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12 answers

Your idol Paris Hilton.. Is really a man.

2006-07-27 16:54:04 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

About 30 years ago, a bunch of us were fooling around with my friend's 'new camera', which was a 126 or 110 or something that is now out of date.
Anyway, we were just taking pictures of each other playing catch or standing beside the big elm tree out back and pictures of us together.
When we got the pictures back, we were checking them out when my buddy Randy asks,"Who's this guy in the background?"
There was a picture that my friend had taken of me and my friend Danny sitting by the picnic table and way in the background you could see the neighbour's old garage and there was a guy just standing beside it with something in his hand.
We looked at it for a long time trying to figure out who it was but the figure was just a little too small to identify.
For the heck of it, we decided to get a photo place to blow it up. The image was definitely a guy but because of the poorer quality photo equipment back then, we couldn't identify the guy because his face was too blurry. But we could clearly see that he was wearing an old black and red checkered coat that looked rather dirty and some ragged black pants, as well as what looked like those old canvas black and white sneakers. And the thing the guy had in his hand appeared to be a piece of twine or baling rope. He looked either late teens or early twenties.
We were kinda spooked a little 'cuz we had never seen this guy, yet he was in the background of our picture.
For the heck of it, we took the picture to Mrs. Keach, a friendly old lady who'd lived in the neighbourhood for 50+ years and knew everyone. Because of the way the photo enlargement was done, the dog was no longer part of the picture, just this 'blotchy' photo of the unidentified stranger, the neighbour's old garage and the trees and stuff around it.
When Mrs. Keach looked at the picture, she looked a little sick. She said that it was a picture of a fellow named Edgar Bonstock and that he was a very creepy fellow that used to live in the neighbourhood and that he used to stand at the end of her laneway and try to lure her cat out of the yard or sometimes he'd just stare at her. He'd do the same to the neighbours but because he never really bothered anyone the cops didn't do much except tell him to go home. She was sure he was responsible for her cat's disappearance. Then she asked where did we get the picture of him anyway.
We showed her the original photo and told her that he had just turned up in the picture but we hadn't seen him hanging around before that.
All of a sudden Mrs. Keach gasped loudly and turned white as a ghost. Being very concerned, we got her a chair and a glass of water. Her hand was shaking like a leaf so I had to hold the glass. When she had taken her drink and settled a bit, she asked my buddy Dan,"Are you telling me that this is a recent photo?" She looked extremely pale and confused and even we guys were getting creeped by this.
Dan told her yes, that it had just been taken last week and we all verified this.
She said,"Oh my God, it can't be true," over and over several times and then she looked at me square in the face and said,"Mike, Edgar Bonstock hung himself in that very garage in the picture more than 20 years ago."
My friend burned the picture.

2006-07-28 00:32:44 · answer #2 · answered by krazykritik 5 · 0 0

In a small town of Kentucky there was this old war veteran. His legs were blown off in the war, and so the only way he could move around was by dragging himself around by his long long long nails. He was also a psycho. He would come around the town and disembowel people with his long long nails. So, because of this, the people were ordered to go inside at exactly 6:00 pm and lock their doors.

Well, one night a little girl asked her mom if she could go play at her friends house. The mother looked at the clock, it was 4:00. She told the little girl to be home by 5:45 because thats when "click-click" came out. The little girl agreed and was on her way. She played and played and I guess she lost track of time because when she headed home, it was already 5:48. She thought, no hurry, ill make it home on time. But that was when she saw the ice cream man. She bought one and by the time she really started to go home was 6:00. She observed people locking their doors and calling in there kids. "Shoot, I'd better run". she thought. Finally she reached her street. But thats when she heard the noise, click click drag click click drag. It got louder and louder. She turned around to make sure he wasn't there but he was. Meanwhile, her mother was inside getting ready for bed, she figured her daughter was already asleep so she decided not to wake her. Then she heard knocking and pounding on the door, she figured it was the click click an paid no attention. It was really her daughter though, wanting to come inside. The next morning, the mother opened the door to get her newspaper only to find her daughters body and in blood written on the tree was, "Mom why didn't you open the door?"

