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Did anyone see the documentary that was on television earlier,"Execution of a Teenage Girl" to see how bad Iranians are. This girl of 16 was executed for being raped by a 51 year old. She was hung from a crane and he got only 90 lashes. It was a set up by what they call their Morality Police. If Iran is so sticklers for morality then everyone who was there watching the execution should have also been hung. There are still six girls under 16 facing execution, mostly because THEY were raped. Iranians are sick people that do not deserve to live on this planet. I say to America and U.K, bomb the bastards

2006-07-27 10:11:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

18 answers

A lot of ranting going on! If half of what you have said above is correct then it is to be utterly condemned, but equally this would be a result of a political/social system. You cannot indiscriminately attack innocent people who are caught up in this nightmare, they may be as disgusted with it as you and by calling the Iranians all bastards does not help your point one jot. Try writing to the Ambassador in your country about the abuses that are being reported!

2006-07-27 10:19:50 · answer #1 · answered by Raymo 6 · 1 0

I didn't see it but I saw the trailer and have heard about it.

Unfortunately this is a world we live in and it's most definately wrong. Two teenage boys were hanged in Nigeria for suspectedly being gay. They may not have been...
But we have to hope that they're now better off where ever they are, because lets face it, we don't live in a nice world.

Children and being blown up in Israel, Palestine and the Lebenon, they have nothing to do with any war against terror - who ever is right.
President Robert Mugabe gets away with murder in Zimbabwe, people have been murdered, raped and torchered all over Africa and the Middle/Far East.

We can only hope that their society will develope and one day the world will be more structured, organised and developed like Europe is.

In America black and gay people still get beaten to death and dragged behind cars, so it's not just the developing world where these attrosities occur.

I hope that those who have been persecuted because of circumstances out of their control, their race, colour, sexual orrientation get a better deal after this life...

The world can change a lot in 10-20 years, lets hope that the situation in Iran/Nigeria changes dramatically in that time.

2006-07-27 17:23:18 · answer #2 · answered by caz_cash 2 · 0 0

Hey.... you want to be careful with generalization. I'm sure not all Irans think that way; and things like that probably happens in the more backward countries, not the more advanced ones.
But cases like the one you speak of - you're right, they're incredibly stupid. It takes responsibility off the man and on the victim... and a lot of traditional Arabian Muslims believe that men have more self-control than women... Pfft. It's a classic double-standard feature.
But sorry, I don't agree wtih the "nuke 'em" part. Besides, if we ever actually do this (bomb all of Iran) we'll be killing the girls who were raped as well, so ... kinda defeating the purpose there...

2006-07-27 17:31:12 · answer #3 · answered by ATWolf 5 · 0 0

You're sickened and angry by this. But this weekend, 70 US children will be murdered by their parents. Every 10 minutes a woman is raped in the US. And the US also has the death penalty.
We should all sort out the problems in our own country before we decide we have the right to go gung ho into another.
And now do you realise why there are immigrants here? I get sick of reading peoples anti immigrant statements on this site. They want to be grateful they have the freedom of speech to express their sick thoughts before they go off on one.

So explain, how does bombing schoolkids, women in market places doing the shopping and hospitals stop all this?

2006-07-27 17:20:20 · answer #4 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 0

Although i believe that what they are doing is wrong, more than wrong its incomprehensible and my brain does not understand such an abuse of human rights. but we have to remeber that they are from a different culture, and we are giving our opinions on a culture we do not understand and are viewing their culture from an alien perspective. people and cultures are a product of socialisation, I am sure they look the way we live and feel the same. i do not think it is ok to slate anothers culture unless it is from an informed position. Who gave us the right to go into their country and decide that their country should abide by our perception of what is the right way to live...... ???? we let paedophiles walk the streets knowing that they will harm another child, we give prisoners rights when some of them really dont deserve any (in some cases above the rights of a victim), we are not allowed to defend our own home and family from crime and criminals, we put a man in prison because he was protecting his home (we refers to us in the UK). also if you look back in history some of the practices of so called developed countries have committed the biggest atrocities: USA used to sterilise immigrants who did not get a satisfactory IQ score [and the IQ test was in a foreign language] so they could not reproduce; until recently in the UK men were leagally allowed to rape their wives, they owned them and could do as they pleased to them, people have been locked in mental hospitals based on their sexuality and forced to take drugs, the mentally ill are forced to take drugs that have awful life altering side effects and they are one of the most vulnerable in our society. Both the UK and USA had slaves and could use and dispose of them as they wished. in every society there are those that are deemed inferior, be it based on social class, ethnicity, gender or sexuality and they are abused and expolited, it just so happens that the Iranians 'inferior' are women.

2006-07-29 08:19:44 · answer #5 · answered by softly 2 · 0 0

I can't say I agree with the latter part of your comments, but I was disgusted - as I am on many occasions, when I hear womens' "morality" called in to question in Muslim societies. You just know that by virtue of existing as a woman is enough to be condemned.

Our western governments are pro-Pakistan, for many political reasons, yet it has a hideous level of "crime" against women. Yet it is convenient not to raise basic human rights with Pakistan or other friendly Muslim nations.

I could not possibly write in these comments what I think about the individuals/men in these Muslim countries who have judged innocent young girls.

Very upsetting programme.

Sarah C - as I am a supporter of Amnesty I do not think you should condemn people who question basic human rights. I certainly do not think that any right minded educated individual should sit and be isolated from the world problems on the basis that you should focus on your own country. The action of raising concerns (appropriately) about the rights in one country should not deflect from doing the same within your own country, city or street.

2006-07-27 17:21:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you really believe that Americans or any other human beings are any better than Iranians? Give them the slightest chance to show the monster that's inside them and they WILL show it. It would be against the American and British culture to murder the victim, therefore they don't do it, but that's the only reason for them not to be as cruel. Just say to them that it would be allowed and seen as "ok" to execute such a poor girl and believe me, they will be pleased.

2006-07-27 17:27:36 · answer #7 · answered by Brummeline 2 · 0 0

That is what they want you to think.

They will be bombing them soon and they are grooming you.

Lots more innocent girls and boys will feel the wrath of the west in the heat of the missiles.

That should make people feel better.

Propaganda works.

Just because one factor of a race is guilty doesn't mean the whole country is guilty though.

2006-07-27 17:29:39 · answer #8 · answered by Jason 2 · 0 0

Here is a link to the story for people who don't believe you:
These people are just evil. I'm so tired of hearing about how Islam is a religion of love. It is a religion of hatred and intolerance.

2006-07-27 18:07:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes,I saw the documentary-It's a damn shame!I say, it was done to hide perv crimes of the morality police as much as anything else.I bet that sick taxi-driver thought it was X-mas.Dirty b*****d

2006-07-27 17:21:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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