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Bush had a hard start with 9/11 right off the bat like that so early in his presidency.

CLinton Knew about bin landen and had 8 years of intell but he was more interested in monica. Clinton defiled the presidency with his scandals and his blatent dericliction of duty caused 9/11.

Bush has a hard a job and works hard and people bust his chops becuase he's not as slick shmoozer like slick willy the demo RAT

2006-07-27 16:28:00 · 22 answers · asked by rache001 3 in Politics & Government Politics

here's a great point sas had:

Bin ladens first terrorist attempt on the towers was in 1993, I think the death toll was less than 10, had Clinton done his job then, we wouldnt be in this mess right now.

2006-07-27 16:39:35 · update #1

22 answers

Bush hold hands with Bin Ladens brother and he hasn't produced Osama Bin Laden either. Bush says Bin Laden isn't a priority, so stop your lies Neocon.


2006-07-27 16:41:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jenny_is_Hot 6 · 16 1

Thank you very much!! There really is someone else in here who speaks the truth, instead of repeating stupid propaganda....

Bin ladens first terrorist attempt on the towers was in 1993, I think the death toll was less than 10, had Clinton done his job then, we wouldnt be in this mess right now.

Its definitely a tough job for Bush trying to clean up the mess, but, I think with all things considered, hes doing a GREAT job!!

2006-07-27 16:35:06 · answer #2 · answered by Katz 6 · 0 0

Wow, after 5.5 years in office with Congress controlled by the same political party as the President, Bush still doesn't have Osama. You're attempting to blame a President who was in the midst of impeachment investigation with a Congress that opposed him and that turned any military action he tried to take into a Wag the Dog story.

Face it. Bush was 234 days into his first term when 9/11 happened. That's more than 15% of the way through the term. Who would your boss blame if something happened an hour and a half into your 8 hour shift? The guy from last shift? Unlikely.

2006-07-27 16:54:16 · answer #3 · answered by One & only bob 4 · 0 0

You are an idiot, if you didn't realize that Bush was in office FOR EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened. It is too convenient to blame the previous administration, but sorry, it won't cut the mustard.

Not only that, but ACTUALLY he PURPOSELY didn't prevent 9/11. All the footage about the classroom was an act. He knew perfectly it was coming and he saw 9/11 as a cow to be milked politically, and he surely did milk that cow and it is milking it to this very day, while more than 2600 of our young men and women have been killed.

Either way, the captain of the ship is supposed to take the blame. He constantly preached about "personal responsibility" during his years of Governor of Texas. Obviously he hasn't taken his own advice since he stole the Presidency.

2006-07-27 16:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by imagineworldwide 4 · 0 0

Yes I agree if Clinton did his job Bin Laden would of been dead by now. And President Bush has to clean up his mess and he takes all the rude comments from people. If Bush would of known about 9/11 he would of done something he would of never let all those people die.I feel bad that ever since he came into office he has been under fire.

2006-07-27 16:46:38 · answer #5 · answered by worried about our country 2 · 0 0

Your sense of history is almost as good as your spelling.

For those too young to remember the Clinton presidency, I suggest you "Google" a few of the following subjects:

Terrorism in Northern Ireland was squashed after, under Bill Clinton's leadership, a peace agreement was implemented there.

Kosovo was rescued from "ethnic cleansing" (genocide) after, under Bill Clinton's leadership, US military force intervened.

Under Bill Clinton's presidency, direct negotiations with North Korea put a cap on their development of nuclear weapons.

Bill Clinton's administration took an interest in developments in the Middle East, leading to a first-ever conference between a Palestinian leader and Israeli Prime Minister.

Under Bush, North Korea has resumed nuclear weapons development and become more belligerent. For many years, Bush has essentially ignored the conflict between Israel, their neighbors, and the Palestinians--check news reports for how that's going. Bush has squandered our treasury and the lives of many brave troops and innocents--and the support of the world community--by taking his eye OFF the ball (al Qaeda) and becoming entrenched in a cesspool of sectarian violence in Iraq.

Don't get me started on where the federal budget, the economy, employment security, consumer confidence, and the plight of our cities (think New Orleans) have gone since 1/20/2001. It's quite possible that "W" could go down as the worst president in US history. And Millard Fillmore didn't start a stupid war without a plan for occupying the country he was invading.

2006-07-27 17:10:55 · answer #6 · answered by EXPO 3 · 0 0

Right off the bat?

Clinton's people BEGGED Bush's people to listen to them. They took no interest. Give me a freakin break. The blame game has no conscience.

Yes, Clinton was scumy, scandals all around, but dereliction of duty? When he sent cruise missiles into Afghanastan, the Republicans screamed he was only doing it to take the attention off of HIS affairs. He tried, people blocked him.

In the 8 months prior to 9/11 Bush NEVER tried, and PEOPLE DIED.

klarph, for your own sake, stop listening to what is shoveled to you and READ the facts. READ about the event, no tthe result. Yes it failed but the reaction prevented any recourse but to stop the attempt. Unlike what people would leave you to believe watching DUBYA, the President does NOT have all encompassing power.

2006-07-27 16:34:37 · answer #7 · answered by Who cares 5 · 0 0

I am sure that there is enough evidence that Bush was fully aware of the threat that came from Bin Ladin, he was in office a full nine months and did not take it seriously. Even FBI agents warned that it was coming and it was ignored. Do not blame Clinton for what has been a failed administration from the start.

2006-07-27 16:46:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, BJ Clinton did turn a proper noun into an adverbial phrase (the lewinski). Yeah, BJ's admin did know, they chose to handle it as a law enforcement issue rather than a war issue. Because of that policy many things didn't happen (e.g., we had Moussoud's laptop but couldn't look at it because there wasn't enough to get the warrant, not to mention Able Danger's reports which couldn't be given to FBI). Go for it GW! Take it to them and shove it down their throats. I just wish I wasn't "medicaled" out during my enlistment process.

2006-07-27 16:35:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that with all my heart. Not thinking in terms of a certain party but I know he shut down military bases he cut national security spending. That's why bin laden stuck when he did , he knew Bush would get all the ducks in a row again. So he struck before he could. I've always thought that.

2006-07-27 16:34:58 · answer #10 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 0 0

Clinton had nothing to do with 9/11....everyone knew about al gayda....i mean quaida...and bush did to... thats not right off if it was a year into it...u cant say crap like that cuz he knew it to...and anyways it was the CIA and the FBI's fault...they ddidnt do enough spying...a president isnt the one who knows about all the secreats like the CIA..so get some info b4 u accuse...and dont say demorat cuz thats retarted....its like saying retartacin(republican for u slo w people) and im Independent so im not stiking up 4 my president.

2006-07-27 16:34:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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