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Seriously, I always look out for motorcycles and try not to pass, or do anything that can danger either of us. But why do motorcycles not respect other cars on the road? They are always passing and speeding around, and not being safe. Why do we have to respect other cars, but they dont? I know there are a lot of them that are safe, but why do they expect us to respect them on the road, if they dont respect us too, and try to keep us all from wrecking??!

2006-07-27 14:51:41 · 24 answers · asked by sshhmmee2000 6 in Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

its more than a few, maybe its the town I live in thats just like this.. my dad drives a motorcycle and never does stupid **** like that most do. I just wish they were more respectable towards other cars, that also want to live to the next day.

2006-07-27 14:59:51 · update #1

24 answers

Please don't let a few, spoil it for all of us! Thank you for being considerate of us

2006-07-27 14:55:48 · answer #1 · answered by Jeep Driver 5 · 2 1

A good question. But i believe the main reason is due to the fact that 75% of motorcycle accidents are caused because of other motorists not seeing the cycle. Also, autos can stop a lot better. If you're on a cycle and reef on the brakes you have a good chance of going into a skid. By all means, I believe the driver of the cycle should be the one driving more careful. I don't know if you're from Cali or not, but i believe that is the only state that lane splitting is legal. But no matter where you are, there's always going to be bad drivers around.

Drive Safe

2006-07-27 22:47:18 · answer #2 · answered by rmor25 2 · 0 0

Because if we decide not to share the road with them, then well, i guess they're squashed

But seriously, motorcyclists, at least the ones i've talked to, perceive that they have all the rights of a car (simply because, beside the desert, there is no place to ride them) on the road while not having to deal with traffic with other cars. You're right, they are dangerous and most motorcycles do go by a little bit too fast, but they believe their size gives them the right to move around other cars while going at fast speeds. Luckily, they are also very loud, so if you do have trouble seeing them, use your ears. Otherwise, we can't change their behavior. But extra caution when you hear one of those motors is always a good idea for a driver. We can't necessarily just run them over for not respecting us, so to be safer it's up to drivers out there. I know that's a horrible excuse, but motorcyclists don't slow down, never wait in traffic, and use their quickness and size to zip in and out of traffic. And that's not going to change

2006-07-27 22:01:08 · answer #3 · answered by clifftheman1 2 · 0 0

Gee, aren't we generalizing again?

Motorcycles are just machines. It's the rider and his/her attitude that is safe or unsafe.

Some riders are well-behaved, and others are not. Age? Gender? Type of motorcyle? I have my theories, but who really knows....

Same with car drivers. The car is a machine. The driver either drives safely, or stupidly, or somewhere in between.

Try to concentrate on things that you can fix like your own driving - and be the very best driver you can. Be an example for others in your car, and in your life. Until we can electronically prevent morons from even starting an engine, there will always be morons on the road - in cars, on motorcycle, and on bicycles. Just give 'em clearance and know that you are driving 1000 times better than they are.

I drive a car, and ride a bicycle and I've seen a lot of good and bad drivers.

2006-07-27 22:02:44 · answer #4 · answered by Tom-SJ 6 · 0 0

There's nothing wrong with passing a motorcycle!

Just make sure you give them enough room. Don't swing in too close after passing them. Don't follow too close, either, in case they have brake fast, since they can stop faster than you.

I suspect most (if not all) motorcyclists who know what they're doing are respectful of the rules of the road. The idiot's aren't - but then they're the ones who have accidents and have long hospital stays (or worse), so they get weeded out. Granted, they may get replaced by new idiots.

Your biggest motivation, though, maybe that it'll keep YOU safe.

2006-07-27 22:00:18 · answer #5 · answered by unscurrilous 1 · 0 0

First of all THANK YOU for being cautious. Second the majority of the riders you are speaking of are young and inexperienced riders. Daddy buys them a sport bike with no accountability on learing how to ride safely. These guys and girls will eventually wreck and learn a hard lesson that could have been avoided with a little common sense and proper training. Their lack of respect for cars and other drivers will get them hurt and killed. Unforntunately that is what it takes for some of these guys to learn. I dont always wear my helmet but I do ALWAYS respect the road and others on it. Anything less is just stupid.

2006-07-28 04:06:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple Logic. You dont get what you want. you need to earn it. Hence, if you want the motorcycles (rather I should be saying the motorcycle riders) to respect you, learn to respect them too.

They pay the road tax too. They drive a machine too. Just because you have 4 and they have 2 (I'm talking about tyres here...... stop whacking your brains') doesnt mean that the road is yours.

Learn to share and learn to adjust. It will be a nice place to live in. And you cannot judge everyone just by the mistakes made by a handful of them. Wouldnt be right to put in equations here.

2006-07-28 02:45:58 · answer #7 · answered by Deepak M 1 · 0 0

It's like anything else in life. There are good riders and bad ones, just as there are good, safe, courteous drivers and those who drive down the road putting on eye makeup, chatting on their cell phone, reading the paper or a book, or doing a hundred other things not related to driving their car. When I'm on my motorcycle, I tell myself every time I get on, the whole world is out to kill me, that way when some idiot in a car doesn't see me and cuts me off in traffic, I'm ready for it. This little trick has saved my life on numerous occasions. As for the idiot motorcyclists out there, know that I dislike them at least as much as you do, these fools give all the rest of us a bad name.

2006-07-27 22:05:44 · answer #8 · answered by eyeque195 4 · 0 0


Thank you for your thoughtfull wording. Not all of us are the same, as you can see from these answers.
Riding has FORCED me to be more careful on the road,even in my car or truck. I watch everyone, just to stay alive.
The woman who totalled my bike (and almost ME with it) said "I never saw you." Classic, huh? I'll tell you why- she never turned her head to the right! She jumped straight from the stop sign into traffic-ME!
There are people just as bad on 2 wheels, unfortunately.
Lane splitting is dangerous and illegal in most places.
BTW--- try being the guy on the little Honda bxxxxxxg at the big biker dudes. I have been. Still do, even though it's a Harley now. It's my road as well as yours.

2006-07-28 19:05:52 · answer #9 · answered by Firecracker . 7 · 0 0

Most of the guys and girls I know that have motorcycles are excellent drivers, the ones that don't respect everyone else on the road are going to end dead because they did some stupid crap to get themselves killed. So my advice just don't worry about everyone else, just make sure you are keeping it safe and you'll be fine.

2006-07-28 12:15:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

maybe you need to ride a motorbike and see whether you still think risks are being taken and that motorcyclists have no respect.
many car drivers go out of their way to stop bikes from passing, very dangerous in itself and just for the record anyone who pretends to close a gap should expect to lose a wing mirror or teeth.
when car drivers begin to give space to bikes and realise that there tin cans cannot outpace even small bikes, then things may start to improve.

2006-07-28 18:19:43 · answer #11 · answered by chunky 5 · 0 1

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