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Said that they are just false labor and I should take a long walk, a hot shower, drink a pitcher of water, sleep for about 2 hrs, then call and tell her how I am. If I am still having contractions, come into the office. I am scared about labor. What is it like, how long can it take, how much does it hurt. If you have given birth and don't mind telling me, what was it like to give birth for the first time.

2006-07-27 10:05:28 · 13 answers · asked by Kelly M. 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

I was terrified!! I was very uncomfortable until they gave me an epidural. My labor only lasted about 6 hours, I had to push for about an hour. It went pretty fast after I got the epidural because I could relax and let it happen. Good Luck!

2006-07-27 10:11:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The length of labors can vary so much, my first was 24 hours and my second was only 6. And it also hurts different for different people, it depends how much pain you can take. If you are the type that gets bad period cramps and has to take pain relief...I would say you would probably be getting an epideral. But if you are strong, you will do fine with whatever you choose. I would expect to be having at least a 12 hour labor for the first. So take something you enjoy doing and could help pass time. My husband and I enjoy movies so we rented some before going in. For me pushing was the best part, of course it's what you are working up to. I wouldn't be scared, there are people there to make sure that nothing bad happens and to take care of you. Make sure you have a good supportive labor coach and that you speak up to your midwife and the nurses or whoever. Get the most you can out of your experience, don't let others push you into what you don't want. Good luck! And it will be wonderful, don't worry!

2006-07-27 17:24:57 · answer #2 · answered by mommyem 4 · 0 0

It's tiring, but it's not as horrible as most make it seem.
I was in labor for 3 days.... that sounds awful but it wasn't that bad. I went into the hospital stayed a night then left for home because I wasn't dilated far enough, and the doctor and I thought I might progress further at home. I went back into the hospital 2 days later, and gave birth the following morning. I had back labor which is supposed to be the worst, for me it was like really bad menstrual cramps. I needed my husband to keep massaging my back which helped a lot. The worst part was right before I got to push... but that time is so short. The pushing is the easiest part, you'll finally feel relief.
You'll do fine. Don't be scared, it is a wonderful experience.

FYI: I did it naturally. After I walked to the recovery room, I told my husband I wanted another.

2006-07-27 17:30:33 · answer #3 · answered by corel 3 · 0 0

I know you are scared honey everyone is the first time around, luckily out bodies know what to do so don't worry you will be fine. I won't lie to you it hurts a lot but as soon as you look into the face of that little angel you are bringing into the world will wipe all of that from your mind. When your labor gets rolling you will have a few mins between contractions to rest and get ready for the next and all too soon here comes another one. If you have a midwife then you have been well versed in what to expect and she will be there with you to talk you through it so listen to her and concentrate on doing what she tells you. One thing I would advise is to make sure to watch your little one come into the world you don't want to miss that. Good luck honey and congratulations.

2006-07-27 17:16:00 · answer #4 · answered by G-Mommy 3 · 0 0

Well, giving birth is certainly an event you'll never forget. My son will be 4 on Sept 5 and it feels like just yesterday I was in labor. I woke up at 5am to go to the bathroom and was soaked. My water broke...about 45 minutes later contractions started. They were mild at first but I could tell it wasn't normal. About an hour and a half after my water broke my mom was calling the dr for me and I got sick to my stomach. Since it was so early I didn't have anything in my stomach. That stunk. At about 645am my conractions were 2-3 minutes apart and lasted for about a minute each. I got to the hospital around 7am they started and IV and checked my progress. I was already 4 cm when I was 36 weeks pregnant so i didnt have a lot to go. At least not the whole 10 cm. I got sick to my stomach a few more times but then that finally stopped. I was in labor from about 5am (when my water broker) till 147pm. I had an epidural but that was a nightmare for me. It took forever for them to put in and it only lasted about an hour. It was horrible. But most woman don't have problems with it.

