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. I love the way we allow people to die because they can’t afford health care
. I love the way consumption of resources is a right, not a privilege
. I love the way homeless people are left on the streets to rot
. I love the way guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people
. I love the way our president struggles with the English Language
. I love the way we think we are the best country, but we know nothing of other countries
. I love the way obese people are just ‘heavy’ and gluttony isn’t a sin
. I love the way foreigners are viewed as a burden, but we see no harm in employing them at $4 per hour.
. I love the way black people are demonized by the media and marginalized in ghettos
. I love the way our wars are about righteousness, not profit
. I love the way we jail a shop lifter, but slap the wrist of a corporate thief
. I love the way we trust the media, but don’t trust our next door neighbour
. I love the way half of all marriages end in divorce
. I love the way Christianity has more influence over policy than logic
. I love the way criticism of our country is considered un-patriotic

.What do you love about our country?

2006-07-27 10:45:56 · 44 answers · asked by reality check 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

44 answers

What I love about America is that the Canadian border is nearby, in case things get much worse. America has been a culture in decline for 50 years. The political system is becoming more corrupt and fascist. The public is too brainwashed, ignorant or complacent to do anything about it. The gap between the rich and everyone else has never been greater. Many people here have blinders on, and just wave their tattered American flag. People get the government they deserve. 50 years ago a husband with one job could support an entire family comfortably. Now, often both spouses work...sometimes two jobs each...and have less wealth than 50 years ago.

2006-07-27 11:03:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

people in our country starve because we waste so much, if we would help each other then starvation would not exist.
people in our country are homeless because no one will pick up a hammer or a broom and help make shelters or repair worn out houses to give the homeless a place to sleep.
Guns that are owned by stupid people and irresponsible parents kill people along with the drugs that we ignore in our neighborhoods because we do not want to get involved.
Our president is a person and no person has been created perfect.
on whether we think we are the best country is an opinion held by each person not to be judged on by a single person.
some people are heavy for other reasons other than gluttony, and there are six other deadly sins maybe you should know them.
not all foreigners are a burden but consider this in the state that I live in money that should have been earmarked for waivers to help handicapped children and the elderly was used to cover immigrant healthcare instead and I pay taxes.
if you would read statistics crime in black youth is on the rise and I have never seen anyone putting a demon mask on a black man.
Our wars are to help people who have no freedom so that they can live free of tyranny.
You can only trust people so far with all the predators that are on the loose.
Marriages are not always right and people fall in love for fear of being alone.
Again religion is a matter of personal preference.
An lastly criticism of our country is never unpatriotic unless it is unjustified and full of hate and malice.
I love our country because when in need we help.
when there seems to be no hope we find it.
and no matter what when it comes time to defend our country all people stand up without regard to age, religion, wealth, or race. Maybe it is time for you to look for good in yourself and the world because you seem to be a very bitter person.

2006-07-27 11:06:34 · answer #2 · answered by osu2720@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

Wow. I understand the sentiment but guess I'm having trouble with the sarcasm. Sorry. I don't love any of those things either. What I do love is freedom of speech and travel, even if no one listens and even if I don't have a way to get around. As someone who has suffered many of the above indignities, I would like to see more done here and less done there. All I can do is keep saying it. Thanks for the opportunity.

2006-07-27 10:51:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love the way how people complain about our country and yet do not contribute to better it.
I love the way how we have religious freedom, but still say "under god" in the pledge of allegiance.

This is the only true positive statement: I love the way people have begun a better life in this country and have access to education with low incomes.

2006-07-27 10:51:20 · answer #4 · answered by pingtinggege 3 · 0 0

I love the way people like you stay in America and complain about it, rather than move to another country where you could be truly happy. Try comparing America with other countries and see what you come up with - we are truly LUCKY people to live in a nation where we have so many freedoms.

2006-07-27 10:49:34 · answer #5 · answered by martini_kiss81 1 · 0 0

I absolutely love How we have this freedom of speech allowing all people the ability to make a difference if they choose and to voice there opinions fears and aspirations. This is America we are far from perfect. But we are a county of diverse people Lets stop letting people speak for us and turning our heads to what is wrong Take your freedoms that you have because you are American and make America a country to be proud of..

2006-07-27 10:54:19 · answer #6 · answered by noot1980 2 · 0 0

I'll tell you one thing. I don't love the fact that you've over generalized:

"We" don't allow people to die b/c they can't afford health care (See the first link). I'm sure you have similar funds as we do.

Homeless people are hardly left "to rot," they simply don't take advantage of the many services available to them. I'm not saying it's their fault, I'm just saying don't attack us. And besides, what would you do that's not already being done?

What? Guns kill by themselves? That line doesn't even make any sense. Of course you need a person to pull the trigger.

Our President struggles with English? What are you talking about? I'm sure you're absolutely perfect in all aspects of the language and never make any mistakes. Right?

Who thinks we're the "best" country? Define best. Better military? Probably. More money? Probably. But what does that have to do with knowing about any other country? And besides, who doesn't know about other countries? Just because you (apparently) don't doesn't mean no one else does.

