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I keep hearing refrences to how England used to call our American patriots terrorists. OK, maybe they did but then those people mention that in the same breath as modern day terrorists, what a discrace to our forefathers. They are rolling in there graves thinking about that. There is no comparison as terrorism today is much different than back then. That was called guerilla warfare and I don't think General Washington ever strapped dynamite to a soldier and had him suicide bomb a civilian facility. People who say this should be discraced, anyone agree. I am open for criticism as well.

2006-07-27 17:08:17 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1 in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

What you said makes me think that words can mean different things to different people, and also that there is a lot of intentional misuse of words. As you pointed out, the term they used then did not necessarily mean the same thing as it does today. Now, you would think the people that mention it would know that...

Some drastic things needed to be done for America to break way from England. Of course, the situation doesn't compare to the modern-day terrorists that we are dealing with. But, it does bring up the idea that there is always a perspective involved when people use words and give their opinions. Even the modern-day terrorists have a viewpoint, however extreme. Thankfully, our patriots were in a different league, and bravely helped to start the free country that we still have today.

2006-07-27 17:22:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


1. The American Patriots WERE NOT "terrorists" they were people believeing that one day, a country would be formed with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property, unlike England.

2. Today's terrorists are brainwashed middle eastern freakshows now, in no way am i racist, for i did not say all mid east people are terrorists, but clearly all terrorists are from somewhere in the middle east: hezbollah,. saddam hussen, osama bin ladin, al qaeda, taliban, hamas. These groups are suicidal horrible people that are jealous, jealous of israel, jealous of the US, and brainwash their kids to become "martyrs"

ANY religion that disgraces women, makes them stay inside all day and were all black and covered in these whatever you call them sheets is just weird, ok? I don't need anymore evidence than that as to why terrorists are all from the middle east

there are no terrorists doing things like 9/11, the london bombings, the ones in india, the ones in israel, the countless suidice ones all over the middle east, etc. that are from Sweden, or Ukraine, or Chile, or Indonesia, or the US, or England, or France, or Canada, or Tahiti, or South Africa, or Australia, etc.

THEY ARE FROM THE F#%*ING MIDDLE EAST you blind, heartless, brainless liberals

2006-07-27 17:20:51 · answer #2 · answered by Ev 2 · 0 0

I agree with you. It is thought provoking to make another sickening parallel and that is -- What if the terrorists of today are as just in their cause as our forefathers were in theirs? I actually had this troubling thought today. I went on to wonder if they will also be succussful over time. Will 911 be viewed like the Boston tea party some day? I'm not saying it should be ... just think about what is going on in the world and try to project what will happen next... certainly we as americans assume we will win... but are other outcomes possible? and are our current actions increasing or reducing the chance of long term world peace?

2006-07-27 17:21:30 · answer #3 · answered by Fred 2 · 0 0

I am finding lately that there are certain arrogant individuals in the UK with an axe to grind with the U.S. and just as was mentioned in a previous question, I think much of it has to do with envy. There are of course British interests attempting to buy up as much of America as they can. It was ok that we grew in strength and stature in the world as long as we had something to offer them. Our ability to offer so much made them envious so now they'd like to own us again. As far as terrorism goes, I suppose dumping a load of tea into the harbor might be considered an act of terror to the Brits.

Sacred Swine Get a clue...that small pox on the blankets myth has been debunked forever...do some research and quit spreading lies.

juliandinkins Much of what you say is true but the world is a much different place and smaller than it was in the time of the founding fathers. Self defense required us to become involved in events further and further from our own borders. Capitalism has not put us in the state we are in now but rather multinational conglomerates. They have overwhelmed and buried entrepreneurship preventing growth of American industry. This "global economy" that has been dumped on us is the enemy of capitalism in America because it destroys competition. Runaway import of goods, outsourcing of jobs, the lack of fair trade tariffs are all the result of globalism which is nothing more than world wide socialism. To what extent the beneficiaries of this mass sale of America have become able to influence U.S. foreign policy is still not proven to me. We are in a war against terrorism. I wont argue here the justification of our invasion of Iraq but I do believce it was for good and legitimate purposes....not for oil or the benefit of "big business" as many claim. This seems to me to be supported by the fact that the far left socialist movement in this country is actually standing on the sidelines cheering for the terrorists. Now assuming that the forces behind the extreme left is in fact a conspiracy of world wide socialists ie. globalists, why would they be attacking our policies in the middle east if they were behind them? For this reason I don't buy this Bush-Cheney-big business theory as the explanation for our invasion of Iraq.