2006-07-29 18:33:47 · answer #3 · answered by Erica 3 · 0 0

"S hit!" Sally whispered as she stumbled over a twig. It had been a long time since she had been to visit Grampa and now here she was drunk in the night in the graveyard. Grampa had never been one for drinking but Sally had never been one for listening.

After crying what she believed to be her last tears, Sally decided to leave for the last time. She had no interest in this hell. She wanted nothing more to do with this death in life. Why did he leave? Why did she need him here?

Sally had never been one for ghost stories and so she felt comfortable in the pressence of his tombstone with no fear. She wanted to be back on his lap... in his arms, in the safety of his embrace. There was no one that ever made her feel safer than Grampa did.

As she was driving away, Sally thought she saw a figure in her rear view. Hitting the brake she saw the figure disappear.

"Forget it," she told herself. It surely was merely a figment of her imagination... nothing really. Anyway, she didn't believe.... she couldn't.

A few miles down St. Rt. 65 she saw what she thought was an infant. Sally had always felt for babies... so much to live for and yet nothing to keep them alive without the love of another. She stopped, slamming on the brakes for fear she would run over the child.

Sally could hear the baby crying still inside her car. She through the car in neutral and pulled the emergancy brake quickly. Stepping out of the car the air suddenly went silent. Her greatest fear must have come true... the child's life had ended in that moment and she was there to witness it.

Slowly Sally approached the bundle of blankets that she pressumed contained an infant. She stood above it for a few minutes trying to gather her courage to look upon it. Pulling back the blanket she was shocked. The child was clearly her grandfather... but how could that be? He was dead, she had been to his grave many times.... and this was a baby.

She lifted the child as it desintegraded between her fingers. Crying and begging she wept upon the dust that had been a helpless child... one that she had let die. She felt so respnsible for this loss of life. As she stood to return to her vehicle she saw the figure appear again. This time it was obvious that it was not a baby nor her grandfather... it was her. It had always been her.

She found herself again in the graveyard... alone, as she had always been.... ever since Grampa had asphyxiated her in her crib. Why was it so hard for her to remember that?

Best wishes

2006-07-28 00:11:02 · answer #4 · answered by colorist 6 · 0 0

Once upon a time, Hilary Clinton became President. Scary enough?

2006-07-28 00:19:01 · answer #5 · answered by basscatcher 4 · 0 0

it was 12:02 amthat a little girl wakes up every day

she always goes to the bathroom and look out of her window

she likes the view of the tree in the wood

all of the sudden

a red eyes started to scared her

and she freak out and went to bed

next day, she had gone out to camping

and it was......................................

a ghost from worst person ever

it was

spooking and errie

the little gilr was shcok and the ghost took her away and make her dissapear forever

the parents reported her missing after 24 hours.....no one see her for days

one day, a dog came to the girl's house............the father saw it and keep her......................

the next day, 12:02am.....the dog beg to go to the bathroom.........and the parents didn't want to

the dog begin to bark

the dog begin to turned into a werewolf and talk to the parents

the parents woke up and scremed for their lives and they dissapeared tooo

no one know what happen's to the smith family but.......they thinks the boy down the street killed them....

it was scary

2006-07-27 23:57:51 · answer #6 · answered by DivaStar 5 · 0 0

go read a good scary book, don,t have time to tell u a story or i would

2006-07-28 02:02:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One passes through a time warp & can't find his way back.

2006-07-27 23:55:07 · answer #8 · answered by Ivy 3 · 0 0

They know where you live.....I tried to stop them but they wont listen. They said you have to pay for what you said......I think they are on their way.


2006-07-27 23:57:14 · answer #9 · answered by thumper 5 · 0 0

non of them

2006-07-28 00:27:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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