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The oil companies are blaming everyone but themselves for high gas prices. Everyone boycott one of the biggest to start and that is Exxon!!! $1318.00 per second in profits. Unbelievable!! You cannot tell me all oil companies could cut their profits and pass this on to consumers!! BOYCOTT EXXON!!!

2006-07-27 21:04:33 · 10 answers · asked by unzypu 1 in Social Science Economics

10 answers

Unfortunately, boycotting a particular station or oil company is only going to hurt the independent station owner and not the oil companies. There's a ton of discussions of the gas boycott thing on snopes which basically says that boycotting one station or brand has practically no impact on the oil company because overall, demand will still be the same, so the oil company will just sell their oil to another station that has taken on the displaced customers. So the only one that will be hurt is the station owner who has no control over the prices. The gas companies will to laugh their way to the bank and we'll have to keep paying. The only thing we can really do, short of some kind of governmental intervention, is find ways to reduce how much we use.

2006-07-28 14:44:44 · answer #1 · answered by gamefish 1 · 0 0

Despite making a record profit of $25 billion last year, ExxonMobil is still shirking payment of the full amount it owes fishermen and natives hurt by the Exxon Valdez oil spill sixteen years ago.

-ExxonMobil is the only oil company that's still part of Arctic Power, the group lobbying Congress to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. The rest bowed out due to public pressure.

- ExxonMobil has spent more than $15 million since 1998 to deny the existence of global warming by funding junk science groups to cloud the debate. BP, for example, not only admits we have a problem but is investing in solar energy research and selling real solar panels today to help deal with the problem.

2006-07-27 21:17:37 · answer #2 · answered by phoephus 4 · 0 0

Blah blah. A boycott would be fine, but it wouldn't do anything. You're talking about their gross profits, not their profits after R&D, equipment, etc. It costs a lot of money to pull oil out of the ground and refine it into gasoline. It also costs a lot of money to keep fighting the government and various other useless lawsuits and regulations. You want the prices to go down? Think about asking your Congressman to vote FOR more drilling on American soil (ANWR and off the coast of FL are just TWO such spots that have been constantly railroaded by enviro-freaks).

And seriously, a gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gas.

2006-07-28 04:05:27 · answer #3 · answered by Goose&Tonic 6 · 0 0

There is a way and it has been tried in Australia to choke the oil companies.

What you do is create an email and send it to everyone you know and everyone send it to everyone also tv ads abd whole page ads in newspapers saying on november the 5th

just one day.
for that day only.

If everyone didnt buy gas for one day the all companies will choke on their supplies and would have to lower the price. because on the demand would back up their would be too much available it would not be worth as much .. just like money.

supply and demand

lets be honest the Government loves gas going up casue half of the price of gas is TAX!

Did it work in Austrilia?............. not enough people heard about it

2006-07-27 23:50:23 · answer #4 · answered by Agent Orange Peel 2 · 0 0

Boycott would be a great idea, but it isn't really feasible. Consider completely giving up your car. It would limit you to perhaps 20 miles from your home. In short, such a boycott would make life difficult overall.

IMO the best way to get out of this mess is to support companies that offer alternatives. Buy a halogen lightbulb, maybe someday buy an electric car, buy stock in firms that research hydrogen.

2006-07-28 12:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be sure to include all their products, not just gasoline.

Sadly, there's often a choice to be made - the leading oil companies are also those that focus most on new energy technologies, including those that would lead to oil independence. They realize alternative energy isn't going away, so they're joining what they can't beat.

2006-07-28 01:52:04 · answer #6 · answered by Veritatum17 6 · 0 0

You know, I wish we could organize a boycott. We would have to get some good publicity on all the major internet sites though. Imagine how much money they would lose if everyone boycotted for one day.

2006-07-27 21:08:44 · answer #7 · answered by greenmonster9269 3 · 0 0

Is stiff grey goose martini, or whatever pretentious crap name she calls herself, as stupid and naive as she sounds. First of all, you idiot, learn a little bit about accounting before you start spouting your right-wing idiocy. Second, wake up and smell the coffee, you freakin wacko. The oil companies are playing right-wing half- wits like you for fools!!

2006-07-28 10:47:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i've been boycotting them for years...although, its not because of monetary reasons...its because they spill oil into the oceans a little too often, killing millions of animals and destroying ecosystems....

2006-07-27 21:08:58 · answer #9 · answered by acidpluto 3 · 0 0

I don't buy gas from either of the major three.....

2006-07-31 13:56:56 · answer #10 · answered by reignydey 3 · 0 0

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