2006-07-27 17:50:31 · answer #4 · answered by RunningOnMT 5 · 0 0

Man you got the uniform, but you lack any historical perspective. To the most basic animal instinct, there is me and us and then there is the barbarian, the unwashed, the unworthy, the unbeliever, the unfaithful. It is the other, not me, the menace, the killer and the terrorist and that terrible godless one over there.
Humans forever have feared the unknown. The other humans would move into our God given land and then compete for food on our land. Do you get it? They had some other God! How?
You know what the Indian name of his people were to all groups. German, Jewish, American, France, Creek, Pottawatomie, Greek, Lem hi. These are all names of groups of people. And do you know what each and everyone of these names mean? THE PEOPLE. Do you get the perspective?
Humans all had gods, and all had rules of behavior about god or gods. All of them. Everyone of them. Every group of human beings had a God or two, a Spirit, The Unspoken of One. We all had the same need to have a recognition of the Awesomeness of life and the Nature of life that was bigger than us. Do you get the perspective?
Finally, we all developed a sense of God, called him or her a different name, or names. All humans had THE GOD. Not just any GOD, but THE GOD of all GODS were our GOD and no one Else's GOD.
Your God is no different. Exist or not, it relies on the need for humans to explain the awesomeness the speechlessness that we know exists but can not prove directly. We had to have a Perspective on the reality around and within us, and it's nature is AWESOME. We know our God by Inference. AWESOMENESS exists because it make its self known to us. And God is there, we know that at least.

2006-07-27 17:39:45 · answer #5 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 0 0

I would call what the US army did to unarmed native american women and children ( massacre, rape torture) at Sand Creek (for example) terrorism.
I would call the distribution of smallpox infected blankets by the US government to native americans ( the first known biological warfare) terrorism. The financial and arms support by the CIA for
hundreds of terrorist groups (including cocaine smugglers) is a form of terrorism

2006-07-27 17:18:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, the US tends to get involved in lots of other countries business, attacking those that are weaker, not caring about killing lots of civilians, doing things for oil, for money, for military bases in the middle east.....not exactly saints i would say. Don't believe all you hear on TV...the US does not attack to fight "terrorism" or to spread democracy...they attack for interests.....heavy economic ones. And yes terrorists in other countries are terrible but still...just tow different ways to TERRORIZE....bombs are bombs, no matter who throws them. If innocent civilians die...that's terror, whether they are americans are lebanese or iraqis.

2006-07-27 17:13:55 · answer #7 · answered by bytheway 2 · 0 0

They said that we fought war like savages(sound familar) That not only were we not gentlemen, we were a bunch of godless, ill-mannered barbarians.(sound familar)

Don't mention our Founding Fathers and this jackass George in the same sentence. They all agreed that we should be self sufficient at home while leaving the world to itself. ( They were all against policing the world) They would be ready for another revolution if they knew we were policing the world for the sake of power and money.

Not even the federalist ever intended to create a society where the majority of people were the pawns of a small group of eliteist who live in a world very far from there own!

I'm talking about the relationship between the rich english merchants who called on the House of Lords to enact their capitalist policy over English Democratic Law at the expense of the American people and the Rich american corporate lobbyist who now call upon the Congress of this nation to enact their "capitalism gone wild" policies over the very Spirit of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States and the Bible itself at the expense of the world. You might be suprised if your read some of the statements that Washington and Jefferson made about our future. They seem to be polar opposites of many of the beliefs that we have today.

They said that we fought war like savages(sound familar) That not only were we not gentlemen, we were a bunch of godless, ill-mannered barbarians.(sound familar)

Don't mention our Founding Fathers and this jackass George in the same sentence. They all agreed that we should be self sufficient at home while leaving the world to itself. ( They were all against policing the world) They would be ready for another revolution if they knew we were policing the world for the sake of power and money.

Not even the federalist ever intended to create a society where the majority of people were the pawns of a small group of eliteist who live in a world very far from there own!

I'm talking about the relationship between the rich english merchants who called on the House of Lords to enact their capitalist policy over English Democratic Law at the expense of the American people and the Rich american corporate lobbyist who now call upon the Congress of this nation to enact their "capitalism gone wild" policies over the very Spirit of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States and the Bible itself at the expense of the world. You might be suprised if your read some of the statements that Washington and Jefferson made about our future. They seem to be polar opposites of many of the beliefs that we have today.

Hey Noname..........People have been saying that you have to strong abroad to be strong at home since the Egyptians were powerful. It's always been bull. It's always and I mean always been the merchants, or the lords, or whatever group that always gets in it's leaders ear and says, " Hey...boss..they got what we want and they can't stop us from taking it.

This is a natural step of any old goverment.......
It's just getting so old. Our forfathers say that was a time coming when these types of policies would not be nessacery and that is why they would be so disapointed if they were here today........
Basically our goverment is more corrupt than the one they fought against over 225 years ago.................That's moving backwards...not forwards.....we are failing them and ourselves.....

2006-07-27 17:24:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

one mans hero is another mans terrorist- to revolt against a govt was considered treason, remember there were probally as many people against the revolution as ther were for it

2006-07-27 17:13:22 · answer #9 · answered by badrussian1 2 · 0 0

I agree with you 100 percent.

2006-07-27 17:11:47 · answer #10 · answered by angels_among_us 2 · 0 0

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