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why do majority of Blacks think that American white people started the Slave trade,and i'm pretty sure majority of blacks don't know that one of the earliest Slave Traders was black also and that we can't call them This or that..yet it's alright for Blacks to call white people...crackers,wiggas and so on... not a racist, the question is just bugging me a-bit.
Just want some feedback on this..

to add in... abit bout myself just to let you all know what i look and act like before i do get some kind of angry comments :p

im white, born and Raised in Eastern TN, dress sporty and preppy, I don't have a southern voice,and im well educated,just out of high-school last year :)

2006-07-27 21:05:44 · 26 answers · asked by Iceman 4 in Arts & Humanities History

to add in on some details... Many, MANY blacks i have met have mentioned the Slave crap to me..like i don't know my history..and yes to a comment i did know bout what the jews did.. but thats off topic here :p

2006-07-27 21:11:44 · update #1

and to Dr. christians comments...thats not totally true...im 19 and weight 205 pounds and i know i could beat the daylights out of alot of people my age and older due to my military hand-to-hand combat skills, 4-years experience with Muay Thai kickboxing, 4 same years doing boxing for extra workout. and i bench 350 pounds. :)

2006-07-27 21:14:22 · update #2

to add on Doctor Watson or wilson which ever his name is ... lol how in the world do i need to check my grammer... i completed english AP with a 95 average :p and my insecurity.....haha man I am engaged to a woman, living on my own since i was 16 and been working for a pet store for 3 years now...and happy as i can be... how am i dealing with Insecurity...? :p

2006-07-27 21:35:15 · update #3

26 answers

Iceman, you are an intelligent thinker. You are curious about the world and its ways. That is good. Let share brain droppings.

Most people know that slavery existed long before the transatlantic slave trade. Africans had slaves; African traded their captured soldiers. While enslaving a person is cruel in and of itself, the slave trade to the Americas proved to reach a new height of cruelty and brutality. Before America, African slaves were able to maintain a sense of humanity and identity. They were able to retain the knowledge from which they came. They were slaves but they were still human.

Iceman, do you ever wonder why the Europeans in America felt the need to dehumanize the African slaves and strip them of their name, culture, and identity; basically things that makes one feel human, whole and complete? Do you ever wonder why they treating them worst than wild dogs? Do you ever wonder why these so-called “humane” and “Christian” Europeans raped, beat, and slaughtered these Africans? Do you ever wonder about the “savage” behavior of the Europeans? Do you ever wonder why the whites in America chose to keep up the brutality long after slavery ended? Do you ever wonder why supposedly freed humans had to fight for their rights in the civil rights movement? Do you wonder why some blacks are still bitter about all of this? I question everything.

To answer your other question, it is not acceptable to call anyone any racial names. If some stupid dumb-dumb calls you a “cracker,” that would not be acceptable to you. If Jesse Jackson calls you a “honkey,” that would not be acceptable. In the world of comedy and entertainment, people tend to be more tolerating of name calling because it is for humor. All races have racist jokes towards themselves and towards other races.

2006-07-28 03:00:55 · answer #1 · answered by truly 6 · 4 3

While they did not start the slave trade in general, they were responsible for the continual perpetration of the institution in the United States. Was there not a "market" there would be no trade. It's an implicit connection. Name calling is not fine, either way. One problem is that the south has a reputation for racism, which is going to be a long time in overcoming, particularly with studies such as the Baldus one out. This study proves racism in Georgias courts, in the matters of capital punishment when blacks are the "perpetrators". Until there can be basic levels of justiice, you're probably still in for the racial slurs. If you want to really uinderstand the other side of the coin, I suggest reading "White Privilege."

2006-07-27 22:48:33 · answer #2 · answered by diasporas 3 · 0 0

Technically, the first people to transport slaves across the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean where white Europeans but slave trading between tribes and city-states had been going on in Africa for centuries.

White Europeans did encourage coastal African tribes to go inland to obtain slaves for them however.

The kind of slavery that occurred on plantations in the English colonies and the US south was much different that tne kind of tribal slavery practiced in Africa and by North American Indian tribes, and very much different than the slavery practiced by Classical Romans and Greeks.

African slavery wasn't so much about enslaving people rather than "adopting" them into a tribe. Because tribes were relatively small, they fought over such things as hunting and natural resource territory. When the went to battle, even a few deaths could be devastating to the tribe so instead of fighting an all out war of attrition in which you kill the entire other side, they would attemp to capture, or enslave members of the opposition.

These newly enslaved people were not usually treated badly but adopted into the tribe. They were usually given a wife by which they would have children. This would give them a reason to stay with the tribe and not take off at first chance.

The cruel plantation slavery that existed in North America was something much different from original African slavery.

So, technically, Americans did not invent slavery but they did kind of innovate a new and horrible version of it. And yes, Africans did end up selling/trading other Africans to White Europeans as slaves.

