If i don't get feedback i pester for a few weeks, then, f still nothing I add a follow up to my first feedback sarcastic criticising the lack of feedback.... I don't buy a second time from someone who cant be arsed to give feedback... I'm proud of my total...(157 right now)
2006-07-28 04:33:05
answer #1
answered by engineer 4
Yeah, it's a load of crap when that happens. Even more annoying is all the deadbeat sellers on there now (i.e. you win & send money and either don't get the item or it's not the same/damaged and they won't replace it or refund your money.)
It's actually gotten annoying to the point that I've cut WAY back on getting stuff from there. Plus everytime I pay through PayPal, I now charge it to my card rather than let them withdraw from my account. They lie about the protection BS so I'd rather trust my bank and/or Visa over PayPal and Ebay.
2006-07-28 01:18:14
answer #2
answered by Tygirljojo 4
Simple. You're the buyer or customer. They should be first to leave the feedback as soon as they get your payment. Advise them you will leave feedback upon receipt of feedback from them and after the product is received. If you don't get any, don't give them any.
2006-07-28 01:23:16
answer #3
answered by Dale P 6
yes but what irritated me even more was when a product was not as described and the seller wasn't willing to compromise so I only left neutral not the negative they deserved and even though I was a fast paying customer they would leave neutral for me afterwards. I havn't been on Ebay now though thank goodness for "answers" my new addiction and it's free
2006-07-28 01:23:35
answer #4
answered by JustWant2B 5
oh yea... I know what you mean and it's a huge annoyance... especially when theres sellers out there that need you to have a certain amount of feedback before they sell to you... not many... but some
2006-07-28 01:17:46
answer #5
answered by Leesa 2
Yea it ticks me off waiting and hoping for feedfack sometimes I have to ask just to get feedback even tho I left them feedback.
2006-07-28 01:17:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you can do what i do i tell them that as soon as they send me positive feedback they would get theres and them being sellers ae going to want the most feedback they can get so they have no other choice.....
2006-07-28 01:17:13
answer #7
answered by stone2003@sbcglobal.net 1
Do you mean they leave negative feed back? Or they just forget, because if that's the case - I just remind them.
Otherwise - yes they irritate the heck out of me!
2006-07-28 01:18:02
answer #8
answered by just visiting 5
let them leave the feedback first that way they know that if they leave neutral or negative feedback you can do the same to them
2006-07-28 01:17:09
answer #9
answered by nobody722 3
It's all about money....it costs too much money to hire personal for a goodwill project like that.
It's too bad but that's what it all comes down to.
2006-07-28 01:29:15
answer #10
answered by Binder D 4