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Have you ever been sitting at a red light and, thought green and, then it turned green? Or, somthing like that? So, do you think that our thoughts influence reality?

2006-07-27 16:31:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

I've been watching What the Bleep... and reading get a grip on quantum physics.

2006-07-27 16:32:44 · update #1

I think I've come up with an expirement, to test this theory of mine... it involves dice.

2006-07-27 16:38:45 · update #2

18 answers

I love your question.

Could be, but we'd probably never know.

I've had this kind of thing happen to me many times. Once I thought "We haven't lost a cat yet." Not too long after, my sister's cat Obi disapeared and was never seen from again, but that is not the end of it. We started having cats get hit by cars, eaten by Coyotes, etc for the years after.

But this can be easily explained. You see, things are bound to happen at one point or another if there is a good probability for them to happen. It hadn't happened yet, but of course out in the country as we were, it was only probable that it would happen. We could just be use to a pattern. We realize something is out of place or likely to happen before it happens. So, it may not be that our thoughts influence reality, but that our reality and what we are use to, influences our thoughts.

You are driving, almost unconciously monitoring traffic as you drive. You are use to red lights and the amount of time or when they change. You come across a red light and think 'green' right at the time the light turns green only because in the back of your mind you knew it would turn green, -not- because of your thoughts making it turn green.

Like when you think about someone calling you and, guess what, the phone rings! Well, if this is a family member, it can be explained by similar thoughts and mind. Or maybe something you both expirienced that day later made you both think to call each other.

Or it could all be just coincidence.

I could even tie this all into destiny somehow.

Truth is, I've had many expiriences where I've said to myself 'this has never happend' and then it happens.. always bad of course and the last times I've thought these things I regretted them. I thought to myself "I've had good luck with the rabbits this year. Regretting this too late when soon after half of my stock including my fav. rabbits die of the heat when I am out of town for 10 hrs. or so! When I'd only had one die of heat in the past!!

I do fear this. I am not conviced either way of what the answer is and I wouldn't be surprised if you were 100% right and thought influences reality more than we ever have known.

2006-07-27 16:55:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 41 16

I am so glad you asked that question.

I walked in on that movie halfway through and was really amazed by it. Until I saw who was behind it. Gaagg!

There is a fundamental difference between perception and reality. Our minds evolved to perceive the world efficiently, and they cut many corners. Just an example, have you ever played with your blind spot? Notice how your peripheral vision fills it in. That's how your mind fills in gaps. The Ramthans seek to take insights like that and build total theories out of them that make humanity astral beings capable of moving planets through thought control. But the only thing that can be moved with thought control is your perception - if there's a car in your blind spot, it's still going to hit you, despite the fact that your eyes tell you its not there.

The concept of moving things with the mind comes from the insight - beautifully displayed in the film - of neurons physically moving to form new synaptic connections that represent learning. I thought that was cool too. But that doesn't actually happen. The synaptic connections that build our "holographic representation of reality" in our minds are very fine changes in electrochemical potentiality along a neural net. It's not well understood, and is possibly the most complex product in all of nature. Frankly, it's damn well too complex to explain in an hour long movie, but they do hint to its fascinating complexity.

So thinking green and the light turns green. What other color would it change? You have invested meaning in that change and that's what makes it relevant. That is a perceptual relationship with reality, and it changes all the time. That's why it feels like you are changing reality, because your perception made a shift that felt meaningful to you. The light would change whether you are there or not. But you encountered reality, and perhaps felt transcended above reality for a moment, and the light turned green. What happened is in you, and you are the place where it happened, and that is the phenomena. It had nothing to do with the light's signalling mechanics, but it had everything to do with your internal life.

Again, I'm glad you asked that question. Remember that the natural world holds enough wonder and mystery without breaching it's laws for science fiction jollies. But they are fascinating questions nonetheless.

