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So Israel decides to track the Hezbollah and they find them right beside the UN post. Do they send ground troops? No

Do they say hey UN troops get on the nexxt plane because the ne after that is going to level the place? NO

Do they do anything but take the risk? NO

What has Israel said with this latest statement ? Yes we knew YES we ordered it and no we did nothing to protect the lives of UN observers . Are they blameing someone else for thier actions yes!

Can you say murder don't care who gets hurt complete indifference?

They knew they ordered they acted they bombed they killed. Not hezbollah Israel .

What I don't understand is why they are getting away with it?

2006-07-27 12:00:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Israel is a nation - Israel is getting away with murder. Hideing the criminal acts of Israel with an oh "anti semite" is the weakest reasoning I have ever heard.

The nation of Israel killed one of my citezens and did nothing to protect them HOW is that anti Jewish .

Since when did Israel speak for all Jews and why can't yu just answer the question without hiding behind oh he's predujuice?

YOU ARE trying to control speech and questioning of the actions of a nation and you call me a nazi? Hypocrite!

2006-07-27 12:18:40 · update #1

13 answers

"I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defense Forces of a UN observer post in southern Lebanon"
"The co-ordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long established and clearly marked UN post ... occurred despite personal assurances given to me by (Israeli) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would be spared Israeli fire."

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan 7/25/06

"But you need to look at the events of yesterday,” he urged. “The shelling of the UN position, which is long-established and clearly marked, started in the morning and went on till after 7:00 p.m., when we lost contact.”

“You can imagine the anguish of the soldiers and the men and women – unarmed military observers – who were down there in the service of peace,” he said, stressing that the peacekeepers were in frequent touch with the Israeli army, pleading with them to avoid striking their location"
Kofi Annan, 7/26/06, Rome

It appears Israel does not want the UN. to witness their Genocidal war crimes.

2006-07-27 12:08:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Israel dropped thousands of leaflets warning people to get out
of the area.
Its sad that UN troops got killed, but War is Hell.
The UN needs to get out of Lebanon until the hostilities are over.
Everyone else still in Southern Lebanon should also get out
and allow the IDF to secure the area from the Hezbollah terrorists.
Everywhere the UN has gone the problems continue.

Look at Korea. That is the first UN action in its history and
the problems are only worst.
As much as I like Truman, he made a big mistake in not allowing
our forces to secure Korea completely and go into China
and finish the job. We're still paying for it 55 years later.

Israel must do what it is doing now or this situation will continue
for another 50 years or more.

I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!

EDIT: ammar910. When Hezbollah kidnapped the 2 IDFs
they murdered 6 during the action. This hostility was on
Israeli soil, so that makes it an act of war. Israelis are descendants of Shem so if you are anti-Israeli, you are anti-Semite

mixmaster Israel has been around for thousands of years.
Read your Bible.

Dd, Pres. Chimp maybe you could do a little unbiased research.
You might find "From Time Immemorial-The Origins of the
Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine", by Joan Peters JKAP
Publishers, purchased at Borders a very interesting read.

2006-07-27 13:52:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

And how about the UN workers who didn't evacuate when they should have? They spent hours on the phone trying to tell BOMBS that can't help where they fall to be careful? And they stayed there?

I feel bad about the UN soldiers, but when you're in the middle of a war zone, with bombs going off all around you, do you stay or do you go? You get the F* out! They didn't.

It is a well known tactic, for those of us who actually study and read instead of just react, that terrorists COMMONLY hide and camp out next to sensitive targets -- like mosques and Christian Churches in Bethlehem (but I guess that's okay, right) and UN buildings, because they know that if Israel, or the US, or soe other force misses and hits the sensitive target, there will be hell to pay. Does this stop them? NO! It's a way for them to keep themselves safe while attacking their enemies.

Israel dropped leaflets, the UN knew they were coming. They had a chance to get out; they didn't. Accidents happen, but because it's Israel that means they did it on purpose? Don't you think it's more correct to call it what it really is? Terrorists who hide next to innocent people and hole themselves up in Mosques and Chuchres are cowards, wanting to kill as many of their own countrymen as well as their enemy?

And yes, I feel bad for those UN workers; they should have gotten out. They also should have done something other than nothing while Hezbollah was busy smuggling 13,000 rockets right in to Lebanon under the UN's nose.

2006-07-27 12:11:52 · answer #3 · answered by Rebecca 7 · 0 0

Israel tried in every way possible to live peacefully with its neighbors. They are surrounded on all sides with countries that harbor terrorists. From the day Israel was established, the attacks began. The Israelis even bulldozed their own settlements and gave the land to the Arabs, but nothing short of the annihilation of Israel would satisfy them. The suicide bombers got on Israeli school buses and went into the market places. Missiles were aimed at resorts and cities and hundreds more were poised on the border. Israel even built a wall but it didn't keep the terrorists out. When 2 soldiers were kidnapped, Israel had enough. The did what the US should be doing; they went after the terrorist's headquarters and training grounds. These are the same terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 and have attacked Britain, India and other countries. Israel is the only ally of the US in the Middle East and the only democracy in the region. They have a right to defend themselves

2006-07-27 12:06:15 · answer #4 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

You anti-Semites are all the same. You cry when a UN terrorist is killed but say nothing when Hezbollah launches an attack on Israeli soil. Sad. by the way give my regards to Adolph.

2006-07-27 12:04:13 · answer #5 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 0 0

UN "peacekeepers" have been on the border for years, they do nothing. Now they're going to provide cover for the murdering islamo-facists? No way. Israel is on the front line in the war against islamo-facists that want to make me wear a burka and not drink beer. To hell with them and the do-nothing pro-terrorist UN.

By the way, I reported you for abuse. Your "question" is WAY to long, and you're an ignorant nazi.

2006-07-27 12:05:55 · answer #6 · answered by kimmyisahotbabe 5 · 0 0

it is so easy to call others terrorist as long as they are your enemy and you have the power and the media. who began this war against civilians was it Hezbollah or Israel? Hezbollah kidnapped two soliders not civilians and Israel pumped the cities.
by the way anti-Israel doesn't mean anti-Semites or it does. please let me know

2006-07-27 12:17:21 · answer #7 · answered by moral910 2 · 0 0

Israeli Zionist scum murdered those UN workers in cold blood, drag the Zionist Israelis and their buddy BUSH to a World International Court and find them guilty and throw them in jail where they belong

2006-07-27 12:02:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

bud there's nothing called israeli soil ..it's called israeli occupied palestenian soil ..israel is just like cancer inhaboted a place and is spreading it's filth around and the carrier is us (usa) do u think when they stop killing civilians and give each human it's right they will get attacked ???i guess not but they refuse to give anything back and they killed more than 600 civilians in lebanon bcz they refused to give 3 lebanese prisoners back ...it's pure terror

2006-07-27 12:08:44 · answer #9 · answered by Mix-Master 2 · 0 0

Maybe if the UN had stuck with Resolution 1559 none of this would have happened. What am I saying, the UN's resolutions are about as useful as it is.

2006-07-27 12:06:07 · answer #10 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

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