The pain..well it's undescribable. Once that baby is born though you totally forget and it's like "what pain?" It's amazing that once you see and hear that baby the past few hours were like nothing. I do remember being very tired and aggitated. I didnt want people to talk to me or touch me after a certain point because I was trying to concentrate on the pain. Then after they take the baby and clean it off you get to hold it (or in some cases they let you hold it right away..all nice and slimy) As they are checking the baby they deliver your afterbirth which come along with the mildness of contractions and then it slips right out. I didn't even notice really what was going on at that point. My attention was else where..as you can imagine.

It's one of the hardest things you'll have to go through physically but also one of the best. There's nothing in the world like it. Enjoy it while you can...being pregnant and having a baby...before you know it your "baby" will be going off to kindergarten. Best of luck to you!!!

2006-07-27 17:14:51 · answer #5 · answered by ktpb 4 · 0 0

I had false labor pains when I was 7 mo. It didn't hurt then, but when I really went into labor it hurt so bad. Honestly you know its going to hurt. I feels like a bowling ball squeezing through your pelvis. I assume your not getting an epidural since you have a mid wife. Well I have an epidural so after about 15 minuets of Labor I stopped feeling pain. My labor was only 1 hour total. NO JOKE! It wasn't so bad after the epi, but If you can go with out it I am so proud of you. Don't give in. I hope I'm not scaring you it will all work out. Just think God wouldn't give it to us if he didn't think we couldn't handle it. (sorry to get religious, but birth really is a miracle)

2006-07-27 17:10:00 · answer #6 · answered by Mela L 3 · 0 0

for me giving birth was very scary the first time. Thank God I had my husband there with me.......N E Ways labor can last from any where between 1hr and 2 days depending on your doctor and how long you can take the pain before you get tired. I was in labor with my daughter for 12hrs. I went into labor at 6:30am on nov 5, 2002 and gave birth at 8:30pm that night and the same held true for my son. I went into labor at 7:30 am on april 2, 2006 and gave birth at 9:12pm that night. I had natural deliveries for both and I was histerical (funny so my husband says). I slept thru most of it the first time if you can believe that lol. and the second time I made it to the hospital just in time (1hr before My son started to crown). Giving birth is like doing anything else for the first time you are scared but you get thru it. The thing that makes birth way more worth it is becaused you get a present at the end. Also remember your training I know that it sounds stupid but i am here to tell you breathing helps and trying to find a focal point also (i was pissed at my hubby most of the time cause just like in the movies YOU DID THIS TO ME) so i focused on the light above my bed. So try not to get panicky and remember you are doing this for a very special person you loved even before you knew their name. GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATS MOMMY!!!

2006-07-27 17:07:35 · answer #7 · answered by poohbearmomma_1 2 · 0 0

It hurts, no way around it. I have two kids and had epidurals both times so I can't tell you how much it will hurt when the baby is actually coming down the birth canal, but the contractions feel like the worst menstrual cramps/gas pains/stomach ache you've ever had times 100. But your body knows what to do so just go with it.

Good luck and congratulations!

2006-07-27 17:25:55 · answer #8 · answered by brainchild 3 · 0 0

OK everyone this person is Charlie and Paige...if you read thru all her questions once again she is pulling our chain so stop replying to her silly questions because it is all LIES.

Read her profile and it is a dead give away and everytime she posts a question it does not match with the next question...all lies.

This is what she put in her profile

"I am a 28 year old female. I have b/g twins who will be a year old on August 21,2006. I am married. I teach Special Education and my husband teaches Physical Education. We are very happy to be the parents of two children. Our kids are named Charlie(boy) and Paige(girl). They were born 26 days early.
I have sisters who all use this account too. I have sisers that range from 30 to 12."

2006-07-27 17:42:01 · answer #9 · answered by Coast2CoastChat.com 5 · 0 0

I had my all C-section due to complications. The contractions I had were real painful. Everyone is different, some people take 2 hours and have there baby and some take 1 day and then have there baby so it just depends on your body. Good luck and congratulations!!!

2006-07-27 17:14:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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