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Why are so many people against homsexuals adopting children? There are sooo many children without parents who are going to end up with nothing when then turn 18. Why not let a homosexual couple adopt a child if they want to give them a good loving home?

And don't try to say because they will be raped and beat or because the homo's want to turn those children into gays too.

Why not give as many children a safe and loving home as possible?

2006-07-27 12:55:43 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

31 answers

Here is a link to an excellent article published by Planned Parenthood. It is based on research and study and not myths and legends as are propagated by some of the previous posters.

Gay and Lesbian couples are excellent, loving parents.

People who molest children or abuse children are BAD PEOPLE, regardless of sexual orientation.

Please take a minute to at least skim this article.


2006-07-27 15:06:48 · answer #1 · answered by Robert C 2 · 7 1

It's really disturbing some of the answers you received to your question. For Alli R who said they shouldn't be allowed to adopt so they can't rape their adoptive kids. What an incredible ignorant statement to make! Because someone is gay, that means they are child molesters and rapist? People like that need to check their facts! The average child-molester is a white suburbia STRAIGHT man. And if a gay person did molest a child, it wouldn't be because he or she was gay, it would be because they are evil, just as a straight person who molest a child is evil!
And john s who wants to know why a a gay person would want to adopt. My guess is because like many other people in the world, they want to have a family! And finally, HillierT, I would like to see this guys documented proof that a male child being raised by two gay men would mean that child is more likely to become gay, then a boy who isn't raised by two men. Seriously, prove that! As long as you love your children and take care of them the way should,children that come from gay families will turn out to be just as stable as any child raised by straight parents. I know people will say the kids would be teased, but kids are going to get teased no matter what! And if parent's raised their children to accept other people for who they are, then maybe
their kids wouldn't turn out to be mean little bullies! I think anyone who can offer a child a good and loving home should be given the chance to do that.

2006-07-27 13:58:28 · answer #2 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0

My guess is that it is a moral right wing stance and it really has nothing to do with the well being of a child at all. Some people raise personal concerns and they are valid to a point... but, there are many straight people who are not suitable to be parents. My dad (biological one) is a great example... he beat me as a child and did some other things that no father figure should ever do in the pressense of a child. There is the fear that "the child will be molested or turned" but in truth, the chances of them being turned are rather slim... (In my eyes anyway because I consider homosexuality to be genetics) and there is also that stupidly out-dated idea that homosexuals are pedephiles... when oddly enough... statisticly, straight people fill that category more than gays do.
So... Right Wing mumbo jumbo... that's what I think. It is yet another way for them to impose their morals and views on everyone else.

2006-07-27 13:03:24 · answer #3 · answered by Whatev' Yo' 5 · 0 0

I think they should be able to adopt. But, to answer your question, I think the reason it's looked down upon is because the human race spends far too much time focusing on that dumb piece of paper that "supposedly" indicates committment, i.e. a marriage license. I think that people feel gay and lesbian couples are not as committed because they are not "married". Therefore, may not provide as stable a home as a heterosexual couple. So, in the end, if people would be more open minded to a committment rather than a signed "contract" maybe more homosexual couples could adopt!

2006-07-27 13:03:05 · answer #4 · answered by spain_105 2 · 1 0

i don't think that homosexuals have the right to expose a child to their lifestyle. Simply put, homosexuality is a choice and one that should not be tolerated. Just because many do it doesn't make it acceptable. So, for the child to be around that kind of living is worse than having no home at all. You can't expect reasonable answers to a tilted question. The facts show that some children of homosexual adoptees are indeed sexually abused as well as influenced by the lifestyle. Read carefully, I did not say all.

2006-07-27 13:02:16 · answer #5 · answered by Awesome Bill 7 · 0 1

Actually, Florida (Jeb Bush country) is the ONLY state in the nation that absolutely outlaws gay adoptions. But in some other states it is tough because the state contracts out a lot of the state-sponsored foster care and adoption to faith-based (so called) agencies that are run by the Catholic Church and some conservative christian (small c) churches. These groups, while they are paid to carry out the wishes of the state, do impose some of their own religious belief into the process, making it harder for gay people to adopt.

