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Do they not know that Clinton reformed it and u can only get it a limited amount of time now?

Also in some states, if you do not have kids, you dont get it at all. You just live under a bridge if your situation has put you down. IE, a friend of mine had her husband walk out on her, and because she had no kids, her state said she could only get food stamps but no help with anything else. He had taken everything.

She lived in an attic for awhile then committed suicide 2 months later. What a wonderful country we live in, eh?

2006-07-27 19:49:14 · 18 answers · asked by Fyn 2 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Yes absolutely. You speak of things that the average American is ignorant to:
1. Welfare Reform meaning you can't live your life on it
2. If you do not have children, you get no help.

What angers me about this to the max., is that I do not have children and have been paying over 30% of my paycheck every week for years in taxes. Why? Because I am punished that I do not have children. I have to pick up the burden for the dumb F..k down the street that decides to pop them out like pancakes.

Then if something bad were to happen to me and I needed help, my state, NC, would not help because their rule is that I do not have children, no dependents; therefore, do not qualify for any assistance.

And ppl wonder why the heck I hate capitalism to the core.

Btw, sorry about your friend. It is a shame that our great society closes single ppl out and I pray she is in heaven.

2006-07-27 19:57:45 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 6 0

There's more than enough blame to go around in this country right now, I think the most important thing is to get to some kind of balance. I was a Republican when I was young, had the same angry feelings abut the "freeloaders" "lazy people who don't want to work" but I was always pretty well off, then some bad times hit and I could not catch a break for anything, nothing I paid into was helping and it was awful. Things have come around but as sickened as the Repubs get about the Single mom with 3 kids taking advantage of the system (if she even is, because we don't know that) I'm furious that Haliburton didn't have to bid for a single thing this year and last year and every project was awarded to them. SOOO Letsseee 54 billion (seriously I am not making that figure up) to Haliburton, who because their cronies are in the White House. Didn't have to bid on anything; So really even if you are the most conservative republican and you hate all of the welfare babies and such - Please can you look at that figure $54,000,000,000. That's 54 billion dollars that no one is checking on, doing any checks and balances, Haliburton got this money for free (if you disagree with me, I would implore you to do some homework before blasting me) So while Single mom Suzi who has worked for most of her life can't collect anything that shepaid into, Haliburton gets, hmm what was the number? Oh $54,000,000,000 dollars. And look how good New Orleans looks now? That was a huge contract they got, to rebuild New Orleans. How about Iraq? It's still on fire! What's being built? That's what they're being paid for. You get to the point where it's like HOW MUCH MONEY DO THEY NEED????

2006-07-27 20:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by Sidoney 5 · 0 0

Sorry about your friend. But I just can't blame suicide on the government. I too am a Conservative but not a republican or a democrat. For the record Clinton vetoed welfare reform twice before he finally gave into the pressure to sign it. He had nothing to do with drafting the bill itself. My biggest fear for our country is that government is too big and it causes a "what can I get free" from the government today kind of mind set. When it is not free we the tax payers pay for it. And when it becomes a maze of bureaucracy half the money if not more never gets to the people that need it. I'd like to see the government with far less power and far less of our hard earned money. Then maybe if we see a friend in need we will be able to help them financially. But I fear it's way too late for a smaller government who's main job should be to protect me and my family. No the government needs to keep growing because politicians are much smarter than we as how to run our lives. They are too busy teaching our preteens about sex in their new "progressive" schools which by the way are a joke even though we have thrown more money at government run education then ever before. Just saying we would all be better off with less government in our lives then more. peace all

2006-07-27 20:25:53 · answer #3 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 0 0

Some republicans hate the welfare state because it is a lie. A lie to the poorest, least educated and disadvantaged of our fellow Americans. The lie is: the Federal Government will transfer responsibility for their food, clothing, shelter from the individual to the government.

It is the historical tradition of America for each and every person to work and feed themselves. We're a country of Pilgrims' Pride, How the West was Won, the gold rush, and personal independence. Our social service system started out just for children and the elderly (safety net), and today it has grown as an enormous unfunded entitlement program.

But if you're ready to double or triple your current federal taxes, then we might be able to limp along with the current system for another 20 years. What do you say? Ask people to care for themselves or substantially increase your taxes?

Or maybe add some more state taxes onto each gallon of gas (the Europeans pay about $8.00 - 10.00 per gallon) thanks to their social welfare system. Would you consider moving there? I've lived there and I think you'd fit right in, same mind set and all.

2006-07-27 21:31:24 · answer #4 · answered by Monk 2 · 0 0


Your question assumes that all republicans hate welfare, which is of course, false. In fact, most Republicans favor a welfare progam. The difference is that Democrats favor a strong one, while Republicans prefer a weaker one that encourages individuals to be on it temporarily.

