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As a republican I just want to point out that we work in the general interest of Americans. We all want the freedom we are entitled to but when we have to send troops to Iraq, which makes it difficult on the families of these soldiers, liberals only seem to make the problem worse. They hold protests and complain thinking that there is a better way to protect America... I haven't heard any of these ways... have you? I just really feel that liberals are the problem for everything.

2006-07-27 20:25:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

25 answers

They are the dissenters and are looking for ways to regain power. So they make things as difficult as possible. When Clinton was in office, I quit watching the news and reading the paper. It was a major downer.

The media was just fawning all over him. I thought he was a womanizing free willie long before it ever came out in the news.

I got little satisfaction from the Monica thing. I thought it was sordid and not presidential. Horndog sleazeball but no president.

His conduct and or lack of it is probably the greatest contributing factor to 9/11. His honor is questionable. "I did not sleep with that woman." No, he ruined a decent cigar on her.


2006-07-27 20:34:47 · answer #1 · answered by Capt Jack 2 · 0 1

I wish it were as simple as saying that liberals are nothing but trouble makers who want to get elected to office no matter what they say. On the other hand Republicans care only for big business and not for the average American and this can be proven by their voting record on things like social security, medicare, drug plan, etc.
Both parties have flaws. Both parties have made serious mistakes. The problem with the democrats is that they do not have anyone at this time who can take over the white house. A woman like Hillary won't make it in time if war.
Furthermore, the democrats have no solid plan to end the war in Iraq.. Mexicans will still come in illegally and taxes will go up by a large percentage because they usually do when democrats get into office. On the other hand who do the Republicans have who can lead this nation at the time of war?
Of the three of four names I can come up with I do not think that any of them can be a strong, intelligent president. It goes even further. What will Congress look like? Republican plurality or democrat? Hillary is out. We don't need a woman to lead during very intense war years. So what do we have? Perhaps we will know more in another year?

2006-07-27 21:59:36 · answer #2 · answered by wunderkind 4 · 0 0

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I think both parties are full of idiots. I'm just writing this to try to educate you. Please read.

I love the way Republicans use the word "Liberals". Liberal is a term that was put on Democrats because of their "liberal" spending on things such as welfare. Republicans were conservatives because they didn't like to spend money.
I think that the Reagan administration which put the country in 4 trillion dollars worth of debt and this Bush administration, which is going for at least another 4 trillion dollars in debt or to just plain Bankrupt America makes the Republican party the new Liberals of this era.
This is especially true since the last Democrat President, Clinton, lowered the national debt.

As for the need to attack Iraq, if you were paying attention from the beginning, you would have know then that the only reason W. wanted to invade Iraq was to impress daddy. It's a shame that more Americans have died in Iraq than on 9-11 because of W. We should have hit North Korea instead.

2006-07-27 20:40:05 · answer #3 · answered by my_alias_id 6 · 0 0

1) As a republican I just want to point out that we work in the general interest of Americans.

this is an opinion as most of the policies affect most favorably corporations and the top 1% of americans.

in a fundraiser dinner the president addressed the all the rich donors and said "Some people call you the haves, i call you my base"

2)We all want the freedom we are entitled to but when we have to send troops to Iraq, which makes it difficult on the families of these soldiers, liberals only seem to make the problem worse.

Not true republicans are trying to repeal Roe, and by defualt will repeal Griswold vs. Connetiucut. The freedom issue here is the right to privacy.

Republicans also conflate the use of military actions in Iraq with the defense of the country or rather they create the false association between military occupation of Iraq and the preservations of freedoms.

Most ironically is the presidents explantion of why the country was attacked, the president stated they hate our freedoms.

But it is the president who is voilating our freedoms and rights, and over reaching his powers in regards to the constituion and the 4th amendment..

*the president started warrentless wire tapping of americans before....repeat before 9/11
*the presidnet tracks bank accounts of all americans, without warrents even though there is no impediment to getting one,
even in a secret court.
* The patriot act is used to spy on peace activist, and people in no way associated with terrorism.
ect ect ect .........

Your arguing that since we don't remain silent on these abuses we are the problem.

You being complacent to the voilation of the constitution makes you the problem.

you are loyal to party above country.

we speak up not only for us, but for you.

3) They hold protests and complain thinking that there is a better way to protect America... I haven't heard any of these ways... have you?

This is actually hard to understand your point.
you seem to be conflating protecting america with
keeping the country out of an unncessary war.

You don't see the irony in Republican counter protesting.

They are the only people in the free world who will protest, the right to protest.

don't you see how riduclous that is, how absurd you people have become?

Please watch this, we can talk about it.
It deals with intellegence on Iraq on how we got there, why the US didn't send in ground forces to Tora Bora to capture Osama.....


