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"Facism should more properly be called 'corporatism', since it is the marriage of government and corporate power". - Benito Mussolini. In consideration of the above quote by the founder of Facism and the ultimate power wielded by Corporations in the USA, should the form of government in that country be considered
Fascist? Take into consideration the inordinate power of corporate lobbyists to ensure the government does their will. For example, there is an obesity epidemic in our children, that is causing an early onset diabetes epidemic amongst them. Many of them will die prematurely, others will be blinded. It is widely known that the causes of this is the marketing of junk food and sugary soft drink to children. Surely the democratic will, if it had any power, would force the government to act, to save our children, but becasue of the power of the junk food and soft drink corporations, there is no action by the government, and hardly a word of protest is heard.

2006-07-27 17:01:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

To Tabby;
How about taxing the junk food producers out of existence to pay for the epidemic

2006-07-27 17:11:34 · update #1

To Derek M- It is the government's responsibility to protect the public as well, Children do not have the conciousness to understand that the coke advert would be selling them something toxic. Individual will is not the answer as you don't always have any option to refuse. If your argument were valid it would be OK to sell Heroin and it is up to the free person to know not to buy it even if they are 7 years old.

2006-07-27 17:34:54 · update #2

7 answers

Diabetes & Greed

Our Deadly Diabetes Deception

Greed and dishonest Science have promoted a lucrative worldwide epidemic of diabetes that honesty and good science can quickly reverse by naturally restoring the body's blood-sugar control mechanism.

A Diabetes Cure can also prevent Diabetes

Avoiding Margerine and other non-food fats in processed foods is the best preventative treatment for Diabetes

The Water Cure is the first place I would start to lower my blood sugar.

Gymnema Sylvestre: Diabetes

There are other plants, spices, and foods that lower blood sugar. Listen to your gut and find what is right for you.

Make your food your cure. I have collected these links on my blog about diabetes.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes

Diabetes: Apple Cider Vinegar on your salad helps

Vinegar & Cherries for Diabetes

Cinnamon for Type II Diabetes
Diabetes Cure: Cinnamon Drug & Other Food
CURRY (Spice)

Cinnamon & Apple Cider Vinegar make it taste better

Study: Walnuts for Diabetics (and Other People)

Almonds for Type II Diabetes

Turmeric (The Spice) Reduces Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetic Rats

100% Aloe Vera gel has been shown to significantly improve sugar levels of those who participated in a double blind placebo controlled study..

Find a way to add many these foods to your diet. Your gut health is and what you put in it is a key ingredient to good health. I would try many of these foods and check my gut.

I personally drink a glass of strong juice like carrot juice with at least one tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a dash of cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne almost every day. Eat almonds or walnuts every day. Change your milk to walnut milk or almond milk. Start adding Curry or Turmeric to your food. Change your cooking oil to almond oil or walnut oil. The Water Cure is where I would start but a change of diet could certainly help. Find what works for you.


2006-07-30 04:36:08 · answer #1 · answered by rudenski 5 · 0 0

Yep. And Abraham Lincoln called this one too, in a speech he made just before he was shot. Coincidence?

We can make all the observations and offer all the proof we want to, but proving a fact is not the same as convincing a human.

So, what can we do in light of the fact that most of these so-called humans would rather follow their Maximum Idiot like lemmings over the edge of a cliff? Really, that is the issue in a nutshell, we've had 26 years and running of Mass Media slander, libel and outright abuse of anything *not a part of the "conservative" agenda* and the result, when it isn't learned helplessness, is instead a form of Stockholm Syndrome wherein you have people stupidly empathizing with the very sources of their misery....

I don't get it. I don't want to get it anymore. I just want this all done. Really. I don't have any faith in or hope for my so-called fellow human beings anymore....seems like all these fools want to do is wreck civilization and bring about that Kewt Widdle End of Days Their Book Of Fairy Tales has promised them.....even if it means turning their own kids into hijackers and suicide bombers. Trust me, Evangelical Christians are the Taliban, and the Wahabbi Muslims are the Southern Baptists....no difference.

And there's no difference in the economy now, between working at Wal-Mart and being on a damn chain gang, none, you still get locked in and are unable to escape even if your life depends on it (literally, those overnight shifters who were locked in the building and couldn't escape a fire a while back...).

I don't know if it will do any good, but preach on brother. Maybe you can see light at the end of the tunnel I can't....or maybe I've just been hit by one too many trains here and am cynical. :)

2006-07-27 17:14:15 · answer #2 · answered by Bradley P 7 · 0 0

Fascism grew out of marxist thought. Since the only people in our country who glorify Marx are liberals, that would make liberals, fascist.

Also, you deliberately and aggressively lie about the nature of corporations. A corporation is simply a piece of paper in folder somewhere. It allows individuals to work together in such a way that their business life and personal life is seperate....and that's it.

Further, like anyone else, a corporation is rigidly controlled by the rule of law. People in a corporation are simply pulling a paycheck as part of a 9-5 job. They have no more ability to sit around a table wringing their hands over illuminati like schemes as the average crank sitting at home in his basement.


If you want something to be concerned about, look at individuals (note that all the individuals you need to be worried about are liberals...lol). For example George Soros. This chucklehead dedicates almost every waking moment to tearing down our democracy and replacing it with a sick communist/fascist dictatorship. Since he has billions of dollars at his disposal and successful experience doing exactly this in other countries, it is something to be a bit concerned about.

The threat of fascism comes from liberals, not corporations. Just follow the money.


2006-07-27 17:36:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like the Mussolini government of the 20's and 30's.

2006-07-27 17:05:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that our government is slowly moving in a fascist direction, but relying on the government to take care of us is one reason why. If people want to continue eating junk food and not take care of their health, then let them. It is a free country. We loose our freedom and move more towards fascism when we rely on the government and give the government power to control us as citizens.

2006-07-27 17:27:57 · answer #5 · answered by Derek M 2 · 0 0

Diabetes is usually treated through a combination of diet (low sugar), exercise and medications/insulin. Read here https://tr.im/iaHqZ
Milder cases can be controlled with just diet an/or exercise while more severe cases require meds or insulin as well.

2016-05-03 03:37:06 · answer #6 · answered by debrah 3 · 0 0

Wow! Perhaps we don't know where to begin. Can anything be done? Is there an answer?

2006-07-27 17:07:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have long thought that the Republicans were edging dangerously close to fascism.

I must admit that your question has left me thinking that they have really arrived already.

Thanks for alerting me to the danger. Wish I could do something about it.

2006-07-27 17:23:02 · answer #8 · answered by Rory McRandall 3 · 0 0

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