The point of welfare is to act as relief, as in the situation you described. However, it should not be the "end game". It should not provide anywhere near the same quality of life that a person gets who works their butt off at minimum wage. Many Democrats lobby for increases that would do just that.

Also, as someone else mentioned, there's the corruption. Many conservatives are concerned about this. An efficient federal program in this area cost the taxpayer billions each year. You might be confusing "hatred" with "regulation and accountability" when you decribe how many Republicans feel.

To describe every Republican as a rich business bastard is irresponsible and ridiculous. Being Republican for many mainstream citizens has nothing to do with how much you make. Anyone who falls into the trap of using that stereotype is hurting the creditbility of their argument.

2006-07-27 20:11:53 · answer #5 · answered by SirCharles 6 · 0 0

I am a republican - libertarian - independent- but I did think Clinton's welfare reforms are good. First of all in some parts of the country, its not the temporary help it's supposed to be, its a way of life.
This is not exclusive to any race either. There are probably as many whites on welfare as there are anyone else. It's a generational handout. I think many republicans are against it because they feel its a waste of their tax dollars.
If you want to Give to charity it should be optional, not forced out of the money you rightfully Earn.
Being forced to support people does not leave a good taste in one's mouth.
Here's an example. Think if you had some free loader living in our house, not paying rent, just eating all the food in your fridge, not contributing or doing anything constructive, just Taking. And complaining loudly about how horrible you are all the time while doing it. And blaming You for everything.
Kind of get the picture. It's like that.
So just keep complaining about republicans who are footing the bill.
People like John Kerry who pay only 5 % of their income in taxes and still blame everything on those who want tax reform are like that too. They don't want to pay, but want to make other people.
People who get everything for free and still want to complain, complain, complain.
By the way, I sure am not rich.

2006-07-27 20:05:18 · answer #6 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 0 0

I don't consider myself a Republican or Democrat, but I would say that I am a Conservative (somewhat different views than the Republican platform, but generally the same). I, for one, don't hate welfare, but I do get very mad when I see someone whom I know is receiving government aid with cable television and a new car (there are several cases like that around my city). Also, several cheat the government and receive welfare when they don't deserve it. I agree that there is a need for some governmental aide, but for the most part I think people should be given the responsibility of financing their own lives. The best solution in my mind would be a work-for-aide program where people do some kind of work, no matter how menial, in order to receive government aide (even if the work is answering a phone).

In answer to your question, I think that Republicans don't hate welfare, they just believe that people should help themselves.

2006-07-27 19:59:28 · answer #7 · answered by Kumori_Akki 2 · 0 0

Tell me this, if they are totally against welfare then why didn't Bush change what Clinton did with it? I voted for Bush and i was afraid he would get rid of it altogether. He didn't. It's exactly the same usually 5 years as long as they comply with learning jobs skills. That's been an excellent program. In Alaska here, a person without kids can get general assistance, and food stamps, and medicaid (sometimes) if they are poor enough. And we are a great big Red State. We also have total free medicaid for kids. And Bush's perscription drug plan has saved me a lot of money. my daughter and her husband with one child has been getting back 3000.00 on their taxes every year, which helps them pay off their credit cards. Churches help more now then they ever did in most of my long life.

2006-07-27 20:38:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem with welfare is it becomes a substitute for gainful employment. Pretty soon what you wind up with is one person having to work for two, himself and the person on welfare. Next thing you know that person is complaining about the high costs of living, the increase in taxes, and about his declining property values. So, the government is trying to creat a disincentive to stay on welfare. They are helping with job placement and job training whenever possible. They are helping businesse to start up by focusing on interest rates. More businesses mean more jobs and less unemployed. And yet that is not enough.

I don't like hearing about your friend but on the other side of your story I know of many illegals in this country that scrimp by on day work, with no food stamps, and no federal assistance. It is all in how you approach poverty whether or not you stay poor.

2006-07-27 20:23:37 · answer #9 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 0 0

Although not a republican myself, I believe I hate it for much the same reasons they do. Welfare is the government form of Robin Hood -- a system of stealing from the productive and giving to the unproductive. Thus, those who work are forced to support those who don't.

Why should taxpayers lose their money with no personal benefit? The situation of the poor may be pitiable, but that's a reason for charity, not for robbery at the point of a gun. A man has the right to the wealth he produces, because if he hadn't produced it, it would not exist. The needs of the poor give them no right to money they do not deserve.

Republicans and I hate welfare because we believe a man has a right to his money.

2006-07-27 20:01:57 · answer #10 · answered by evan s 2 · 0 0

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