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Wanting to found out if we're really meant to be together, before we go any further in our relationship.

2006-07-27 17:13:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

17 answers

You have an excellent mental rapport, and you enjoy one another's intelligence, wit, and style. Both of you are very social creatures who thrive on interaction with people, cultural activities and conversation. Your match is likely to be a very egalitarian one, for you both want a partner who is an equal and a friend above all else.

Libra is very considerate, has a strong desire to please Gemini (or any partner) and will compromise readily; Libra always sees numerous possibilities or desirable alternatives, and you both have trouble being decisive or making up your minds sometimes.

Both of you are more rational and reasonable than emotional so you are likely to get along well. Difficult situations or problems that arise between you are likely to be dealt with logically and with an attempt to be equitable and fair. Both of you are uncomfortable with an unrestrained expression of feelings, and you may ignore or avoid your own anger, fears, sadness, or other "dark" emotions. Libra always wants the relationship to be sweetness and light and tries to smooth everything over as quickly as possible. Gemini will discuss or debate endlessly but detaches or becomes very uncomfortable when emotion threatens to overcome the reasonable tone of the discussion. Gemini uses humor or verbosity as a defence against feeling difficult emotions, or dealing with other people's emotions.

You are both very social creatures wit a great need for companionship and conversation, though Libra is more personal, more interested in people and human situations while Gemini is simply interested in ideas and will talk about anything at all! You are likely to appreciate one another very much as friends (in addition to whatever romantic interests you have for one another).

Wit, intelligence, and an active mind are attributes the two of you share, and in your relationship there will be a focus on communicating, bantering, a lot of verbal give and take. Both of you tend to be the dominant one in any discussion or debate, and you may find yourselves competing with each other in your discussions. This most likely will not be a major problem, but both of you would do well to step back and truly listen to one another.

The romantic attraction between you is strong. Your initial infatuation with each other is likely to lead to marriage, and even after years of marriage, the sweet romantic quality of your relationship will continue. Not only do you love each other, but you like and appreciate one another as well.

This is a passionate relationship, but also a rather aggressive and combative one at times. Sex may be a bit rough, crude, or insensitive as well. You stimulate each other both in sexual and non-sexual ways, but you are also inclined to irritate each other. As long as you don't end up fighting and competing with each other, you can accomplish a great deal together. However, the aggressiveness of this relationship is prone to foster anger and hurt feelings - so be careful not to incite hostility in each other.

The both of you, should do everything possible to take the pressure off yourselves concerning sexuality. Fantasy is something you both enjoy. Bedroom games, comes naturally to you both. Gemini may at times have to bank the sexual fires, otherwise premature ejaculation or multiple orgasms can leave your Libra partner feeling frustrated.

Excitement, experimentation, and a radical departure from old ways of life characterize your bond. One of the purposes of the two of you being together is to challenge all of the old patterns and conditioning you both carry. While disturbing at times, this can also be very liberating. Emotional freedom is a lot of what this relationship is about.

Together you will be inspired to take action and do things that you may not have had the courage or confidence to do as single individuals. You help one another come out into the world, to participate more fully and more boldly. Whatever you do together as a team is infused with a sense of energy and vital purpose, and you can get a lot done. Physical activities, sports or outdoor adventures, for instance, are a key part of the health of your relationship.

2006-07-28 01:54:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Gemini and Libra will find each other mentally stimulating. Whether they agree with each other or not, a Gemini/Libra couple will probably find themselves talking for hours about everything and anything under the sun! These two signs can work very well together. Gemini is full of colorful ideas and they jump start Libra to put them in action. This combination is ideal for a great friendship and a sometimes sweet romance.

2006-07-28 01:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Both signs in this match are air signs and this should make for similar attitudes, feelings, and intellect. If both of these partners are an equal force then an ideal situation of personal freedom should exist. They each have a need for constant change and each share a love of a very active social life. Gemini will have to make Libra feel completely independent so that Libra can lead his/her own life as Libra rates this aspect of freedom higher than does Gemini.

2006-07-27 18:43:48 · answer #3 · answered by †ᴰᴲᵛᴵᴸ† 5 · 0 0

Romantic Compatibility

Provided by Astrology.com
Libra & Gemini

When Gemini and Libra come together in a love affair, they enjoy a great relationship based on intellectual interests and mental agility. Dual-natured Gemini loves Libra's balance, and Libra is always entertained by the chatty, brainy Twins. Libra loves art and beauty while Gemini loves the beauty of an idea, but these loves aren't far off from one another.

