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ok has anyone else been told that they dont know anythin bout the government? which brings me to my question/statement...gay marriage is not wrong. i am tired of people telling me i am stupid and that i know nothing of the government. so if u agree with me, fine, if u dont, fine. but just dont tell me that im stupid or that i dont know anything.

ok...so does anyone else thing gay marriage should be allowed??

2006-07-27 13:48:24 · 32 answers · asked by mdt 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

32 answers

People should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit as long as they do not harm others, murder women and children, invade other countries and stage events for a concealed 'New World Order'.

2006-07-27 13:52:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that gay marriage should be allowed. And here is why, all the people that are against gay marriage say that in the bible it says marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Well right there when people start quoting that stuff, that means that Church and State are not separated which is against the Constitution. The ones that don't know anything are the fanatics that preach about how gay marriage is bad, but have to resort to using a book that was written around 2000 years ago. Now I am not trying to bash religion I am just saying that the bible isn't supposed to have any influence on laws that are made or trying to be made or whatever the case may be.

2006-07-27 14:08:44 · answer #2 · answered by tre_loc_dogg2000 4 · 0 0

Okay...here's this issue or issues as I see them.

The first issue is that we have a very corrupted and evil group in the white house right now. If they had their way, they'd still be out hunting witches and hanging them.

Secondly, the word marriage is equated with the bible. Since the bible does actually imply that homosexuality is wrong, it feeds fuel to the fire that homosexuals should not be allowed to be "married." See?

What they actually seek is a civil union. Personally, I don't care. But I think perhaps that the wording should be changed...

I don't know if it would make any difference-besides, the white house is filled with a bunch of closet gays who oppose gay marriage because it makes them look at themselves.

As for people telling you that you are stupid. Don't sweat it. Those are the very same people who can only quote phrases from the bible and believe our government's rhetoric. We all get it at least once.

Shine on. They simply don't matter.

Incidentally, for those of you who accuse this girl of being ILLITERATE--you might try using your spell check more. I'm not seeing too many bright bulb answers from you.

2006-07-27 14:22:25 · answer #3 · answered by lilly 5 · 0 0

As for being stupid, I'm not going to say that.But what I will say is you lack some, no not just some, a lot of wisdom and understanding.

You dont seem to understand that there's a reason for God(Jesus Christ) making our sexual organs the way he did. Or as I hear the argument more comonly reffered to as is....Purpose & Design. Yes there is something very wrong with homosexuality; it goes against the purpose of why God designed the penus and vigina. The purpose is so that the life he created would have a way to reproduce itself. So he designed it according to the purpose He had in mind. He made it so that the man's sexual organ would geometricly fit into the woman's sexual organ, and the woman would concieve and carry a child in her womb for several months. The purpose of the sexual organs was not for us to do whatever the hell we want with them; which is the attitude gay people are taking is that you can do what ever the hell you want. Did God give you sexual organs?Yes! Did God give you a free will? Yes! Becuase He does not want robots who's every move is programmed. He wants us to make the active choice to do right or to do wrong.
In the case of gay people, their unfortunately making the choice to do wrong. Why is it wrong? Because again, engaging in homosexuality was not the purpose of the design; was not the reason for giving us sexual organs. And yes God explicatly makes it clear that he doesnt approve of us using our penus and vigina's for reasons that go against His purpose for designing and making them. He says homosexuality is an abomination; an abomination being sins worst than the rest.God might not of liked the sins in the Ten Commandments; but when he says something is an abomination, that means He hates it He loathes it, absolutely will not stand for it.
And yes God loves every body as people and his creations, but he does not like the behavior we engage in. So if you hav'nt figured it out already, I am certainly against gay marriage. I pray you come to your senses before you get to the judgement where God will judge you. Not man, not woman, God will judge you. I cant remember the scripture exactly, but I do remember that among some other types of people, homosexuals are among those that wont be let in to the kingdom of God. Dont misunderstand me now, as I said I hope you come to your senses before the judgement. Although it is an abomination, it can still be forgiven if you honestly and sincerely repent to God. The only sin I remember that God wont forgive is Blaspheming the holy spirit. Meaning to cuss or curse God. But certainly allowing gay marriage would be the biggest or one of the biggest mistakes the U.S.A. could and would make if we allowed that.

P.S.-You should grab a christian Bible and read it from Genesis all the way to Revelation.

2006-07-28 16:57:11 · answer #4 · answered by Maurice H 6 · 0 0

im not sure how you could know nothing about the government BECAUSE you were for gay marraige, it just doesn't make logical or grammatical sense. BUT I do agree with you, people should be able to marry who they want. In fact, people should leave marraige alone and allow our government to only recognize civil unions. Marriage is a matter for God to recognize, whereas a man and another man should be able to legaly enjoy the benefits of a civil union. All marriages should civil unions, while the ceremony and thought behind it wouldn't change, it would be a technical point allowing two men to join together legaly. As for any religions that allow gay marriage, it would allow them to continue this legaly in the U.S

2006-07-27 13:53:08 · answer #5 · answered by vashnok 2 · 0 0

Marriage is a matter for God. A man or woman and another man or woman should be able to legally enjoy the benefits of a civil union. I just don't think the word marriage is the right word for two people of the same sex joining in a union. That is my opinion, and I totally understand that there are many other opinions out there. I truly hope I didn't offend anyone.

2006-07-27 13:57:37 · answer #6 · answered by snovak49849 3 · 0 0

A personal belief is just that...personal. There isn't and shouldn't be a "right" or "wrong" about it. I don't see how knowing nothing about the government and your personal beliefs really correlate but, I suppose, to some it does.

Remember that there are people who love to hide behind the anonymity of the internet and stir up trouble, attack someone simply because they can. Doesn't take courage to heap abuse and judgement upon someone you don't know and won't have to face up to. More a total lack thereof but then...who am I to judge?

And yeah, I think gay marriage should be allowed. My personal belief, I'm entitled to it just like you :D

As for those that call you stupid or evil or sinner or whatever judgemental insight they choose to heap upon you for your personal belief? Blow em a big fat raspberry and move on! lol

2006-07-27 14:02:32 · answer #7 · answered by sarhibar 3 · 0 0

Yes I believe it should be allowed, at least in the sense of a 'civil union'. Admittedly, it would be very problematic for a gay couple to marry within the realm of the church (for obvious reasons), yet such couples are still most definitely entitled to equal legal recognition. To deny homosexual couples the right to be officially 'married' would be to withhold a fundamental democratic right. So, in short, although marriage is traditionally a heterosexual institution geared for producing offspring, in the eyes of the law and a democratic society, gay couples have every right to formally wed under secular circumstances.

2006-07-27 14:05:06 · answer #8 · answered by Tired S 2 · 0 0

People can think whatever they want. What they don't seem to understand is marriage is more than a piece of paper. It is a HOLY union and the Bible speaks against it so it won't be honored in the truest sense no matter what the government decides.

2006-07-27 13:54:56 · answer #9 · answered by vanembryzoe 2 · 0 0

I Think gay marriage should be aloud. I don't think any acts of love between two consenting adults in any government should be forbidden.

civil marriage should be to anyone who wants to do it. Civil= civilians (means everyone)!

What bugs me is why people who say they are against gay marriage aren't against young girls near 17/18 years old marrying men over 40 where obvious money issues/ family are involved. If you like and want to stop people for getting married, stop these first please!

2006-07-27 14:01:08 · answer #10 · answered by cifurtrue 2 · 0 0

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