2006-07-27 14:25:15 · answer #6 · answered by michael941260 5 · 1 0

Any home that is filled with love is the right home for a child. There are a lot of people who should not be parents. Biology is not always the best, it can be the worst.
I don't care if you are purple with 1 orange eye in the middle of your forehead, you should be able to adopt, as long as your heart if full of love.

2006-07-27 13:05:07 · answer #7 · answered by ladytc 6 · 1 0

I used to be so against this, and that is strange onsidering i have family/friends that are gay.

I alsways thought that it was wrong to force a child to participate in a social experiment, then I realised that all those children borne to parents of different races are also social experiments.

In short, I think as long as the couple are happy, and in a good relationship then there is no reason for them not to be parents

2006-07-27 13:00:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My partner and I pondered this question and questions related to it for a long time.

Then we adopted a 4 year old girl (she is 9 now) who had been passed around the foster system since she was a baby. Without a stable home environment (among other, much more unpleasant problems in some of those foster homes), she was well behind in her development compared to other kids her age.

Here's a little story for you.

My daughter came home from school one day and told us a boy on the playground was giving her a hard time about having two moms and no dad. We knew this would happen one day, and this was the day.

So we sat down to talk to her about it, expecting we would have to make her feel better about it. Instead, we had the following conversation, which isn't verbatim, but will give you the idea.

Kid: "XXX was teasing me today about you guys."
Me: "What did he say?"
Kid: "He said I was a freak because I have two mommies and no daddy."
Me: "What did you say back to him?"
Kid: "I asked him if his parents love him."
Me: (surprised) "Why did you ask him that?"
Kid: "I told him that I'm nice to people, even if they are different, because it makes my mommies happy, and that makes them love me more."

The fact is, we have never actually SAID that to her. She must have just picked it up from how we act around other (different) people.

Me: (still surprised) "That's right, you should be nice to everyone, and treat them with respect."
Kid: (rolling her eyes) "I KNOW that, mommy!"
Me: "So what did he say when you asked him that?"
Kid: "He said yea, his parents love him."
Me: "Do you think his parents want him to be nice to people?"
Kid: "I don't know, but he sure isn't nice to ANYone. He makes fun of lots of kids."

She told me that this bully made fun of black kids, asian kids, fat kids, etc., anyone who is "different."

So I put a call in to the school, and the teacher confirmed that this kid was a real problem. My wife and I offered to meet with this kid's parents, but the teacher called back after calling them, and said they weren't interested in talking to us, that their kid wasn't the problem.

The teacher sympathized with me, and told me she (and a lot of other parents) disagreed with this kid's parents.

By the way, our daughter is 9 now, at the head of her class, and is the pride and joy of our lives. Sweet and bright and wonderful, she is. All she needed was a home, a chance, and a lot of love... and my partner and I had those things to offer.

I shudder to think what would have become of her had we not taken her out of that system. And there are tens of thousands of kids awaiting adoption... some of whom never get their chance.

I'm amazed that anyone would think that a child is better off getting passed around in the foster system than in a stable home environment, particularly one in which the prospective parents go through an intensive professional screening process. This is not only anti-gay, but anti-child.

2006-07-27 14:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel as though if you think you and your partner are ready to adopt children then they should be able. it doesnt matter what your sexual prefrence(sp?) is every human being is capable of giving love and a good home to somebody. And why would a homo want somebody to be gay and beat their kids homosexual most of them have had their peronsal experiance of being tormented and teased about being gay so i dont think that they would care what sexual prefrence their adopted children choose as long as their happy.

2006-07-27 13:02:36 · answer #10 · answered by Matt C 1 · 1 0

The people who are against it are the ones who are prejudiced against homosexuals. The same ones who support amending hate and discrimination into the constitution.

If a homosexual couple wants to adopt and they have the means to do it then I support it 100%.

2006-07-27 13:00:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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