Both Gemini and Libra have a great deal of mental energy. They can come up with all sorts of great ideas when they work together, and Libra has the get-up-and-go needed to put their ideas into action, a quality which Gemini tends to lack. In fact, in the birth of an idea Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to Libra's mental process. Both Signs share a need for intellectual freedom, which they can certainly provide for one another.

Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Gemini by the Planet Mercury (Communication). Libra and Gemini work well together; they combine the forces of love and communication. As Libra prizes harmony with their lover almost above all else, Gemini won't be able to indulge their love of a good, hearty debate too often; Libra would rather do almost anything than argue.

Both Libra and Gemini are Air Signs. Gemini loves Libra's energy and has no trouble keeping up when Libra is off and running with a new idea, art project or other pursuit. Both Signs have wide-ranging interests, giving them great material for provocative discussion.

Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. Libra likes a position of leadership in a relationship. They most often come up with the date ideas, for example, and flexible Gemini's happy to go along -- as long as it's okay to change their minds at the last minute. Libra tends to initiate things but has trouble finishing them; Gemini is so adaptable, they won't mind switching gears on a moment's notice and moving on to something else if Libra gets bored.

What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Libra relationship? Their ability to work together as an intellectual team. Together they can expose each other to new and different points of view and areas of interest, and help one another open up their worlds.

2006-07-28 00:30:16 · answer #4 · answered by slayer0522 3 · 0 0

Yes, those signs are compatable. Both signs are big fans of communication. I'm a gemini and I find stimulation conversation to be big turn on. And libras love to talk. They are also very spontaneous just like geminis. My best friend is a libra and we have a great relationship.

2006-07-27 17:18:18 · answer #5 · answered by JekYLL'sHyDe 2 · 0 0

Yes - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius all belong to the Air Sign group. Just remember Libras can be very sensitive and Geminis are multi faceted individuals who can appear not sensitive at times.

2006-07-28 02:46:51 · answer #6 · answered by MsBeautyLuck 2 · 0 0

These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. They are stimulating companions who will enjoy a lighthearted, lovely affair. Neither is combative and they're likely to agree on everything. They are affectionate, fun-loving, and like social life, entertaining, and travel. Sexually both are fervent, neither is jealous or demanding, and Libra goes along with Gemini's taste for experiment. Their one problem is that they both love to spend money. Otherwise, a perfect match.

Love & Blessings

2006-07-27 18:28:42 · answer #7 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

Y a sure Libra and gemmeni may a good match i m a libra 2 n my girlfrnd is a gemmeni and we rinto this relationship since 2 yrs n it s good

2006-07-27 17:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by Gurjot S 1 · 0 0

Your signs are in trine (120° aspect) by sign. But we would need to determine if they were by degree as well. We would need full birth data for both people to calculate that. Place, date and exact times.

If they are trine by degree than here's an interpretation:


Sun trine Sun in synastry:

You energize each other! Although your goals don't always jive, you nevertheless feel supported by your partner. In a general sense, you endorse one another. This is a very positive and strengthening aspect in your relationship. Each of you affirms and confirms the other's purpose. Together, you feel you are going somewhere. Your basic aims and approach to life are in harmony, and the mutual respect you feel forms the basis of an excellent friendship or partnership. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other in an overall sense. Of course, there are challenges in your relationship, but this particular aspect strengthens your overall belief in one another.

Any sign can be with any other sign! It all depends on your whole chart, based on your DATE, PLACE, EXACT TIME of birth, not just your Sun signs.

Your whole chart then is then compared to the other person's whole chart using a technique called Synastry.

The aspects between each other's planets and points must be looked at and interpreted. The planets in each others houses must be looked at and interpreted, both ways. Affinities must be looked for. It's not simple to a layperson, but it is to people who are educated in Astrology terminology.

Sun sign horoscopes are absolutely inaccurate to determine compatibility between two people.

More info:

Synastry link:


Affinity link:


2006-07-28 00:03:30 · answer #9 · answered by astroleolady 5 · 0 0

yeah...-------------these signs are VERY compatible if based on the sign alone...but the ascendent matters too...and of course no one can forsee the future of the relationship accurate only by those features. it is your astrograms that should be studied...but i don't believe in this crap anyway ;)

2006-07-27 23:54:34 · answer #10 · answered by suzanna_banana 3 · 0 0

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