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How many agree with me, that if they have been to school during the day, they should not be required to take work home.

I work all day, and I dont take work home with me, I could, but I dont out of principal. Parents could spend an evening at school, if its the schools intention to encourage help from home, which is fair enough. Does anyone out there agree???? or is it just me?

2006-07-27 12:40:02 · 21 answers · asked by SUPER-GLITCH 6 in Education & Reference Homework Help

21 answers

There are some good reasons for homework, and it is certainly necessary for projects and long-term developments.

It also helps to build up a long-term memory, the ability to work alone (without supervision) and establishes basis patterns of self-discipline.

However, there should be a fair balance and no child should be burdened with homework beyond a reasonable amount.

2006-07-28 00:21:10 · answer #1 · answered by Sean F 4 · 10 0

The more the child does in class, than it is highly unlikely that he/she will have to take the work at home.

Teachers have a certain amount of classroom time to teach the children a certain topic, if the majority of the group of children keep mucking around, then the teacher has no option but to ask/tell the children they must do X, Y and Z at home.

There were some children who I went to school with who had finished EVERYTHING three quarters of the way through the lesson, and others who had done virtually nothing because they were messing around. The fast children had nothing or very little to do, but the trouble makers had loads to take home, so they could keep up.

2006-07-28 08:09:56 · answer #2 · answered by k 7 · 0 0


Say you decided to learn to play the guitar. You would have a lesson about once a week.

Do nothing at all with the guitar until your lesson the following week.

Repeat this pattern and how long do you think it will take for you to MASTER the theory of music let alone play the guitar.

It is virtually impossible to be taught one part of an extended program of learning if you have not practised each stage AT HOME in your own time.

To Progress you must Practice.

However, if you wish to become a dropout without any real character, or prospects of advancement, then stick to your 'principles'.

Incidentally, you will never be a 'PRINCIPAL' as quoted in your question. Speaks volumes for your 'PRINCIPLES' and antipathy towards homework.

2006-07-28 08:49:50 · answer #3 · answered by CurlyQ 4 · 0 0

I agree, too much pressue is put on education, when real education, comes from living in the world.

We have far too many mental health problems in children today, created by this dangerous pressure, of constant education.

Once you can read and write and add up what you earn and spend, you are capable of learning anything and coping with the outside world.

Academics go to school, to college, and university then back to school to teach our young, never having grown out of the childish behaviour stage themselves.

They have absolutely no idea about the real world, and only keep kids in education as long as possible, to secure their own jobs!

Never more so, than in the past three decades, when the birth rate dropped dramatically and they feared for their jobs!

2006-07-27 19:57:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe that children should stay in school until 5 each day and then they would get the extra time under proper teacher supervision and have no homework,it would make things easier for parents as no after school supervision would be required and no child would be penalised because their parents dont have the time or the aptitude to help them with their homework !

2006-07-27 19:45:09 · answer #5 · answered by any 4 · 0 0

learning is an ongoing process... you shoudl want you child learning 24/7 even if that means you have to help them with homework after you have a long day at work.

Also there is not enought time during a school day for children to finsih all work. Homework may be an chance for the child to finish what he was unable to finsih during school or its a way to supplement and reinforce what the child learned.

2006-07-27 19:45:23 · answer #6 · answered by KLL 2 · 0 0

If you are questioning the validity of children being given homework: you must be one of three things:-

A student aged 4-18 and still in full-time education.

A Parent who has no interest in seeing what his/her child is up to & capable of: other than twice a year on open evening!!


A teacher who is sick of having to mark it!!

Homework is a necessary & important evil!!

It helps to re-enforce what the child has learnt at school in a given subject: it encourages independent study: revision: and self discipline: and more importantly, it gives the parents a chance to get involved and share in their child’s education, while having valuable one-one time with the child!!

Most given homework should only take a couple of hours to do, and generally many kids get a couple of days to do it (or that’s how it is for my kids in their school)… so it is not much time out on their part!! And at least while they are doing their homework: they are not sat in front of the TV, playing Games Consoles, chatting on MSN, running up text message bills on their mobiles: or causing havoc on the streets!!!

Children get enough time to play & have fun… You should be encouraging & teaching your child the importance of working hard in school, doing his/her homework, getting a good education & good grades: and though they may not see it ‘NOW’: what that will mean for them in the future!!

2006-07-27 20:14:58 · answer #7 · answered by englands.glory 4 · 0 0

You're not going to get much support on this one kiddo.
We did it, now it's your turn.
And from the looks of your English and spelling skills I know just what you need to work on.

And if you think it's unfair to have to take work home with you now, just wait until you get into the real world. You've got a shock in store for you.

2006-07-27 19:43:59 · answer #8 · answered by J.D. 6 · 0 0

it sounds like homework is a waste of time. All you are doing is practicing so you will retain it much better. I hated it when i was little but now I am so glad and I miss school. I wish i did not have to go to work everyday and just go to school.. woww. good all days no worries...

2006-07-27 19:49:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont agree,

there is probably a million and one things you would much rather do than homework, so it teaches you that you cant always get what you want. which really will stand you in good stead when you get older.

plus you learn at the same time!

life sucks eh!

so get off the internet and get your homework done you lazy s**t!!!

2006-07-27 20:02:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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