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1. All I ever hear about is Dwyane Wade, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Now they're all phenominal players, but c'mon! They're not the only players on the planet. Let's hear about some of the other guys! There are lots of basketball players out there, let's talk about them too!

2. I just read a Q about Wilt Chamberlain and how, if he were playing today, he couldn't score 100. I totally agree with that. But the best answer chosen said that he'd be on the bench because the game is so different. Now I'll be damned to hear my favorite player getting insulted like that. I'm pretty sure if Wilt was playing today, he'd have learned how to adapt to todays modern game .
And by the way, "DUH" (you know who you are), Wilt dominated Kareem in the games they played against eachother. And of course Kareem scored more points in his career. HE PLAYED FOR 20 YEARS!!!!!

So for everyone else out there. Please, use your head before you ask a dumbass question. So you don't pis the rest of us off.

2006-07-27 08:25:36 · 12 answers · asked by Jon 4 in Sports Basketball

All right, everybody, thanks for the trash talk. First of all, "Dragonheart" I do agree that Shaq is more of a beast than Wilt, however, you overlooked the fact that Wilt was faster than Shaq, and he was a better rebounder. Of course We should look ahead, but learn your history. Wilt made the NBA what it is today.
Shawnb, man, please tell me you didn't just call Yao stronger and as agile as Wilt! You gotta be kidding me!
"gobucks," c'mon man, it's opinion. People are always talking about those three. I'm not saying "Let's talk about players who no one cares about" I'm sayin "Let's get some variety!"
"jackoncept," Super genes? Are you kidding me?
If there were Super Genes, than shouldn't Jeffery Jordan(whatever his name is) be the top of his class? The Mannings however...
I appreciate all your opinions, but I'm going to stick with mine. No one dominated like Wilt.

2006-07-27 10:30:26 · update #1

12 answers

Where do these idiots get the idea that everyone in the NBA except Wilt was 6'6? LOL....idiots

There are more under-six-foot players today than there have ever been.. Nate Archibald was 6'1" and he was nicknamed "Tiny".

But since fans who know nothing about the history of the game seem to think that we need to 'get past' Wilt and Kareem, ok fine... then let's get past Michael Jordan as well. That would suit me just fine.

Gee, if Jordan would come back today in his prime, he MIGHT average about 11 or 12 points per game against all the incredible athletes in the NBA today ... but he'd have to take 50 shots to do it! And all Michael ever played against were guys like 5'3" Mugsy Bogues and 5'6" Spud Webb... OF COURSE he could score a lot of points against THOSE guys! LOL.

Ironically, Chamberlain was never guarded by a player who was a foot shorter than him..but Jordan was (Bogues and Webb)

Wilt was considered to be not only the strongest man in the NBA, but the strongest athlete in ANY sport during his playing career. Here are a few quotes from some people who witnessed some of Wilt's strenght and athleticism:

And, for the benefit of those of you brought up on ESPN, John Havlicek played for the Celtics and won EIGHT rings (that's two more than Jordan, for those of you brought up on ESPN). Joe
Gushue was a long-time NBA referee. Billy Cunningham is a Hall of Fame player and coach, his 1983 76ers won the only championship of the 1980-88 period that wasn't a Laker or Celtic title.
Johnny Kerr played and coached in the NBA...as a player, he scored over 12,000 points and pulled down more than 10,000 rebounds (14 pts and 11 reb per game). And yes, he's the same Johnny Kerr who is the long-time Chicago Bulls announcer (I'm assuming he still is).

JOHN HAVLICEK: In my rookie year, Wilt was involved in a pick-and- roll play and suddenly Bill Russell was off Wilt and guarding someone else, and I had Chamberlain. Wilt took me down near the basket and caught a pass. Being the bright kid out of Ohio State I thought I was, a I figured, “No problem. Wilt isn’t a good foul shooter. I’ll grab him”
Well, Wilt didn’t like being held. I reached around from behind and held both of his arms. He wasn’t going to let some rookie stop him, So Wilt took the ball—and me—up. He dunked the ball and I hung there on his arms, both of my feet off the ground and hanging on to Wilt’s arms for dear life until he put me down. Then Wilt -went to the line and made the free throw for the 3-point play.

