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do you think verbal abuse is just as bad as physical, why do you think most women let themselvees be treated like that?, why are they to scared to leave? What would you do if you have children and there is nowhere to go?

2006-07-27 20:33:20 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

25 answers

What would you do if you were in a verbally abusive relationship?
.....get help, counseling, LEAVE.
do you think verbal abuse is just as bad as physical,
.......it's worse because verbal abuse can be heaped upon the victim all day long 7/24 and it leaves no scars as evidence of the abuse.
why do you think most women let themselves be treated like that?
...they either think it will stop, get better or they deserve it.
why are they to scared to leave?
.....a very bad upbringing which taught them that they have little or no power (bad self-esteem) and will not make it on their own.
What would you do if you have children and there is nowhere to go?
.....I'd break my back FINDING a place to go for the sake of my children and my sanity!

2006-07-27 20:41:08 · answer #1 · answered by jimrich 7 · 2 1

Verbal abuse is bad on emotions, physical abuse is bad on the body and the emotions, so verbal is not quite as bad but still permanently damaging and sometimes leads to physcial abuse. Who says most women let themselves be treated like that? There are lots of reasons why some women do allow it though. One reason would be that some were brought up in environments that were abusive or at least didn't encourage self esteem. Another reason might be fear of worse abuse. Another reason might be that some become sort of brainwashed over time. They slowly turn off their feelings and their logic and become numb to the abuse. It's a twisted "comfort zone" because it becomes what they are used to. Some may reason that having someone to "love" them and "want" them sometimes is better than having no one. Some women stay because they don't know how to get out and stay out. It all comes down to unhealthy self esteem. There are always places to go. The YWCA will help. Look in the phone book under Social Services for more info on where to go, or even call the local hospital for info. Verbal abuse is only one small step away from physcial abuse and he's already thinking irrationally when he's being verbally abusive-- All it takes is one strike. One strike leads to another, especially in the heat of the moment when he's already upset and being verbally abusive.

2006-07-28 04:03:58 · answer #2 · answered by Laura Renee 6 · 0 0

Yes I certainly believe that a verbal abuse relationship could be just like a physical abuse relationship an there are two reasons why I fell that way. #1 Just because it's verbal it still hurts just as much as it can be if it was physical. #2 When will the verbal abuse stop an the physical... who knows how long it maybe until that happens.

I believe most women let them self be treated that way because whoever there are with are telling them that " If you leave me no one else will love you" "I'll kill you if you leave me" "Who could love someone as ugly as you" There are so many more things that they could say to make you afraid of leaving them but the truth is they need you to survive so that's why they say all that bullshit to scare you.

If you dont have any family members you can turn to then what about friends? I'm sure there must be someone or some place that you could go to. Any where just as long as you get you an your kids out of there. You dont want them to be around that kind of things because it affects most kids in the future.

2006-07-28 03:47:22 · answer #3 · answered by leihuaz 2 · 0 0

Yes! Verbal abuse is just as bad as physical! Any psychologist will attest to that!
I don't know that MOST women allow themselves to be verbally or physically abused. If that's what u think, u need a new circle of influence!
Abused women are scared to leave b/c they have been emotionally worn down and brainwashed into believing that for some reason, they deserve the f'd up treatment!!
If I had children and in an abusive relationship, I wouldn't walk. I'd run & never look back! Your aren't protecting your children by letting them see Mommy get abused or yelled at. And your children should be your #1 priority!!

2006-07-28 03:40:59 · answer #4 · answered by ModelBehavior 2 · 0 0

Yes verbal is just as bad as other abuse. You can go to a women shelter and get restraining orders and you don't want your children to go through it too. Its hard but you don't want your children growing up hearing daddy put down momma and if you don't feel like you can leave him and think there is some hope for your relationship then try counseling and if he won't go then in court you can try to get it court ordered but if he loves you and will do anything for you he'll give it a try he may not even know what he is doing if he was brought up in the same kind of home. And from my experience with my own mother and father its just a matter of time til he starts in on the kids. Don't be scared to do the right thing loOK to GOD and your heart. And some women find it is ok to be treated like that because they were in the same environment as a child and was never taught any better to do better and that they deserved better. My mothers excuse was daddy was just having a bad day and needed to blow off some steam and didn't mean it but i say 20yrs of bad days are too much for anyone man or woman shouldn't have to deal with it. If you go to church many off couples counseling.

2006-07-28 03:48:52 · answer #5 · answered by LIL_MISS_THANG 1 · 0 0

I would leave. Verbal abuse is the same as physical abuse since the object is to hurt. Sometime verbal abuse graduate to physical since the line is thin. If I had kids I would first move back home with my mom since my children need to be protected and then I start rebuilding my life from there. Change is scary but our ability to conquer it is our success. Most women stay since they think that they do not have an alternative. Sometimes they just accept it as a part of life particularly where the culture aspect it.

2006-07-28 03:41:48 · answer #6 · answered by ngina 5 · 0 0

Sometimes the verbal abuse stays longer and cuts deeper. A lot of women and men allow it..It is terrible. I was in a relationship like that and I quietly saved my money, it did not take long..and i left him and his wicked mouth all alone, so he could stand in a mirror and verbally abuse himself. It does seem hard even scary to leave, but if your children are hearing this abuse eventually they will feel if "he" can do it "they" can too. You deserve much more respect than that and you children do too.

2006-07-28 03:41:26 · answer #7 · answered by um_er_ra 2 · 0 0

Now i no i may be young but i now about verbal abuse because I've been part of it and I've done it myself. i think it is just as bad as physical abuse because it is simple if you call people names it hurts them inside you may not see it as broses or broken bones like physical abuse but it dose hurt them emotional and eventually it could hurt the Person physically do to one reason and unfortunately it dose happen people verbally abuse some so much that they turn to trying to send there life all because someone feels better when they make fun or teas someone now i can't answer the rest because i am not a women and i don't have kids but i hope that i answered the question of do u think verbal abuse is as bad as physical

2006-07-28 03:51:54 · answer #8 · answered by Tyler 2 · 0 0

Verbal abuse is the worst type of abuse thier is. Physical abuse is worst but not as worst as the verbal abuse. It take a lot more time to heal you pain inside your soul than it would be broken bones, bruses, slaps or kicks in the face. I have been there and it took me counsuling to heal my pain in my heart. I had low self esteem and i though I was crazy, ugly stupit and I was worthless. I tried to commit suiside because it was to my braking point of being verbal abuse. Being told I was crazy, worthless, ugly, stupit, no one wants you, you got f-ed up teeth, I had lost my self-esteem. You want to be loved by someone, but in fact it is not love that person is giving you. It's hard to leave when you do have kids because your a kind person in heart and you do not want your kids in the streets. I was hospitalized and from thier I was able to seek the help I need for my kids and myself. I have not been with my ex for 3 1/2 years now and I an doing a lot better. I am happy about myself and my world has changed for the better.

2006-07-28 04:58:39 · answer #9 · answered by butterfly 1 · 0 0

You have to leave or get some type of effective help. The abuse will undermine your strength and erode at the beauty that is you. Although you will try to let it slide off, it will change you and you might not even notice it. What ever the environment your children witness as a part of life when they are young, is an environment that will seem natural to them when they are older. If they are around, witness to or subjected to verbal abuse as children, that they will have no problem being around, or a part of it when they are older. I know from experience, you need to do something now. Please don't wait. Don't just do it for you, do it for your kids sake. Please.

2006-07-28 03:42:02 · answer #10 · answered by youknowkennio 3 · 0 0

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