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to weed out the idiots that give answers on here tell me why u give the answer you did

2006-07-27 16:18:59 · 52 answers · asked by john h 1 in Politics & Government Politics

52 answers

OK, I lean a little left most of the time but I have to go with Reagan. If you are not old enough to remember how the nation was when Reagan was elected you cannot appreciate him. Yes, some things were not good. The economy sucked, interest rates killed, he pretended he ended communsim, his administration had some trouble running the country "legally" but he turned us around. We had felt bad about ourselves for a long time...ten years of Vietnam, Watergate (and Nixon was outstanding apart from this), gas shortages, and Reagan made us feel good about ourselves again. He made you smile and say I'm an American and I wouldn't have it any other way. He really was a great man.

I was born in 1965 and he's the best there has been.

Now my rankings?
Clinton (a hummer doesn't besmirch a successful man)
Bush I
Bush II

Ford gets a pass, hell he was never elected. Here's to a man who would stand up and do what he did for America. Thank you President Ford!!!

2006-07-27 16:26:57 · answer #1 · answered by Who cares 5 · 1 0

Don't really have one, but we have a lot of old people here with listings like FDR anf Lincoln. Wow. That's old.. I don't know why people say Kennedy. He didn't avert the missle crisis. He caused it. The Russians were the level headed ones during the heated stage. Kennedy had to be talked out of using nukes by members of his cabinet. He didn't do a damn thing for the civil rights movement. If it wasn't for Truman, there wouldn't even have been a movement for Kennedy to take credit for. He started the buildup of troops in Vietnam, slept with everything that moved, and pushed the blame off on everyone else. Johnson inherited Kennedy's mess and did the best he could with it. Nixon, well, he was Nixon. Not all bad, but not too much really good. Ford? He fell alot. Carter? Best intentions of mice and men... Reagan? 50-50 on him. Did some great things at the same time he did some dumb things. His spending policies were a mess, but his ideas on international relations and education were on the right track, just needed fine tuning. Bush? Tried but really didn't accomplish too much. Clinton? Had some good ideas, but had better advisors than most. Plus, he was one of the best bsr's around, which is always good in politics. His foriegn policy blew though. Gave N. Korea the tech for their new weapons, let the UN use American troops to kill innocents and allowed them to allow wholesale slaughter in several countries. New Bush? Again, some good ideas, no followthrough. Listens too much to advisors and not enough to people.. In conclusion, I don't think there really is such a thing as a best president. The job sucks in the first place. I mean, would you want a job where someone is always watching and half the planet thinks you are wrong no matter which path you choose? I don't...

2006-07-27 17:42:24 · answer #2 · answered by celtfalcon 2 · 0 0

Ronald Reagan, without a moment's hesitation. He was decent, articulate, and principled.

Bush Sr. was a good guy derailed because he didn't finish the job with Saddam and for two supposed lies--one because he wouldn't divulge a secret and the other because the Democrats gave him a devil's bargain. So despite "no new taxes" pledge, he gave in to the Democrats who would give him something else he wanted if he raised taxes. It is like the guy that sweet talks the girl into giving in, then immediately after she does they broadcast what a slut she became.

Clinton, on the other hand, could scarsely tell the truth, either one of them for that matter. The GOP took over the House and Clinton took credit for the first budget surpluses in decades even though it only happened because they axed pork from his proposals. That government shut down stunt was a shame, as was the convenient timing of having to bomb some little country whenever some news about taking advantage of a young, lovestruck bimbo, or trying to take advantage of some tough hens who told him no.

I flipped a coin over Ford and Carter, Carter won, unfortunately. A smart man with business and military experience acted stupidly with business and military.

Speaking of stupid, Gerald Ford may not have been that, but the poor guy could put a speed addict to sleep. Actually, he was a very good man who calmed America's ruffled feathers from the Nixon circus, a circus that had Nixon on the focus, but not the biggest clown. Fascinating that Hillary worked on prosecuting him and then got the other side of the coin when her husband got similar treatment. I was ashamed of Nixon abandoning South Vietnam. Then too, I was ashamed of his predecessor abandoning Biafra when the Moslem Nigerian government didn't want the predominantly Christian Ibo people to have or have power over the resources of their land. I was a kid when Kennedy was president and watching TV when Ruby shot Oswald. In retrospect, even though Kennedy was a philanderer, he had so much more personal charisma and class than Clinton.

