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2006-07-27 15:40:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

Your question answers itself.

As I glanced over most of the answers here, I just sadly shook my head. This attitude of bailing out on unions, which is a wonderful idea btw, instead of fixing what problems it has experieneced, is what is going to play a part in our country becoming a 3rd world country.

Unfortunately, after reading these answers, I welcome that day just to see these brainless ppl get their due.

What ppl like this do not realize, is that once unions are gone, there will be absolutely no protections against what is coming. What is coming?
Losing your job because you smoke cigarettes at home (has already been done)
Losing your job because you are overweight
Losing your job because you are over 40 and a higher health risk than a 20 year old.
You get the idea.

More and more states are passing what is called 'At Will' laws that allows businesses to fire an emplolyee for any reason at any given time.

And one last note, anti-union corporations used an enormous amount of money to get out negative union propaganda. I mean if you have half a brain, just think for a minute... if they are so bad then why do corporations spend millions to stop them?

Duh... and the brainless masses are once again fooled. Too bad I don't get to see the day when their children are living in cardboard boxes outside the plants. (These exist in Mexico outside American corporations)

Ok to finally answer your question = THEY ARE FOOLS!

2006-07-29 10:07:00 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 1

Because they have a brain in their head. When a union keeps someone from being fired that burns through all their sick days, vacation days and personal days in the first 2 months of the year, yet keeps calling off and not showing up for work, that's a problem. When a manager or owner needs to approach a foreman before they can talk to an employee about an issue, that's a problem. When a union protects a teacher who has failing students, that's a problem. When a union has such unreasonable demands it closes a business down, that's a problem. I don't think I need to go on.

2006-07-27 15:53:52 · answer #2 · answered by dasher 2 · 0 0

Labour unions are not the benefit that they were in decades past.

With a more or less responsive media and with modern labor laws, there are far less rights for unions to safeguard. Children are not going into coalmines anymore.
Employer abuses are principally against illegal immigrants. This is not moral or even acceptable, but these employess are not going to be able to join a union in any event. Plus labor unions are not fighting for these 4 dollar an hour jobs, there are no dues or votes to collect.

If a union forces a major employer's hand too far, the real possibility of factory closure can have very detrimental affects.

Either way, union leaders ALWAYS get paid, the rank and file, not so much. like any bureaucracy, that has existed for decades beyond its prime, most unions are rife with corruption, even the ones not influenced by organized crime.

Unions are great if you run one, working for one is not that great. So it not about stupidity, it is about what they offer compared to what people can get without them.

The American dream is to own your own business, not belong to a union. America's economy is great despite unions, not because of them.

2006-07-27 15:51:03 · answer #3 · answered by aka DarthDad 5 · 0 0

Because unions are an antiquated, useless concept that just cost money, drag down the economy, and keep companies from being productive.

Wouldn't it be great if lots more people got paid $28/hr to be lazy and get away with sleeping on the job? Yeah!

Honestly, I used to be in favor of unions until I worked in a union shop. The union screwed its own people worse than the company did. And to top it off, it was sexist and racist as well (they wouldn't go to bat for a woman who was fired for no good reason, even though six months before they went to bat for the guy who had sexually assaulted her in the bathroom...successfully getting him his job back).

Now, I see it all the time in newspapers...union shops are complacent, the people there don't give a sh1t, and they make good money for not giving a sh1t. Also, they work slowly so that the company will have to pay them overtime, and the company can't do anything about it. Unions don't help anybody, they just make it easy for lazy people to not work, and they also make it easy for people to get away with anything they want.

2006-07-27 15:43:35 · answer #4 · answered by I Know Nuttin 5 · 0 0

For the past forty years there has been a steady decline in both union membership and influence. There are several reasons for such a decline;

the first having to do with employers keeping their businesses union-free. Some were active in their opposition and even hired consultants to devise legal strategies to combat unions. Other employers put workers on the management team by appointing them to the board of directors or establishing profit-sharing plans to reward employees.

The second reason for union decline is that new additions to the labor force have traditionally had little loyalty to organized labor. Because more and more women and teenagers are working and their incomes tend to be a family's second income, they have a proclivity towards accepting lower wages, thus defeating the purpose of organized labor.

The third and possibly the most important reason for the decline in unions is that they are victims of their own success. Unions raised their wages substantially above the wages paid to nonunion workers. Therefore, many union-made products have become so expensive that sales were lost to less expensive foreign competitors and nonunion producers. This resulted in companies having to cut back on production, which caused some workers to lose their jobs, and hence, unions some of their members.

Also, the recent shift in this country towards technology and service has made our economy less reliant in the types of industrial jobs that tended to be union strongholds. Today's worker tends to more highly educated and tends to the professional, white coller class. All of these have conspired to decrease union membership.

The Labor Union Movement in America, The Social Studies Help Center

2006-07-27 16:12:20 · answer #5 · answered by Monk 2 · 0 0

Well...for one thing...Unions arnt what they used to be.....they were a great idea in the industrial revolution...but I think they pushed to hard and went too far.

Most companies now...already have fair wage and benifit packages that rival what the unions are offering. I had one union organizer admit to me...that its no longer about protecting the workers....but collecting the dues.

I'm not sure I want to be working next to or under some guy that is an admited drug user or alcoholic....but at a lot of the union shops I've been to....they have programs....insisted on by the unions...that allow these people back at their jobs as long as they attend abuse seminars.

2006-07-27 15:46:26 · answer #6 · answered by werk2much2000 4 · 0 0

well the place I used to work for went union and after the 'Honeymoon" the owner paid the union to turn deaf ear. So now the people are paying for nothing. Unions are only good if you are in construction or truck driver. But not all the time.

2006-07-27 15:45:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. People are stupid for many reasons. Sometimes it's popular, sometimes it's easy, somethimes it's through lack of education.

2. People don't vote for unions because they feel the value provided them by the union is smaller than its cost to them, directly and indirectly.

2006-07-27 16:13:00 · answer #8 · answered by Charles G 4 · 0 0

Unions can be good because they can protect you (job security is only part....physically lots of jobs are dangerous and lots of business don't care)...I was union for 17 years and found that the state I worked for tried time and again to scew us over (we already worked weekends and holdays but they would try to push us to work over 18 hours on madiatory overtime). That being said many people don't like unions today because many of them (not all) have becaome just what they were built to fight...fat, over paid mega bosses that don't care about the little guy. In theory unions are great but in reality they sometimes don't work...

2006-07-27 15:50:49 · answer #9 · answered by Susan G 1 · 0 0

I would join the mafia before I joined a union. The mafia commits less crime. Unions have outlived their purpose now that we have OSHA and other laws to protect workers.
I worked for a shipping company when UPS went on strike back in 97. The drivers we worked with were not allowed to work, and were given only $55 per month. Which bill do you want to pay this month?
Meanwhile, people were dying while they waited for medicine.

2006-07-27 15:47:34 · answer #10 · answered by Nitris 3 · 0 0

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