2006-07-27 23:48:03 · answer #2 · answered by Andy 3 · 0 0

I think its just that things happen everyday. When we want something to happen, we are paying closer attention to it. So what may seem like a coincidence is just an everyday occurance we just overlooked before because we didnt care about that at the time. For instance, traffic lights continously turn red, yellow, and green. And there is a system to have the lights go its course to keep traffic flowing smoothly. Most days lets say you are on time or basically in no hurry. But today your running late and you are paying extra close attention to every minute that passes including how long your stopped at a traffic light. You just hit the light when it was about to turn red, any other day that it wouldnt of really matter, you wouldnt of noticed. I think thoughts influence reality insomuch as we when we start wanting something to happen, we start paying attention to that something much more closer and we notice what we want when we otherwise would miss it if we were paying attention.

2006-07-27 23:39:42 · answer #3 · answered by honiebee 3 · 0 0

Quantum physics has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not one's thoughts can influence events in the real world. Sure, all of us have experienced the sort of thing you're talking about when you mention the traffic light: it's called "coincidence". No, you cannot, nor can anyone else, including Uri Geller, influence reality through your thoughts. If you think you're the exception, it's worth over a million dollars cold, hard cash. Contact the James Randi Foundation for a chance to prove it, and the money's yours. Or you can ask that it be donated to a worthy cause of your choice.

2006-07-27 23:38:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop reading that stuff. You'll hurt your brain.
Most of it is by interpretation, anyway. There is a possibility that our minds can somehow connect to the background pattern of the universe, but Quantum Physics isn't the answer. That's like using the model of an atom of water to explain why you are thirsty. Sure, it might be useful in one context, but in the macro world, we don't have the conscious brain power to influence things directly. Subconsciously, we might get hints of what goes on around us, but until we understand more than just math tricks with MODELS of the universe, we won't understand the universe.
You don't make the light change, but your subconscious clock knows when it is going to change.
I, on the other hand, can do amazing things which I shouldn't be able to do with machines. Why do things work for me but not for other people? It could be because I'm a genius, or it could be the Blink! (Malcolm Gladwell's book). Doesn't matter as long as it works.
We are connected to everything, but technology blinds us to the complexity we can find in our own backyard so that we give up our living soul in exchange for SEP (somebody else's problems).

2006-07-27 23:39:44 · answer #5 · answered by auntiegrav 6 · 0 0

Thoughts definitely influence reality. Thoughts come before action and without them there could be no action. Positive thinking results in health, joy, success and wealth. What you think is what you get. You may be interested in reading books by the author Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind." and many others. They will change your life for the better.....)(

2006-07-27 23:41:06 · answer #6 · answered by MissKathleen 6 · 0 0

Yes! Fabulous, your one of the awake! I have seen that movie and read many many books of everything from spiritual origin to the books your reading, to Gnostic texts lost to the times when men chose what we were allowed to read. The more I read and learn, the more I discover the depth and truth of person’s true abilities as a young creator And as a human on this plane. I too have met so many people who want me to go back to believing the old established lies and live dead and believing I can’t ever help myself; to just keep blaming the Creator and some devil for the things humans chose to do to each other. I believe eventually, when we see enough of the big picture that was cut away and stolen from us, we will become enlightened enough to pass through all the BS this world demands we believe and take, and live as close to joy as we can in this world.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

2006-07-28 01:19:35 · answer #7 · answered by Sen 4 · 0 0

Yes I think they do. Studies in Quantam Physics have shown that the observers expectations have a result on the outcome of some experiments.

Besides - Reality is our thoughts, and nothing else.

2006-07-27 23:36:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

your thoughts can only influence your own reality.

Positive people tend to havemore 'good' things happen to them becuase their interpretation of things in general is better than people who are negative and tend to put a negative spin on everything.

Chances are that the light was going to turn green no matter what. It has to happen eventually.

Unless you are telekenetic or something....

2006-07-27 23:36:18 · answer #9 · answered by Beth 3 · 0 0

No, but the actions resulting around our thoughts influence reality.

2006-07-27 23:35:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only through our actions, or our effect on other's thoughts. But those can be powerful influences!

2006-07-27 23:38:04 · answer #11 · answered by Mark V 4 · 0 0

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