George W Bush, I would put below Nixon and Ford, not because they were better at their worst, but because of their managerial abilities were substantially higher. Still, W is a better governmental manager, for the most part than Johnson, Carter, or Clinton. But, I would rather listen to them give a speech than W. George W. Bush just doesn't have the voice for profound words. Listening to him reminds me of once when I did a little rap thing to impress my son. He looked really serious and said, "Dad, don't EVER do that again."

2006-07-27 16:44:45 · answer #3 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 0 0

A lot of people probably would not agree with me on this but it's Ronald Reagan. The actual result of what a President has done does not usually take effect until a few years later. The boom in the economy that we had in the 90's was a result of Reagan policies, not because Bill Clinton was the current president at that time. NOW we are feeling the result of the Clinton years. God help us five years from now when we experience the Bush effect.

2006-07-27 16:24:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a fun question because it makes me recall the best and worst of all the Presidents in my lifetime. In general, I tend to despise whoever is President until they aren't President anymore, and then they don't seem so bad, perhaps by comparison, to their successor. Presidents seem to get worse and worse as time goes by. Or is it just that as I get older I become more aware of the wrongs that they do?

The worst President in my lifetime is George W. Bush, because he started an unnecessary war. The only good thing I can say about him is that at least he hasn't signed any gun control legislation that I know of.

I hated Clinton when he was President, because he advocated gun control. Yet, he really didn't do much to back this up, aside from signing the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Bill into law. The Waco Massacre happened under his administration. I was not concerned about his activities with his intern. In general the country was in much better shape economically under Clinton than under Bush.

George H. W. Bush signed the ban on importation of assault weapons, like the Uzi, giving him a negative mark in my book. When he was President, I had a different outlook on war, and I was disappointed that he didn't go deeper into Iraq to get Saddam.

Reagan was great. Reaganomics was great. I can't think of anything bad to say about him.

Carter was uninteresting. I only recall being angry with him for giving away the Panama Canal. Now I wish he would serve another term as President, because he would be a welcome relief after Bush.

The only thing I remember about Ford is that he injured himself skiing in Colorado. Neither good nor bad.

Before that I was too young to be politically aware. I think my first memory involving politics was attending the polls with my parents on election day -- which one I'm not sure. I asked my mom why she always voted Republican, and she said it was because Republicans do a better job of keeping us out of war (LoL!).

My final answer: Reagan, because I just can't think of anything bad to say about him.

2006-07-27 17:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by McNeef 4 · 0 0

That's a tough one because each president did different things well, and other things not so well. I think the best person we had as president was Jimmy Carter, He impresses me to this day with his charity work, and I think he is a genuinely good person. Poor advisors, as well as rotten luck and a weak foreign policy understanding doomed him to looking a fool to most people. I liked Reagan best in terms of carrying out the office as a politician and communicating to the American people. And I think George HW Bush was vastly underrated, and was really smart. Shame his kid didn't take after him more.

Oh, Clinton was scummy as a person but did a good job running the country when it was easy to run. Ford was domed by his conncetion to Nixon, and Nixon was where I came in on this show.

2006-07-27 16:24:50 · answer #6 · answered by But why is the rum always gone? 6 · 0 0

Reagan....because he ended the cold war and I like his economic strategy....He was a true diplomat! and he was also a conservative that lined up with my views. After reading some of the other comments....I must add that the President should not be based on the years they are in office....Their policies usually take years to feel the effects...I think Bush (W) gets a bad rap because he was left dealing with issues that "Good Lookin Bill" chose to ignore during his presidency because, well I won't even go there but much of what is happening in the world today is because for 4 years it was ignored.

2006-07-27 16:24:23 · answer #7 · answered by funlady6632@yahoo.com 6 · 0 0

President Clinton

2006-07-27 16:20:29 · answer #8 · answered by Miss Vira 4 · 0 0

No question about it, Bill Clinton
Here's why - in no particular order

a) He got elected fair and square
b) V.P. Al Gore actually did productive things
c) I could watch him give a speech without feeling nauseated
d) I could watch him give a speech and for the most part believe what he was saying.
e) Didn't start any major wars based on lies
f) Didn't have anybody on his staff indicted (that I know of)
g) The economy was pretty good
h) No $3 gas while his oil buddies got rich
i) The deficit was a lot less

2006-07-27 17:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by FastEddie 5 · 0 0

Ronald Reagan, he dropped home mortgages from 18% down to more reasonable levels. He did most things right and so far the only people who do not think that he was a great President are union workers, liberals, and people too lazy to take care of themselves. He also helped to crush Communism and prevent the Socialists in America from taking over.

2006-07-27 16:24:34 · answer #10 · answered by andy 7 · 0 0

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