Before there can be an honest discussion you need to be informed.

2006-07-27 21:25:48 · answer #4 · answered by nefariousx 6 · 0 0

I believe it's important to protect America, but going to war with Iraq made problems worse. Going to war with a country which posed much less of a threat to us then many other countries was the wrong choice. Now those soldiers and their families are over their suffering for no reason. Also, it has helped strengthen support for those people that hate America in the world. As far as better ways to protect America let me point out that those who attacked us on September 11th weren't living in Iraq or any other country. They were here for years before those attacks happened. The best way to protect America is to get rid of all the people that are in this country illegally. I know that is likely an impossible task, but we must try to secure our borders to keep more people from entering the country illegally. We must also deport anyone that is here illegally. This is one thing that can help make America much safer.

2006-07-27 20:33:56 · answer #5 · answered by Steve 1 · 0 0

Liberals themselves are not the problem. The fact that they can't see past whatever half brained, cooked-up, what do we think we can harp on today that will hurt Bush the most scam. Is the problem. Have you noticed that whenever you try to debate a real liberal they result to name calling and adolescent tendencies? That's because their ideas for the most part couldn't win an argument if their lives depended on it. They have absolutely no ideas that the middle of the road person in this country can believe in. Let alone understand. Everything with them now is how evil George Bush is and how conservatives must be destroyed before they destroy us all. I find it very sad that our next president is going to be a liberal carpetbagger from Arkansas/New York. That's right Hillary is coming God help us all

2006-07-27 21:16:54 · answer #6 · answered by answerman 1973 2 · 0 0

What baffles me is why are Republicans so poorly educated? 'Problem from Everything.' From What - - but to get on track with your sermonette against anyone who is not a Republican (and by the way what do you think about Log Cabin gays?). Actually War Protesters span the political spectrum and it only seems as if 'Liberals' are in the majority. Protest is part of the National Dialog. If people did not discuss issues then nothing would get done. By Your Logic and by extension Republican logic, The Founding Fathers, among them John Adams, George Washinton, Thomas Jefferson, were wrong protesting against perceived injustice. By Your Logic Abraham Lincoln, Charles Summer, William Seward, among others were wrong to speak against the spread of Salvery or its existence. By your logic Teddy Roosevelt was wrong to speak against unsafe labor conditions and corporate greed, and naturally you must be truly offended at those who dd lable themselves Liberal such as Henry S Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey who against discrimination against Negroes/Blacks. The bottom line is this - - - when there is a problem or any sort then ALL parties have failed no matter who you label Conservative and who you call Liberal. A problem results from failure. A failure to establish clear dialog leading to resolution. ALL that I ask is stop using LIBERAL as a swear word, as you would have used the N word a decade ago, or any number of epithets. The essence of America is that all it's citizens have a right to their political philosophy. Peace.

2006-07-27 20:44:25 · answer #7 · answered by JVHawai'i 7 · 0 0

I'm not republican or democrat...I can't even vote yet...but... I read the political message boards and as far as I can see from different arguments from both sides...the liberals complain A LOT. They make up conspiracies and lies and just whine soooo much and also point false blame.
The republicans bring up Jesus a lot and I don't like that either. Also they seem more money oriented.
But if I had to choose right now...based on what I've witnessed from these groups...I'd go right. There seems to be more integrity and responsibility there.

2006-07-27 20:35:29 · answer #8 · answered by ms_upsidedown 4 · 0 0

Liberals aren't showing up at soldiers' funerals to protest homosexuality in this country.

That would be your kind...conservatives. You know, maybe if you prayed, everything could go back to the good ol days...you know:

No womans suffrage, no black rights..etc and everything would be just fine and dandy and we can sit out on the porch and sip some lemonade that grand mama made and read the bible!

This is a country that was founded by liberal ideas. Deal with it. we as a culture constantly progress. And we always will. In 20 years, your kids will look at us from this year and say "Why were they so dumb about homosexual marriage" they way we look today at those who were so racist and against blacks.

It truly is pathetic that people think conservatives ruin this country.

2006-07-27 21:45:22 · answer #9 · answered by tribe2437 2 · 0 0

They like "bombing" better than actually putting troops on the ground, deaths are "bad" for elections.

No one complained when Clinton bombed Belgrade. No one complained when our country turned chicken after Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) They just make a good show and put off dealing with things until we have another 9/11...oh, and then try to blame a new administration in office for 8 months for 8 yrs of neglect and PC red tape that made ACTING on intelligence impossible...

Now they get to complain and point fingers hoping the "bad press" will affect the next elections...hypocritical.

2006-07-27 20:35:32 · answer #10 · answered by R J 7 · 0 0

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