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Please answer at least one of these 4 questions.

What's your fav. rock/pop song and why? Have other people influenced the types of music you listen to?

Do you let the way others perceive you affect the way you look at yourself?

If you could go to one country without having the threat of getting dieseases or dying, where would you go and why?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

2006-07-27 16:17:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Other - Arts & Humanities

9 answers

crazy random questions! each good tho!

fav. rock song lately i've liked that kelly clarkson one where she asks should i stay or should i go ...but pleeeeeez don't tell anyone because that seems really uncool. yes, others influence the type of music i listen to and i love that! i had a friend in college who totally got me into nirvana and live and smashing pumpkins, etc. (middle 90s could u tell?) i am so grateful becasue i really like some of that grungy, alternative hard stuff that i wouldn't have enjoyed if it weren't 4 him.

question 2- my parents tell the story that one time i had my feet propped out the car window and my mom said, "don't do that, people will think you're a hick!" and i replied "i dont' care, i know i'm not!" i still live a BIT like that but i've also worked in marketing and PR, so i have a stronger sense of what "image" can do for someone now :)

one country? i've never been to ireland and am a bit afraid 2 go there because of all the political unrest (it's no israel but still...) so i'd choose there.

love at first sight? well, just because i've never experienced something doesn't mean it's not true. i am still deeply love somebody i made jokes with in psyc 111. we were class clowns together before we ever dated :)

2006-07-27 16:28:47 · answer #1 · answered by Hot Lips 4077 5 · 1 1

1.favorite rock song would be "Somebody to Love" - Queen, but I'm not a pop fan. I like classical mostly, and yes, I've been influenced. Mostly though, I never really liked the new stuff, in stead, I was more influenced by what my parents liked and listened to and sang, rather than by my friends. I've never liked much new music at all.

2. I have had to force myself, and train myself not to take most people's opinions to heart and think that of myself. The way I look gives some people the wrong idea sometimes, and especially in the past when I was modeling, and people would say horrible things and they'd stereotype me. Now, I only take into account what my family and my closest friend and my fiance say about me, because they know me best, and I believe everyone needs an outside opinion, a trusted true one, but an outside one nonetheless, just to keep a balance and fresh ideas flowing.

3. Kenya, I'd love to see it, and experience the culture. But also Germany, I've never been and I'd love the architecture, the culture, the arts, and the forests.

4. No. one simply cannot feel true love for someone upon first seeing them. There can be severe compassion, lust, curiosity, and caring, but not love in its fullest sense.

2006-07-27 19:16:10 · answer #2 · answered by secrets_in_mind3 2 · 0 0

1. Peter Gabriel because his lyrics and music go right to the center of my being. I would say that other people contribute to my searching for new sounds that I am not aware of or exposed to.
2. Not really, sometimes I end up being my own worst enemy without any help from anyone else. Besides, it really does depend on who is the person perceiving. The opinions of the people who are truely important to me do matter but not more than my own perception.
3. India. I just have always been very drawn to this culture. It totally intrigues me.
4. I do believe that something clicks deep inside when you meet some people for the first time but it doesn't mean that it's love.

2006-07-27 16:39:16 · answer #3 · answered by chandy 1 · 0 0

They "We" are affected by everything. Music is a good way to vent emotions some are deeper darker than others they are sometimes frightening, unhealthy if not vented. The darker side of reality should be vented for example an overview of Hard Rock Heavy Metal is that it is designed to make all hell break loose when in reality it amounts to the smashing of a crooked filing cabinet. That amount of defience doesn't ad up to complete anarchy but does give a big jolt to the pursuit of freedom.That kind of power is plenty enough to ruffle a few feathers as you can imagine. Its all about having the freedom to express yourself, some generas just "Hit" harder than others.

2016-03-16 06:42:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Cant choose i have too many but i like the goo goo dolls, lifehouse, coldplay, five for fighting, howie day, ryan cabrea, switchfoot,th hush sound and many more...aka i love music. NO WAY!!! i listen to what i love and wht insipres me. none of my friends like the same music as me, but i could care less. I have my own style and i don't want anyone else to get in the way of me being me.

2. Not really, i mean i bathe, i groom and clean myself, no duh, but my outfits and the brand names aren't influnced by the way others look at me, i do what i love and wear what i want.

3. Hard question...Probably Greece because i would love to visit the islands and experience a new culture. I als know a lot about their history from school, and it interests me...Plus boating out at night below the stars sounds fun!

4.nope. Love isn't something you can see right off the bat. It has to grow and mature in a friendshiop first. YOu can't tell everything about a person from once glance. People are deep and individual and there is no way you can see that from one glance.

2006-07-28 15:26:33 · answer #5 · answered by thatonegirl 3 · 0 0

1. Saku ~Dir en Grey It's something to help my depression. No. I listen to what I, not others, think is good.

2. I used to. It was pretty stupid. You need to be yourself. No one else will do it for you.

3. Japan because alot of the things I like are in Japan.

4. No, that should be changed to "Lust at first sight." Love only happens when you know someone and both people have a special connection.


2006-07-27 16:25:39 · answer #6 · answered by El-Matto 3 · 0 0

My favorite rock/pop song is "Don't Speak" by NoDoubt...
I love this song because I could feel the emotion behind the lyrics...

Yes, other people have influenced the types of music I listen to...
The people I am around listen mostly to Gospel and Contemporary Christian...
I Like it now, but it took a while...
Mostly, I listen to Neo-Soul...

I would go to Russia because I love learning experiences...
Traveling to the Soviet Union would be a dream...

Last, I do believe in love at first sight...
For every man there is a woman created especially for him...
To be in the presence of the perfect person for you would have to fall in love...

2006-07-27 16:29:13 · answer #7 · answered by Dilisa T 2 · 0 0

1. Unforget. Fire-U2 -touches emotional cord through many stages of my life- Yes been influenced through sharing
2. Not the core, but I sometimes do pick up others moods
3. Tibet, or Indonesia, both for intropsective retreat and also to help the people there
4. Yes- with my newborn son

2006-07-27 16:36:19 · answer #8 · answered by explorergrrrl 2 · 0 0

1.) I listen to a lot of songs, so it's hard to pick a favorite.
2.) Yes, alot of my friends listen to spanish music and I just started listening , and I ended up liking it.
3.) First impression is everything to me.
4.)I don't know, probably Africa or France. I've always wanted to go there just so see what it's like.
5.) I don't really think it works that way, but I guess it could happen.

2006-07-27 17:25:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. New York City Serenade by Bruce Springsteen.
2. No. Their perception of me is their choice.
3. Peru.
3. I believe in lust at first sight. Love grows from the seeds of commitment, mutual respect and affection

2006-07-27 16:19:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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