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I'm 21 and I just got married in March. My husband and I want to have a baby within the next year. The only problem is that I have Irregular periods. I have about 4-5 a year. I did research and found out that this is common in some women. I am not on any kinds of medication or birthcontrol. And I'm not over weight. I weigh 95lbs.I'm not on any kind of diet and I don' t have an eating disorder. I've always been a really small person.I'm 5'3, could it be that I'm underweight?Does anyone know of a supplement or anything I can do or take to regulate my period?What do you think can be causing this? And most of all do you think I will be able to have a baby? I would really appreciate any answers ya'll have.Thanks

2006-07-27 15:56:05 · 14 answers · asked by armywife4life06 1 in Health Women's Health

14 answers

Have you been checked for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? It sounds like you're not ovulating. And yes, according to the Met Life idea height/weight chart, at 5'3", even someone who is small boned should weigh 111-124 lbs, so you are underweight.

In women with PCOS, the ovary doesn't make all of the hormones it needs for any of the eggs to fully mature. They may start to grow and accumulate fluid. But no one egg becomes large enough. Instead, some may remain as cysts. Since no egg matures or is released, ovulation does not occur and the hormone progesterone is not made. Without progesterone, a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. Also, the cysts produce male hormones, which continue to prevent ovulation.

This may or may not apply to you, but it's worth getting checked out.

2006-07-27 16:03:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It could be possible that you are underweight. Have you ever suffered from bulimia or anorexia? I know you said you don't now, but what about in the past? This can cause irregular periods and lack of ovulation.
A basal body temperature thermometer and temperature (found online) can help you see if you are ovulating at all.
I would see an OB/GYN and tell him or her that you are planning on trying to conceive in the next year and that your periods are irregular. The doctor will probably want to run some tests and go from there. Good luck!

2006-07-27 23:04:24 · answer #2 · answered by dzheatherb 2 · 0 0

I had the same problem after my first was born but at first i bled for a year straight then nothing i maybe had them 3-4 times a year. we too wanted a second, so i went to the OB and some test were ran and test on my hubby ( this was 3 1/2 yrs of trying) we were told we could not have any more due to i was only ovulating 2-3 time a yr and hubby had very low sperm count so any way a year later was back in to the OB due not having a period for almost a year they were trying to induces a period with a special kinda pill that makes you have one. they did 3 times then found out on the 4th attempt i was PG ( they have to make sure your not PG by blood test) i now have 3 BOY was i lied to.lol i was told it is normal after the first to have irregular periods but even after my 3rd i still don't have them right my son was born 8 month ago and i have had 2 i would really just talk to your OB about it and maybe she/he can get you started on the pill that makes you bleed good luck

2006-07-27 23:14:51 · answer #3 · answered by gagesixtoes 1 · 0 0

you may be right about being under weight but i'm not sure. I would talk to your ob. But an idea that you could try (to have a baby) get on birth control, preferably the pill and then stop taking it. The reason i say this is because when you go off the pill you are about 70-80% more fertile. This is because of the way the pill works. It causes exess fluid to build around your cervix so that it is harder for an egg to get to your uturus and implant itself. Just os you know 70-80% is a pretty big deal. You are about 80% likely to get pregnant when useing the withdraw methode. I certainly hope i helped and good luck to you. Also you may want to try estrogen pills as you might have low estrogen levels.

2006-07-27 23:05:19 · answer #4 · answered by F.Duke 3 · 0 0

well ive always had irregular periods except when on the birthcontrol pills. i have a 1 year old..i got pregnant right when i stopped the pills. you should go to a gyno. there are treatments other than birthcontrol pills to regulate your period and still have children.. i was 21 when i got pregnant..u guys should really think about having a baby this early. its a blessing but they are also time consuming. just be sure that you're satisfied with what you guys have and that you'll be able to provide for that baby. GOOD LUCK!!!

2006-07-27 23:04:40 · answer #5 · answered by YUSI 1 · 0 0

Hi ! I know how you feel about the irregular periods and all! It's very frustrating! First go to your doctor and make sure you're healthy and everything, then if you want a natural way to regulate your periods without taking birth control pills try these sites tryingtoconceive.com , herbalremedies.com they have Vitex wich naturally helps to regulate your periods. You are very young sweetie and you will be able to have kids ok? Don't go stressing about it , it makes trying to get pregnant a little harder , so relax and check with your doctor and try the sites I gave you ok? Good luck sweetie and God bless!

2006-07-27 23:08:24 · answer #6 · answered by KK 5 · 0 0

No one but your doctor can tell you if you are infertile or fertile.
As far as the casues of irregular periods it could just be the way your body functions. Some people have more than average some allot less.
As for a supplement the only one I can think of is Dong Quai.
Dong quai has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Native American medicine for centuries. The plant is related to both parsley and celery and is most commonly used to treat cramps and pain during menstruation as well as to ease some of the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, night sweats). Dong quai is frequently referred to as “female ginseng” to suggest its “balancing” or adaptogenic effect on the menstrual period.

2006-07-27 23:02:47 · answer #7 · answered by plantladywithcfids 4 · 0 0

If U want to plan for a BB.
Try to consult the Gynea.
They would probably give U some steroids to regulate it for some time (a few months), then stop, so U can try for a BB.

Perhaps it's the case of our hormones.

2006-07-27 23:11:55 · answer #8 · answered by *n*g* 2 · 0 0

It sounds hormonal.

The #1 hormone - because it can affect the production of all the other hormones - is insulin. Ask your doctor for a fasting insulin blood test . Ask for a copy of your results. 10 or higher is abnormal for an adult.

Also ask for a saliva test. This test will tell you if any of your feminine hormones are not at the best levels. I do not like doctors who prescribe hormones for any feminine problem without testing first. When that happened to me - the shot he gave me switched me from low blood sugar to diabetes.

You may want to check out www.hufa.org, and click on the symptoms link to check yourself out.

2006-07-27 23:01:05 · answer #9 · answered by Pegasus90 6 · 0 0

well if you are trying to have a baby and your periods are irregular, you may want to get an ovulation kit so you will know when you are ovulating and then will know to have sex at the right time for possible conception. if you don't want to spend the $ on a kit, ask your doctor about a temperature graph. you would take your temperature every day and on the day you start to ovulate your temperature goes up slightly.

2006-07-27 23:01:03 · answer #10 · answered by serenitynow 3 · 0 0

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