when you don't know the future. Just live today and make good memories. Nothing can take that away from you if something bad does happen. Fear is a wasted emotion, but it's a natural thing. We have to keep these things into their proper perspective.

2006-07-28 05:16:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I just woke up from a horrid nightmare and I guess it would be my biggest fear. Seeing one of my children violated. I woke up before that happened. I saw Oprah today and Lisa Ling was talking about interviewing prison inmates. She said she negotiated with them to be able to leave the prison once she went in and then she said "well at the end of the day we're all human". It burns me that they may have actually gave them some "perks" to let her go and that she could actually think they are "human". I really think she is a dumb broad now. My question was going to be what is Lisa Lings e-mail address. But after reading some posts I thought for sure noone else would probably care and my mood was lifted.

2006-07-28 05:14:43 · answer #3 · answered by Cleo 2 · 0 0

Like some of the other answerers, my biggest fear is totally irrational, and concerns my children. I am convinced that they are going to fall off the big slide in the park, or bounce too high on the trampoline and land between the sides, or fall off the wall they are walking on, or drown in the sea, or get knocked over, or go missing...the list is endless. I have to keep quiet, or else I would turn them into gibbering wrecks like me. But it's hard!

2006-07-28 05:32:45 · answer #4 · answered by R.I.P. 4 · 0 0

my greatest fear is to have to watch my children suffer perhaps in illness and not be able to help them or stop it. Have watched my babies go through some painful horrible stuff in hosp and so know the feeling, if only a little. I would find that almost unbearable.

2006-07-28 08:29:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i had cancer a few years ago and had a big op to get rid of it i have three young kids and a husband that i could never have seen again they don't no why i got cancer and as i am quite young it was a surprise to everyone including the doctors that looked after me so my fear is that the cancer comes back and this time i won't be so lucky

2006-07-28 05:29:43 · answer #6 · answered by LORAINE S 1 · 0 0


My biggest fear? Ignorance...

Life is full of fears, fear of losing the people I love, fear of losing control, fear of fear itself.

I live in a wonderful World if I know how to subside my fears and if I can somehow affect the course of the future. This is what I fight for every single day in my own world. By praying, looking up for answers, talking with people and sharing our feelings, and the most important: BY confronting FEAR ITSELF. By jumping right into the centre of your own fear and fight it.

Right now we may all feel secure as long as we have next to us the people we love the most. But what happens when we suddenly lose them? Do we realise that we cannot carry on without them, or do we start looking for an answer and discover other ways of happiness? Or even the reasons why these unfortunate things happen?

People nowadays have the illusion that they are all powerful and that their power will last forever. They have the impression that they have the ability to control everything and everyone. There is however, one thing they cannot control. Life itself. Nature...they do not realise also that with the way they use their own conscious mind, they are the ones who materialise their own fears. I recently read a book, written by Dr. Joseph Murphy, which is called: The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind. Dr. Joseph Murphy symbolises our conscious mind as the Captain of a ship, and the subconscious mind as the crew who will obey the Captain no matter what he asks for. Our subconscious mind works in the very same way. If we think of our greatest fear constantly and visualise it -and therefore materialise it and give it a form- it will become a reality.
The same thing happens if we visualise something positive that we would like it to happen. Shakespeare used the very same method. He would constantly invent an imaginary conversation with an invisible friend. Dr. Murphy describes the conscious mind as a camera, and the subconscious mind as the negatives on which our visualisation takes form. Most of our problems have been created by our own selves. People mistakenly believe that God is being unfair to them. NO!! This is not how it happens...

How many of us when talking to our friends, do we say: "I am afraid that this and this will happen..." "Most of the time I am unlucky" "I am only hoping for a miracle..." "Other people are so much luckier and it is so unfair" -The last sentence is what I heard today at the beach- and sadly they do not understand that everything depends on their very own way of thinking! Some of them are jealous of people who have accomplished many wonderful things, including being rich. Instead of doing some research and try to improve their lives, they blame destiny, they blame God, they blame successful people themselves. The only one they do not blame for their situation, is their own selves.

Some other people are very passive and are being manipulated: "Do not read this book...it is heretic." They may say if they belong to a particular church. And most of the victims blindly obey to them, without even questioning themselves whether what they learn is right or wrong.

If we all gladly followed the herd of the 'sheep' what would become of this world? We would become puppets in the interests of the most 'clever' ones. The first and most important example is what happens currently in America. I once saw a documentary with Americans being asked which country to their opinion they should invade next...-no comment to this one- and as soon as they said which one, they were then asked to point it on the map. To my great surprise they had absolutely no idea, and would show a country which was on the very other side of the map! Most of the people know however where every single Mac Donald is being placed for them...

Where is our World heading to? Like Stephen Hawkins also asked in this forum three weeks ago: "How will people survive in the next 100 years with such chaos that we currently have in our world, socially, environmentally, etc. etc." (Pardon me if the question is not exact)

And what do you think has caused all this? One single word again:


Some people may misunderstand the phrase: "Knowledge is power" and will think that this kind of power only corrupts. WRONG! It always depends on HOW we use the power of wisdom. Think of Gandalf in 'The Lord Of The Rings'...

Love and wisdom to you...


P.S. Avoid negativity in your lives, and welcome positive things with open arms. If you visualise positive things only, love, everywhere in your lives and discard the negativity that you are so used to, you will exterminate ALL OF YOUR FEARS and there will be no exception whatsoever! Get used to pray every evening and morning in a way as if your wish has already become true. This is a positive use of your subconscious mind, that will make it happen. And try to feel the happiness that you would feel when something would become a reality in your lives. Make it a positive habit.

2006-07-28 14:39:00 · answer #7 · answered by Natalie P 2 · 0 0

My biggest fear is losing fear - how profound!

2006-07-28 05:08:05 · answer #8 · answered by LOAJP 3 · 0 0

Dying an old man without anyone with me by my side. Not ever getting married.

2006-07-28 05:40:44 · answer #9 · answered by 0 3 · 0 0

I have this fear of drowning since I was little.

2006-07-28 05:07:38 · answer #10 · answered by ambidextrous25 3 · 0 0

finding myself tomorrow in the same place i am today in terms of career, relationships spiritual growth or worse still to find myself where i was last year come next year

2006-07-28 05:48:20 · answer #11 · answered by Ruby 3 · 0 0

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