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Does this date mean anything 02/02/1980 ? whats cool and not too cool about it . I don't read Horoscopes ,but it is my BD and i want to see what it means .. I like this part 02/02 . Funny thing i have an easy SSN . I won't write it here , but it goes something like 4488then a number like 7 then it ends with numbers like 1212 .. My cell phone # is not that hard to miss too . I notice all numbers in my life seem very easy ! Does this mean anything ? Thanks

2006-07-27 13:22:15 · 5 answers · asked by Muhipac 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

5 answers

Check into numerology.

2006-07-27 13:41:07 · answer #1 · answered by Maybalee 3 · 3 1

Yeah That Your Thinking A Little To HArd Sleep On It BABE

2006-07-27 20:29:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It means your birth number is 2
Another number that may have a bearing on your life is 4.

Basically this means nothing unless seen in context with your name and where you live.

2006-07-27 20:50:28 · answer #3 · answered by StatIdiot 5 · 0 0

Milly, thats plagiarism

2006-07-28 00:10:16 · answer #4 · answered by Life Is Great 4 · 0 0

Numerology Analysis: February 2, 1980
Personal Year: 3
Self-expression and optimism fill your moments now. The waiting period is over and it's time to jump up and get on with things. Luck is on your side, and you seem to shine with sunny warmth and enthusiasm which draws well-wishers, (and potential benefactors), to you from near and far. Creative pursuits, travel, and communication of every kind is emphasized now. This time can bring an actual "birth", or a figurative one in the form of a new business or career, a work of art or even a new self-image. The important thing is that you use this time of opportunity to the best of your advantage and find new ways to express who you are.

Personal Month: 1
This is the month to start the new project. Initiate something. Give birth to an idea, an invention, or a child. There is assistance now and you get what you ask for.

Personal Day: 1
Wear red! Go for it! Ask, begin, and be confident! Everyone's on your side today.

Destiny: 22
The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. This "master number" requires the bearer to dedicate their life to philanthropic aims and service on a world-wide scale. Your destiny gives you the potential to accrue vast wealth, power and greatness through inspired and constructive reformation of social standards. No matter what form your fortune takes, it will be important that it benefits large groups of people in some way. Number 22 is a higher octave of the number 4 and may be experienced as such, or fluctuate during your lifetime.

The destiny is divided into 3 great cycles, each governing us for specific durations throughout our life. The Seed cycle begins at birth and colors our experiences through childhood and adolescence. During the year nearest our 28th birthday, we move into the Fruit cycle which remains throughout the middle part of our life until the year nearest our 56th birthday, and the Harvest cycle carries on from there. Taken all together, the cycles show us our particular path that will lead to the fulfillment of our destiny.

Seed: 2
When the 2 cycle is the seed cycle, emotions seem to be always on the surface and tears flow freely. Twos are usually very shy children, and tend to attract people who need a "good listener". They sometimes play counselor to all their friends, but the one who listens to them as well is their "best friend".

Fruit: 2
Cooperation, adaptability and diplomacy shape the experience during the 2 cycle. It is a time to collect knowledge and to be of service to others, becoming sensitive to their feelings and learning patience. It is a waiting period, gestation. Psychic development is likely.

Harvest: 9
This is a time for humanitarian efforts, and philanthropy. You have plenty of opportunities for learning, philosophising and teaching what you've acquired as understanding through experience. Artistic or literary pursuits are successful now.

The four pinnacles reveal the high spots or heights of attainment that we are likely to encounter as we move along the path of our life. The 1st pinnacle lasts from birth to around age 28. The 2nd pinnacle lasts for 9 years after that. the 3rd pinnacle lasts 9 more years, and the 4th pinnacle carries on through the rest of our life. The peak of the pinnacle is reached during the next 1 personal year. Pinnacles are like sudden inheritances from a benevolent aunt, they can transform the prevailing energies completely and suddenly. It is useful to look ahead and prepare for our pinnacles so that we can maximize their gifts to us and shape them into the most positive manifestation.

First Pinnacle: 4
This is a period of practical, orderly construction. Creativity can be harnessed and focused on a goal. The practical, hard work you are doing now is building a strong foundation for the rest of your life to grow from.

Second Pinnacle: 11
Spiritual expansion, inspiration, and invention are likely results from the high vibrational energies of the 11 pinnacle. Fame, acclaim, and even a devoted circle of followers are another possibility. Psychic abilities are increased and should be developed. Artistic expression is inspired and original creations may be born.

Third Pinnacle: 6
Family and community harmony are where your energies have the best effect now. Relationships can improve, or even begin during this period. You have an eye for the aesthetic, which could prove beneficial for re-decorating, landscaping or collecting art.

Fourth Pinnacle: 11
Legacies and inheritances may come to you now, however, it is not the time for any kind of commercial pursuit. Now is the time to harness the high vibrational energies surrounding you and channel them into something useful that benefits all. Invention and inspiration are yours for the asking.
Challenges The three challenges show us the major influences demanding our attention during specific sections of our lifetime. The 1st challenge influences the years from birth to age 28. The 2nd challenge takes over from age 28 to 52, and the third affects us our whole life. Challenges shape our attitudes and can affect our health. These vibrations that challenge us, cause either an exaggeration of the associated qualities or a lack of them, both of which are extremes which need to be brought into balance.

First Challenge: 0
0 brings the challenge of balancing selfishness with selflessness. There is usually some reason that the child is forced into independence early. They are sometimes born of older parents or to large families where they are made to be responsible for younger siblings, or small families where they play the role of parent to their own parents. The 0 challenge is sometimes called the challenge of the "old soul", and the children are likely to be very wise. In the teenage years they become loners or profound, romantic poets. They begin their life long search for a soulmate.

Second Challenge: 7
The challenge of intellectual freedom and life's deep, hidden mysteries. The 7 must learn to conquer their self-doubt and fear so that they may reveal to the world all of the profound discoveries that their agility of mind has uncovered. Usually preferring to be alone, or else with one other like-minded searcher, the 7 needs to make the effort to be around people if only as an avenue to share the knowledge. "Following your bliss", and having faith in yourself and your fellow man are the keys to balancing the 7 challenge.

Third Challenge: 7
This is the challenge of transforming fear into faith. It often leads one to live a life of reclusive intellectual probing into the deepest recesses of knowledge and mystery. Consequently, the 7 challenge can be the making of a genius. The CHALLENGE is that the genius is so full of self-doubt and fear that they are unable to share their wisdom with the world, which is a remedy for this challenge. All limitations are self-imposed. They often appear aloof to others, and are so self-depreciating that their fear of loneliness can be a self fulfilling prophesy. The 7 challenge asks us to cultivate faith in ourselves, our ideas and our intuition. To come out into the world and let down our defenses so that others may benefit from intellectual and spiritual genius.

It sounds like to mean you have balance 2 + 2 = 4 that is Balance.
4 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 6 so Family & Friends "Healing"
7 is Spiritual
1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = which is 6 again
What the numbers means to me that you are Spiritual and a Healer and have Balance.
So with these great quailties you must be a great friend and a parent or just a great person all round.
11 is a Master Teacher
22 is a Master Builder
33 is a Master Marta

Love & Blessings

2006-07-27 23:30:21 · answer #5 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0


2006-07-28 00:16:42 · answer #6 · answered by orsock2000and1 1 · 0 0

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