JOE GUSHUE: Havlicek shouldn’t feel bad. I saw Russell grab Wilt from behind—riding him piggyback—and Wilt still dunked the ball.

BILLY CUNNINGHAM: The greatest play I’ve ever seen was one of the last games of the 1966—67 season and we were playing Baltimore. We were going for the best record in NBA history. There was a play earlier in the game where Gus Johnson had dunked one over Wilt. Gus was a very strong player. I weighed 220 pounds, and with one hand Gus could push me out of the lane. The man was a physical specimen 6-foot-6, 230 pounds all muscle. He loved to dunk and was a very colorful player. When he slammed it on Wilt, he really threw it down, and you could tell that Wilt didn’t like it one bit. Later in the game, Gus was out on the fast break, and the only man between him and the basket was Wilt. He was going to dunk on Wilt— again. Gus cupped the ball and took off—he had a perfect angle for a slam. Wilt went up and with one hand he grabbed the ball—cleanly! Then he took the ball and shoved it right back into Gus, drilling Gus into the floor with the basketball. Gus was flattened and they carried him out. It turned out that Gus Johnson was the only player in NBA history to suffer a dislocated shoulder from a blocked shot.

JOE GUSHUE: I had that game where Wilt dislocated Johnson’s shoulder. To put it in today’s context, Gus Johnson was like Charles Barkley. He was flat on the court, his eyes had that look of, ‘Did what I think just happened really happen?”

BILLY CUNNINGHAM: Luke Jackson was 6-foot-10, 275 pounds and considered one of the strongest men in the NBA. We set up an arm wrestling contest between Luke and Wilt. The first time, it was no contest. Wilt just slammed Luke’s arm down. So Wilt decided to give Luke an advantage. Wilt started with his own arm halfway down, at a 45-degree angle. Wilt said, “Ready?”
Luke grunted.
Then Wilt slammed Luke’s arm to the table.

JOHNNY KERR: Once Wilt got upset with me and dunked the ball so hard that it went through the rim with such force. that it broke my toe as it hit the floor.
BILLY CUJNNINGHAM: Johnny was embarrassed to let everyone know that be got a broken toe from one of Wilt’s dunks, so he went down to the other end of the court, acted as if he tripped, grabbed his toe, and went out of the game.

So Wilt not only dislocated the shoulder of a player who's basically the physical equivalent of Charles Barkley, one of his dunks BROKE THE TOE of an opposing player.

I'll believe Yao Ming is stronger than Wilt when Yao breaks someones toe with a dunk... don't hold your breath on that one.
Yao's a joke.

BTW - to the moron that said Wilt averaged 25 and 10 against Russell... you're an idiot...let's first get THAT straight.
Wilt averaged 28.7 pts and 28.7 rebounds per game in 142 games against Russell. Russell averaged 14.5 ppg and 23.7 rebounds against Wilt. Wilt's career high against Russell was 62, Russell's career high against Wilt was 37, but he had only two other 30 pt games against Wilt.
Chamberlain pulled down 55 rebounds in one game against Russell, an all time single game high in NBA history. He also had six other 40 rebound games against Russell. Russell's career reboudning high against Wilt was 40.
Go back to Sea Wolrld, idiot

2006-07-27 14:42:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

This is DEFINITELY NOT the place to be for intelligent basketball discusion.

Anyone who thinks that Wilt would not be able to compete in today's game, knows nothing about basketball, period. He would not only compete, he would dominate most other centers. We're talking about someone who was 7'1" > 250lbs, and was as quick as a small forward. Yes, he played against smaller opponents, but he was constantly double, triple, and quadruple teamed, which made it MUCH harder for him.

