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all u all that that thinks bein gay is okay will get proved wrong and when dat day comes...i wil laugh in your faces...if bein gay is not wrong how come people take years to come out?......y do sum people never come out?.....and you say bein gay not right............u r not born gay ..........it is a decision ....................

2006-07-27 14:15:19 · 29 answers · asked by ladysagg07 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

stop gettin arround the subject....i know how to spelll....i just like to summerize..damn!..dat aint the issue

2006-07-27 14:20:31 · update #1

correcting the wrong!

2006-07-28 10:48:17 · update #2

29 answers

The only day when being gay could possibly be "proved" wrong is after death (and no one's talking then)... or during your Armageddon, should it ever come. :)

Otherwise it's completely speculation. You have infinitely less proof for "wrongness" on a scientific scale, which is where everything *should* count.

People take years to come out because they're insanely afraid of being condemned by their family and friends--that's a frightening prospect. Because being gay is slowly becoming more acceptable has given others the courage to come out, doing it at a later point in their lives means nothing.

Some people never come out because they have families at that point--they've hidden away that side of themselves so long they don't see the point of ever showing it.

As for "choosing" to be gay--how can you say that when the VAST majority of gays say that they had been that way from the first time they were attracted to anyone?
Are they just lying to spite you?
I, personally, don't think sexuality is as simple as straight/gay, but many, many people will back me up to say that they never chose it, and that it would be next to impossible to even imagine changing themselves--and why should they?

Because your religion says so?

2006-07-27 14:48:22 · answer #1 · answered by Tedium 2 · 1 0

Wrong, who told you that!

Some people ARE born gay. Never heard of Predestination?

Science is now starting to prove it with the Genomes and the Bible says God has a plan for everyone's life.

If being Gay is God's plan, why do you choose to question God!

Not ALL gay people are born, that is true. Some chose to adopt the lifestyle for reasons of gratification!

But true gay people -- and science is finding the genetics of it all -- know by the age of 5 what they are, but they don't undestand the significance of it cultureally or sexaully until they get closer to 10 or 11. Then, it starts to hit them!

The Genome could well be God's plan for each individual. It certainly dictates everything about you physically, mentally and determines when your hair will turn gray and possible even when you will die.

If you don't believe in this, they way are so many religious people (including me) hesitant to let scientists tinker with it and do things like stem cell research. Because that's playing God!

I am very worried about tinkering with the genes!

LEarning about them is one thing. MAping them is cool. Finding out what each does is great. Does a person want their fortune told, that's up to the person. Once day Science might be able to do that.

Now, if Science, which once set out to "cure" Gays, discovers it's a physical reality and you can't change ("everything is FIXED and you can't change it" -- so said Jesus) what is, then everyone is going to have to live with the fact that some people are Black and some are Brown and some are White and some are Hetero and some are Homo.

Should we deprive blacks and homo's of their rights?! Some Christians have said blacks are animals. One group of Christians layers them. The Homosexuals on the bottom, the Jews next, then the Blacks, then the Heathens and Indians, then the Mexicans. The White folk's on top! They the good guys!

Is that was Christianity is about! Oppressing! Bigotry! Hatred!

Why did Jesus save the Fornicator Mary, when the Bible clearly says that fornicators are to be stoned (you're not a fornicator are you, fool around umarried, naughtly, naughty if you are! You're just as bad as a Homosexual if you fool around outside of marriage, even a little!).

Hey, let's go back to stoning fornicators. Sure will drop the population of the world if we do that!

LEt's follow the Bible and put them all to death!

Bible says do it! Jesus even was opposed to fornicators. Peter and Paul even said you aren't supposed to keep their company!

You keep the company of Fornicators! That goes against the Bible. You are NOT a Christian if you keep the company of Fornicators!!!

That IS in the BIBLE 1 Corinithians!

What of JEsus saying: Love your Enemy the most!

Love your neighbor as you love youself. Your neighbor is a crack dealer, a lawyer, a Jew, a Muslim, an Athiest, a Homosexual, a politician.

Did one of JEsus' disciples question him on that! Not a one!

Ah, yes. It's so nice to see Christianity in action! It make all the Athiests here warm in the tummy!