Obese people are considered obese in other countries? Come on, it's the same in England, etc. But on a finer point, what's your point? That people don't take care of themselves? Ok, so what does that have to do with the country? It has to do with the people in it. So talk to them. Don't attack the whole country because of them.

I hate to break it to you, but the people who "see foreigners as a burden" don't hire them for $4.00/hr. Anyway, we don't have anything against foreigners. What we have a problem with are people coming here illegally and then expecting benefits. Again, let me stress: We don't shun immigrants. But like anything, a privilege must be earned, not abused.

So you have a problem with the media. So do I. There's way too much filth on it. So I don't watch it. I get my news from trusted sources. And again, it's the media of all countries who have the opportunity (I don't like the expression 1st world). So blame the media, not the country.

You want us to fight wars for profit? What type of sadist are you? Unless that point was actually sincere.

You actually have me on this next one. No one's perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, but I think our justice system does need some changing. I should mention, however, that Martha Stewart and the Enron guys hardly got a "slap on the wrist."

The lack of trust in this country is terrible, but unfortunately necessary, since you don't know who your neighbor could be. However, there are neighborhoods where neighbors do trust each other. I live in such a neighborhood. Why people trust the media, though, I don't know. Again, you're talking about the people, and although the people make the country, when you speak of the country, you speak of the ideals of it, not what individuals do (unless those individuals make country-wide decisions).

Again, this is a personal problem which happens everywhere, not just America. I could show you whole lectures and books about that with the reasons for it, as well as how to stop it from happening.

In what way does Christianity have more influence than logic? I'm a Jew, although I study Christianity, and I can't see one area where religion prevailed over logic.


Pronunciation: 'pA-trE-&-"ti-z&m, chiefly British 'pa-
Function: noun
: love for or devotion to one's country

(See second link)

Criticism is one thing, but what you've done is'nt called criticism, it's called bashing. Explain to me how you fit in to the above definition. Do you have love or devotion for America? Not by the sound of it.

I answered your points, now for your last question:

I love the fact that you have the full right to type what you did on an open forum and not have to protect yourself from secret police. "I may not agree with you, but I'll do my best to defend your right to disagree with me."

I love the way our schools educate people about foreign countries for free

I love the way labels aren't put on people so that black people can occupy positions like Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense. Also, a majority of blacks don't live in ghettos, and anyway, they're free to leave whenever they want, it's their choice to stay.

I love the way we have Freedom of Religion, so that religious Jews like me can learn and study out in the open, not behind locked doors in constant fear of being caught by secret police.

I love the way we live in a free society where people can make mistakes without being shot.

I didn't mean to make any personal attacks, and I apologize if I did, but force must be met with force, and you came with both barrels blazing. I had no choice but to defend myself. I hope we can learn something from this.

2006-07-27 11:34:59 · answer #7 · answered by kg4vbo 3 · 0 0

Gumption in the face of facetiousness sanctimony, ironically!
Some principles
Better a creation of the British Empire at the helm than the next least worst contender!

2006-07-27 10:56:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Alice Cooper said it for me .........
Alice Cooper "I Love America"
I love that mountain with those four big heads
I love Velveeta slapped on Wonder Bread
I love a commie...if'n he's good and dead, yup
I love America
I love Old Glory and homemade pie
I think them Ruskies should be sterilized
I love my chicken Kentucky Fried...
Finger Lickin' Good!

Hey there, this is A.B. Cooper from Cooper's Carnival of Clean and Classic Cars, it's our Fourth of July ... sale. Here
at Cooper's Carnival of Clean and Classic Cars at the corner of Collins and Commerce. I've got lot full of the finest
funny looking cars money can buy at prices even YOU can afford. So come on down and say hello to me, and granny and
bring the kids to meet my snake.
I say, bye
Gran says, bye
and the snake says, sssssssssss

I love General Patton in World War II
My Pocket Fisherman and my Crazy Glue
I love the Beav and Wally too, yeah
I love America

I love the bomb, hot dogs and mustard
I love my girl, but I sure don't trust her
I love what the Indians did to Custer
I love America

Here they come!
There they go!

I love my jeans and I love my hair
I love a real tight skirt and a real nice pair
And on the fourth of July, I love the rockets' red glare
I love America

I watch the A-Team every Tuesday night
I graduated, but I ain't to bright
I love Detroit 'cause I was born to fight
I love America

I love the Tigers but I hate the Mets
I ride my Hog but I race my Vette
I gotta job, but hell I'm still in debt
I love America

I love my bar and I love my truck
I'd do most anything to make a buck
I love a waitress who loves to...flirt!
They're the best kind
I love America
Turn me on
Well, I gotta go now
I love America
Bye Bye, I tell you what though, I really do love it
You ain't going to catch me at no mayday rally

2006-07-27 10:52:35 · answer #9 · answered by Scott c 5 · 0 0

Freedom...and also that we're not living with daily suicide bombings and missiles overhead all across the country.

The historic towns, national parks, fireworks on 4th of July.

You do have some good points, though, as far as some things that are backwards.

2006-07-27 10:52:50 · answer #10 · answered by cassicad75 3 · 0 0

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