2006-07-28 03:57:06 · answer #3 · answered by mjtpopus 3 · 0 0

MOST blacks are quite aware that people have enslaved people throughout the ages and they are quite aware that many of their ancestors were sold into slavery by black traders. Blacks are a lot more aware of their history than you possibly realize. There are quite aware that the British turned the slave trade into a lucrative industry before they realized what they were doing was wrong. What bothers Blacks is that the South stubbornly clung to Slavery, forced all of America to cling to slavery, for decades after a Nation Declared hat All Men were created Equal. Less than ten percent of the South held slaves yet they were the most vocal and they had the wealth, wealth based on enslavement, with these wealth they fought efforts at abolishing slavery and then they Started a War to maintain the right to hold people in bondage. . But no, a majority of Blacks do not think the slave trade was started by Americans, it was merely carried on by Americans once they acquired sovereignty after 1776.

2006-07-27 22:14:31 · answer #4 · answered by JVHawai'i 7 · 0 0

This doesn't just happen in America; Im Australian, and we have a similar problem here with the aboriginals. But I personally think its immature for one to place such racist comments. But racism is everywhere it depends on your approach.
And yet calling a dark skin tonned person black can be considered racist. And yet racism is all over the world today. So its something that can't be stopped overnight.

But about this slave trade; most people don't or make sure they forget about the past. They only want to live in the present, so it doesn't make a mockery of there race.

Even some of us white people are the most racist, arrogant people in this world. So its not just black people its white people also. Most people in this world seem to think that Australian people are racist, arrogant and pigs. And that's from other white people. So I'd like to know what they say about America

2006-07-27 21:14:03 · answer #5 · answered by Stay-funny 3 · 0 0

Who cares who started the Slave Trade? Blacks & Whites need to move on. I mean really who gives a F*ck? So you claim a black guy started it does that really change what happened. Let it go. All the slaves are long gone, Hell all their kids are long gone. Blacks need to stop using slavery as a catch-all excuse for all our shortcomings. I don't know what you could possibly have to gain by asking this question. My friends can call me Ni**a cuase I know them And I know they're not saying it in a derogatory manner. If you don't like Black people calling you Craccer then step to them and demand your respect. Cause god knows if you called me a ni**a I would step to you quicklike and I wouldn't care how you meant it. Your fresh outta High School live a little and you'll see there are far more important things to worry about than this nonsense

2006-07-27 21:18:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well..Intresting question..
Do you mean they should follow the american way and stop thinking?Drink beers eat pizzas work like donkey fill the corporate greed don't care who they are bombing with the taxes they pay..?
There are good and bad people in every race..
Lets study history,sociology and psychiology of human behaviour and not be stereotypical.One must be careful about commenting on such sensetive topic,and lets show respect towards all races..
Words too like deeds can inflict injuries,and words too like deeds can heal..
I would recommend you read the book "the roots".

My friend,lets try to understand the the message of Prophet Muhammad(saw):

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety and good action. ...."

2006-07-28 08:24:55 · answer #7 · answered by Ali 5 · 0 0

In fact, the first slave traders were black. Europeans, mostly British, would trade manufactured goods to African chiefs for slaves to deliver to sugar plantations in the Indies and Bahamas, later to the Southern American colonies. This is what became known as the 'Slave Triangle;' goods from Europe to Africa, slaves to the sugar plantations, sugar to Europe. It wasn't 'Americans,' per se, that started the slave trade. It had bee going on for about a hundred years before we became a nation.

Why do they think white Americans started the trade? They don't care to study history any more than whites or anyone else cares to study history. Sad,really.

Why is it not alright for whites to use racial terms on blacks and okay for blacks to use racial terms on whites? They're hypocrites.

2006-07-27 21:21:15 · answer #8 · answered by Lonnie P 7 · 0 0

my best guess is that most people don't take time to read relevant books, examine the extensive history on the topic, enagage in conversation with knowlegeable sources, or even investigate pertinent television programs that clarify aspects of the african slave trade.

it's easier to believe and repeat what you hear instead of gathering information for yourself and drawing a more informed conclusion.

the corollary being, that it's easier to stereotype an entire group of people instead of taking the time to get to know individuals. as to why name calling is acceptable for some and not for others, there are a million theories on that, all of which seem (to me) like a cop out. i don't think anyone is justified in demeaning others. i acknowledge that it was a heinous part of american history, but blacks aren't the only ones who've been demeaned and enslaved. i'm sure the jewish religion (among other religions, races, and nationalities) could provide some insight on the matter of subjugation.

just an opinion. don't find me and burn my house down.

2006-07-27 21:17:54 · answer #9 · answered by pyg 4 · 0 0

It's an excuse for people to cut some slack. Slave trade has been going on forever. And it's still going on today. People just give into the "oh the big man is opressing me and i gotta work extra hard to live on welfare.. blah blah."

As for the movie Roots (and such alike) it's a MOVIE. No matter how much hisotry you force in a movie, it's a MOVIE. That means it needs MONEY, MONEY produced when people go SEE it. And people only SEE it if it's interesting.

You never hear about "Jews" rising against blonde-hair, blue-eyed people for the Holocaust...

You never hear about "Japs" rising against Americans because they were sent to internment camps during WW2...

2006-07-27 21:09:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What I don't understand is how some have accused me, in this century, of being a part of it. Beside the obvious reason why that is an impossibility, either of my parents ancestors came to America in the early 20th century and were POOR. Not all blacks accuse me it's just that each race has it's worst representatives and some just don't make sense at all. Actually, the worst type of people I have met are of my own skin color.

2006-07-27 21:13:57 · answer #11 · answered by Awesome Bill 7 · 0 0

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