2006-07-27 14:34:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, you truly are ignorant! Who gave you the authority to say what is right and wrong? And it takes people years to come out because they are afraid of getting a reaction just like yours from some one they care about. It has nothing to do with it being "wrong".
And if you are saying that the bible says it's wrong, it also says that judging people is wrong. So you are just as guilty as you are claiming the homosexuals are.
And since you are so confident in your belief that it is a choice, then that must mean that you have some first hand knowlege into that fact and are gay yourself. That is the ONLY way you could be so positive that it's a choice and not the way you were born.

2006-07-27 14:33:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


All I can do is point and laugh at the Asker.

You so silly!

Best Wishes!

PS: Did you know there is a spell check option located directly above the Answer box?
Didn't think you did, but now you do! Although some would argue that it takes an IQ greater than that of seaweed to utilize it.
Go figure.

PPS: In response to your Question, you've just been corrected on many levels.

2006-07-27 14:53:12 · answer #4 · answered by Specious λ Neurotica 3 · 0 0

I think a lot of gay people take time coming out because people around the world are very ignorant and cruel and they spend most of the time trying to fight what naturally comes to them so that they wont be ridiculed by ignorant narrow minded grammatically challenged people. Some never come out because they are afraid they will lose their friends, family and be ostracized so they marry ignorant people who are grammatically challenged and live on the DL while their ignorant spouses with hour glass figures have no clue.

2006-07-27 14:52:03 · answer #5 · answered by Wheels 5 · 0 0

screw your "it is a decision" attitude. I did not choose this life! I dont want it but im not gonna lie to anyone or myself. Why would anyone choose a life of ridicule and torture??? You dont get harrassed when you walk down the street. You dont have to worry about how you walk or what you say or how you say things. Some life I "chose". Bullsh*t! You ppl are ignorant to think that gay ppl choose their lifestyles. Its because of ppl like you that gays dont come out sooner. They are afraid. Afraid just like you were until you fit in with ur little clique @ school. I was born this way. Im gonna die this way and no, not from aids. Dont be ignorant.

2006-07-27 14:23:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no individual's been shooting at me in anger in a lengthy time period. have not lost any friends at present to IED's. The wind has stopped blowing so I not chewing sand with each and every breath I take. So......issues are going fairly nicely and could be a lot more effective constructive in July at the same time as i'm out of the following. All praise and glory to the daddy, Son and the Holy Spirit. circumstances like this extremely make me grateful that my author, my Savior and my Counselor are continuously with me.

2016-10-15 10:09:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

your lack of english astounds me angel!! you would do well to correct your speaking before trying to argue here. go read a book and then come play at the grown up table. maybe if you can do a whole book you can start studying the news and will find out that is't been proven to be genetic. ooooh sorry, big word... we're born with it. as
a saggitarian female you are not to far from queer and bi. are you so angry because you've just met the right woman? has this lady got you questioning your self?

2006-07-27 14:25:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

... well... fortunately for you people have already alerted you to your bad grammar, so that'll save me some time.

People take years to come out and others may never come out because then they'd have to listen to nonsense, just like what you've got here. Now, what if things were to turn around? say in 20 years the homosexual population is greater than the heterosexual. are you still going to make rude remarks? i can say for sure that i wouldn't stoop to your level. you're lower than the dog crap on your shoe. one day you're gonna put your foot in it so bad that you won't be able to do anything but beg for forgiveness, and on that great day, you'll know what it's like to be put down.

now, post another question in here that is homophobic, you will be banned, and if not straight away, you will be. Oh, and in case you didn't understand any of that, to keep it simple... what goes around, comes around... and you are going to pay.

2006-07-27 18:54:25 · answer #9 · answered by i_am_nathan_2002 3 · 0 0

People are born gay, not all gays are born gay. Does that make sense to you. Also, it's because of society that people take so long to come out as gay. Nevertheless, I will be waiting for you in Hell (for other reasons not attributed with my secual orientation), and then will help the Devil made your eternity as harsh as I can.

2006-07-27 14:34:15 · answer #10 · answered by Danny H 3 · 0 0

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