Reading some of these ignorant posts makes me realize the power that marketing has on people. The NBA fan today is mainly a casual fan, who generally knows nothing about how the game should be played. And David Stern has played up to this type of fan. The "Michael Jordan is the greatest player ever, even though I never saw him play" fan....like you see on this site.

These people don't realize that some great basketball was played before the 1990's , they only know the hype that they are being fed by certain advertisers and marketers. Today's game is nowhere near as good as it once was. Thanks to expansion, its so watered down, and the players are mostly all flash and dazzle and short on fundementals and the mental aspects of the game, it's almost painful to watch.

So don't listen to these idiots here. Wilt Chamberlain was, and always will be one of the top five players to ever play the game (and Michael Jordan isn't!).

2006-07-27 19:24:49 · answer #2 · answered by Hoopfan 6 · 0 0

My sentiments exactly. I think it comes down to the fact that most fans out there are casual fans and don't know what the hell they're talking about.

I love Lebron and Wade, but I'm getting sick of talking about them, too, especially when my man Ray Allen gets no respect. Everyone pegs him for a pure shooter, but he averages more free throws per game then guys like Chris Webber and Bonzi Wells and Steve Nash. Allen's extremely tough and extremely versatile, yet people say he's one dimensional and compare him to Allan Houston and Michael Redd. Morons. Just cuz he's played on small market teams and no one cares to see him play.

Regarding the Wilt Chamberlain discussion, I've always said, if you take him out of his era and drop him into this one, he wouldn't do much. I mean, most of his career he was guarded by 6-6 guys and the big dude didn't even use his left ever. That being said, Wilt was a freakish athlete. If he were to develop with today's advantages, I have no doubt that he'd be dominant in this era as well.

2006-07-27 09:45:16 · answer #3 · answered by Philthy 5 · 0 0

you know what, we dont care about the old geezers, we have to look forward, the game is beyond Wilt and Kareem.
You just have to realize that their time is over and stop saying all of those what if's cuz they will not ever play pro ball again.
The same goes for Kobe/ Lebron 30 years from now.

and besides I'll bet that if lebron was playing ball back in the 60's he'd considered the best player of all time.
SHAQ is better than Wilt and if they'd played against each other Shaq would've broken his skinny arms off.

And for the girl under, noone cares about good players they only ones ppl care about the best players, and why did you put Nash in that category??? are you crazy lol he has 2 MVP's if anything he's the best lol.

2006-07-27 08:40:38 · answer #4 · answered by Dragonheart22 1 · 0 0

Your absolutely right. The majority of the people answering NBA questions on here are teenagers who have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to the older generations of players. I personally believe Wilt is the greatest player of all time. If you just flip through the NBA record book, you're going to be seeing a lot of the name "Wilt Chamberlain".

2006-07-27 08:36:00 · answer #5 · answered by Big Z 6 · 0 0

I totally agree with you abou the kobe d wade and lebron thing. even if they are the 3 best players in the NBA rite now....as for wilt i doubt he would of be a bench player, but da thing is that he didnt that that killer mentality...he admited it himself in an interview....thats why bill russel won 11 rings and he only won 2.....he wus like da kobe of his day....he only really cared about his stats.....eevry nite he didnt really care about winning just what stats he would have....da day he scored 100 points he told all his teamates that he was gonna intent to score 100 points so they should jsut pass the ball to him...so with dat mentality i dont know how he would do in todays NBA....and you have to remember he was a giant among small white guys with barely any talent except for a few notable exceptions.....thats why when he faced off bill russel he would always lose....russel could shut him down....russel wus a crazy defender....if u see his stats in games versus bill russel they werent that great...well let me rephraise that....lol they were still aswome i mean 25 and 10 but they werent those crazy numbers that we think off when we think of wilt the stilt....and u have to remember todays NBA player is way bigger...more muscular faster quicker and stronger.....back in the old days liftring wieght was considered bad since thier wus this myth dat doing it would make you stift and slow...we know better now....players have better training.....todays NBA player isnt jsut some 7 foot tall skinny guy....his a big machine....shaq alone could of overpowerd any oldy....if you see the guards of today compared to the ones of the best...the guards of the past look like highschool or college players.....hey you have to respect the great legendady oldies...but i dun thin its fair to compare them to todays players...im sure if wilt was here today he would probably still be a beast with all da training players recive today...but its kind of hard to know if he would of had the same impact.

