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Some Thoughts

-Arn't we all gods children? Shouldn't he love us all?

-Gay is not a trend, Unless it lasted like thousands of years. (anicent greeks were so gay or maybe they just liked staring at naked men)

-There are gay animals

-Gay is natural and not something learned, if anything gays have learned to be heterosexual because of people that judge them.

-It is impossible for the entire world to turn gay and cease existance as we know it. It has the same chance as the whole world deciding they don't want children and all used condoms.

-Why is being gay nasty? (It just is or its wrong or a man shouldn't be with a man, fine tell me why)

-Being gay does not spread dieases (proven soooo long ago)

-Have you ever wondered why you hate gays? (only for gay haters)

-Being gay does not harm society, (it doesn't kill people, it doesn't hurt people, it doesn't harm anyone)

-A kid seeing a gays kissing should be the same as seeing a man and a woman kissing, if you consider it different explain why and see if something i listed above can't solve it.

-The original bible states nothing against gays, men added that

- You can change the defination of the word marriage. I'm sure meaning of worlds have been changed before.

2006-07-27 21:09:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

20 answers

In my opinion, this shouldnt even be an issue.

People are people and should have the same rights. If Frank and Joe get married, it does nothing to affect my marriage with my husband, or my family. I'm a heterosexual woman, happily married, and gay marriage doesnt threaten me.

As for the biblical reasons....I am the last person to tell you what to believe. Its your right to think what you like. However, using the bible to make law is faulty, as we have seen in the past when the bible was used to do everything from justify slavery laws, to justify keeping people from diffrent races from marrying, to keeping women from having the right to vote.

Seriously, I'd like to know if anyone who quotes the bible against gay marriage is also supporting any of the bellow:

Exodus 21:7: Selling ones daughter into Slavery

Lev. 25:44: Own slaves as long as they are from a neighboring country

Lev.24:10-16. Stone people to death.

Theres a host of others, anyone interested can look and find them.

I have no problem with people who believe a religion. And I will never tell you what you have to think regaurding another person or lifestyle, but using any one religion to justify laws is madness: Have a look at the middle east and see how well thats working.

2006-07-28 02:45:51 · answer #1 · answered by raven_summersong 3 · 12 1

I think that the fact that this is even under debate is a sad state of affairs. Who the heck cares what two consenting adults do?!! Who's gosh darn business is it anyway. I am straight as the day is long, but what the heck business of mine is it what some other thinking adult does? My first marriage failed. I made a mistake. Should i be crucified because I married the wrong person? That was my choice to make and no one Else's! Heck! Gay people probably have a better chance of staying married than straight people..It seems two men/women would understand each other a lot better than a man and a woman. I wish government would keep their noses out of our bedrooms and deal with real issues...instead of enticing hatred by even making an issue out of this!

2006-07-28 04:24:59 · answer #2 · answered by Nikki Tesla 6 · 2 1

The purpose of marriage is to create a family, meaning a woman and a man get together to make children and contribute in life's extension. Of course you can find other forms, gay men married and adopting children but it does not seem so natural. However if this contributes to the well-being and happiness of the persons concerned.. why not? so yes. nothing against gay marriages.

2006-07-28 04:17:09 · answer #3 · answered by Amantia A 3 · 0 1

I think that if the government is going to give registration certificates to couples and allow them to get government benefits for being monogamous, then the government should not be discriminating against people solely on the basis of gender.

Laws prohibiting same-sex marriage have nothing to do with someone being homosexual. They are pure gender-based discrimination.

If a gay man and a lesbian woman want to get married, the law cannot stop them. So, the laws banning same-sex marriage don't stop homosexuals from getting married at all.

And if two straight women, both of whom plan to have sex only with men, want to get married for the legal benefits and to provide a more secure home for their children, they are prevented. So, it's not about acting in the best interests of the children. If one single woman (straight or gay) can raise her own child, then I can't imagine how two good mothers (both straight in our example) are somehow worse than one parent.

It's pure gender based discrimination. And even if it wasn't there is no valid non-religious reason to discriminate against same-sex couples (see link below). And even though the religious reasons may be valid from a religious viewpoint, the constitution of this country prohibits enacting secular laws solely on religious grounds.

2006-07-28 16:23:09 · answer #4 · answered by coragryph 7 · 2 1

I would sincerely like to see the documentation for that bible fact.....mostly because I dont believe you......but on another note....I dont think Gay Marriage or even Straight Marriage should be something that the government cares about.....marriage always has been a religious affiliation and i think its wrong for our secular government to give special bonuses to pairs of people with a certain religious standing.....therefore if gays want to get married or if straights want to get married they should be able to go right ahead.......but i dont think any kind of marraige should be administered by any government officials like the justice of the peace....they should just be religious or social not a governmental institution.

2006-07-28 04:16:30 · answer #5 · answered by quetzacotl13_5 1 · 2 0

You are exactly right! It's nice to know that there are still some decent people left in the world! It is nobody's business who gets married except the people getting married! Someday we will come out of the dark ages and catch up with Canada!! God made gay people for a reason (probably overpopulation)!!

2006-07-29 10:06:57 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Stranger In Maine™♥ (Thriller) 7 · 2 1

To answer this I must go to my own religion. First of all I feel that there is demons of all sorts and one of them is the demon of homosexuality. Every person is predisposed or weaker when it comes to certain things. Demons prey on those things, even at a young age when you are born into sin. Then there is the Devil and the way that he works. The Devil creates nothing on his own, he just uses what God has and try to feed it to us. For example with God there is faith, when the Devil there is fear, you see the exact opposite. If you read the first chapter of romans it lets you know that God will turn them over to a reprobate mind. Meaning that your mind will see what is good as bad and what is bad as good. God loves us all but that does not mean that he will approve of everything that we do. Just like the earthly parents. We love our kids and we do not approve of what they do and when we disapprove we punish to try and make them straighten up, if they still will not straighten up sometimes we have to use tough love. God love everyone, but God is not sin, and homosexuality is sin. Just like fornication, adultery etc. He is clear, if we do not stop doing these things then we go to Hell. No matter what God is right. Our understanding is limited. God does not change, so either a person can live in righteousness and dwell in the house of the Lord, or can live with sin and perish in Hell. One more thing, even if everyperson in the world thought homosexuality was right and God said it was wrong then you still will perish in hell. The road to salvation was never meant to be easy.

2006-07-30 18:21:03 · answer #7 · answered by 2fine4u 6 · 1 3

Have I ever wondered why I hate gays? I don't. I'm bi myself. I prefer women, but I like men, too. I'm going to marry a woman (also bi), but I think that a person should be allowed to marry whomever the person loves, regardless of gender.

2006-07-28 04:14:52 · answer #8 · answered by jaybirdri 2 · 2 1

Of course it should be legal but America is always a little backwards on human rights it will catch up eventually.

2006-07-28 04:17:09 · answer #9 · answered by Bearable 5 · 3 0

Agree on most things you say except that there are many gays with multiple sex partners who do not use condoms who do spread disease. Ever hear of barebacking?

2006-07-28 04:12:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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