2006-07-27 09:03:39 · answer #6 · answered by irondude2man 3 · 0 0

totally agree with you abou the kobe d wade and lebron thing. even if they are the 3 best players in the NBA rite now....as for wilt i doubt he would of be a bench player, but da thing is that he didnt that that killer mentality...he admited it himself in an interview....thats why bill russel won 11 rings and he only won 2.....he wus like da kobe of his day....he only really cared about his stats.....eevry nite he didnt really care about winning just what stats he would have....da day he scored 100 points he told all his teamates that he was gonna intent to score 100 points so they should jsut pass the ball to him...so with dat mentality i dont know how he would do in todays NBA....and you have to remember he was a giant among small white guys with barely any talent except for a few notable exceptions.....thats why when he faced off bill russel he would always lose....russel could shut him down....russel wus a crazy defender....if u see his stats in games versus bill russel they werent that great...well let me rephraise that....lol they were still aswome i mean 25 and 10 but they werent those crazy numbers that we think off when we think of wilt the stilt....and u have to remember todays NBA player is way bigger...more muscular faster quicker and stronger.....back in the old days liftring wieght was considered bad since thier wus this myth dat doing it would make you stift and slow...we know better now....players have better training.....todays NBA player isnt jsut some 7 foot tall skinny guy....his a big machine....shaq alone could of overpowerd any oldy....if you see the guards of today compared to the ones of the best...the guards of the past look like highschool or college players.....hey you have to respect the great legendady oldies...but i dun thin its fair to compare them to todays players...im sure if wilt was here today he would probably still be a beast with all da training players recive today...but its kind of hard to know if he would of had the same impact.

2006-07-27 10:49:57 · answer #7 · answered by boy 3 · 0 0

u ignorant dinosaur! i dont like wade or lebron coz theyr like everywhere now....but if i had to choose between them and the old geezer superstars...i wud go with the new superstats anyday....face it...al of the old legends would simply ride the pine in the new nba....the sophistication of today's athletes make virtually any player in the nba today better and superior than the athletes of the 50's...i know you would say that they would simply adapt if they were in the modern times....well...what if they failed to adapt...it's a new world ryt now...maybe wilt would have been injured bcoz of his going up against more better competition...all their acheivements should be placed together with an asterisk....ever heard of brent and jon barry...if they really had super genes from their dad rick barry..how come theyr just noname nba players in the nba ryt now...it just shows you that the talent level before wast just plain poor!

2006-07-27 09:49:50 · answer #8 · answered by jackoncept is gay! 2 · 0 0

unfortunetly Wilt Chamberlain was called a gentle giant. well guys like Shag, yoa ming, kevin garnett ,alanzo,there not so gentle and there are stronger and just as agile.wilt would be average at best today.the all time team goes as this starting
PG- Magic Johnson SG- Michael Jordan
small forward -larrry Bird power forward-Julius Irving
Center-Shaquile O'Neal

2006-07-27 08:46:43 · answer #9 · answered by shawnb2480 2 · 0 0

I didn't read all your dumb sh*t but I have failed to realize how this is a question.

And BTW, what right do you have to tell people what and what they can't ask.

Who do you want people to ask about? Shawn Bradley? Who the he11 cares about non star players? Here's an idea, don't pay attention to questions about people that you don't care about or like, okay?

2006-07-27 09:41:28 · answer #10 · answered by Scarlet N Gray '12 3 · 0 0

yes i know. there is a lot of other players on the nba but some dumb people ask the same dumb question.

2006-07-28 05:42:00 · answer #11 · answered by Einstein 5 · 0 0

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