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54 answers

i'm a christian and i'm straight, and i support gay marriage. i have a lot of gay friends and they are my favorite people in the world. if i was taught anything religiously, it was to ACCEPT people for who they are. remember one thing: LOVE IS NEVER WRONG. people shouldn't be able to tell other people who they can and can't love. it's ridiculous.

2006-07-27 07:19:25 · answer #1 · answered by cervy 2 · 0 1

I am totally against it, and here's why: Think about what love is? Is love sex? Come on people, wake up and smell the coffee...love is NOT sex, sex comes as a result of chemical processes in the body. If you think love is sex, then it would make just as much sense for someone to define taking a dump as love. Don't get me wrong, I think that sex is a good thing, when it is between a man and his wife, but sex between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is totally stupid, because it does nothing but satisfy a physical craving. It doesn't help anything. So does that mean that a man can't love and respect another man, or a woman another woman? no, of course not. But adding sex in is a terrible and perverted way to "be different." Sex was obviously not designed for 2 men or 2 women. It was designed for a man, and a woman. Period. As a wake-up call, look at the stats for how many sex partners gays have had on average. It's a whole lot more than heterosexuals. How does that help society? It doesn't. Any successful society that has ever existed has had the family at it's base. By family I mean man, woman, children. Basically, a society that tries to change the traditional family (by approving things like homosexuality, no marriages, divorcing for money or for a simple desire for a little variety in life), the role of the family in society, or to demean the significance of the family as a whole, condemns itself to certain downfall. Examples: Communism in Russia (the family was not even close to being as important as the "state" or "the party"), Ancient Rome (a good example: the Romans loved homosexuality, and families were not important. And hey, if you want to go further, you can see that they were very confident in their own position and power. Who of them would have thought that their fall would have come from within?) If you change the idea of the family, it suddenly becomes less special, less important. And just as a building would inevitably fall if someone built it first and then tried to replace the concrete foundation with a foundation of sandstone, our society WILL FALL if the family continues to be so degraded and unimportant. Our foundation is eroding, and the tower is beginning to lean.

2006-07-27 07:42:13 · answer #2 · answered by zver76 2 · 0 0

Well, you stand a better chance of getting serious answers if the question is spelled correctly and grammatically correct. Just a hint for the future.

There should be no barriers to marriage for any two adults who love each other. This country was founded on the seperation of church and state. Marriage rights (inheritance, taxation, adoption, etc.) are given by the state. Therefore religion should have no say in these matters.

It always amazes me when some 'christians' preach bigotry, hatred, discrimination and therefore violence against gay people. This completely goes against all of their teachings. WWJD?
The same people say "gays don't have long-lasting relationships and are promiscuous," and then campaign against gay marriage and other long-lasting relationships! What hypocrites!

I also get a kick out of the people who say gay marriage is wrong because it doesn't produce children. So I guess this means that barren couples, or ones that choose not to have children should be barred from getting married, too? What hypocrites! They are using this argument only to bolster their hatreds.

2006-07-27 07:20:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Although I am very straight, I wish that our society was more open minded regarding gay relationships and marriages. First off, we live in a culture where sexual content is considered unruly. I rather allow for homosexuals to enjoy the benefits and comforts of marriage and even raising children. Sure, there may be times where a gay couple breaks apart, but what is the difference with straight people? People need to focus on real issues in this nation such as homeless children, redundant wars, and animal welfare. I could care less if people are attracted to the same sex. It is just a majority of fat white men who are against it because they think all gay guys are attracted to every male. SORRY fatty, no females like a fat white bald guy, why the hell would a gay man? People need to get over it.

2006-07-27 07:20:42 · answer #4 · answered by Rachelina 2 · 0 0

I feel the same about gay relationships as I do about straight relationships. I don't want to see either all over each other out in public. Kissing and hugging is fine to an extent, but some people in both categories need to get a room!

As for gay marriage, I don't agree. The meaning of the word "marriage" means (to me) a man and woman that are joined together in a holy union by God. Therefore, (again--to me) I don't think that two men or two women can be married.

2006-07-27 13:25:56 · answer #5 · answered by just4funyall 2 · 0 0

I'm gay and don't plan on getting married. I understand it's not a traditional lifestyle. yet at the sametime I think gay people should be able to get married. why should all of us have to conform to a religious belief, it's like saying you can't marry if you are not a christian. because that what it's really about anyhow. besides marriage isn't always what it's cracked up to be, the divorce rate seems to climb all the time, people who have been together 20 years get divorced in these days so really if you love someone enough to have a commitment to them that's legal than you should be able to do it. this is a free country, as long as your not breaking a law , I don't see any harm in it.

2006-07-28 20:13:54 · answer #6 · answered by answermethis 1 · 0 0

Marriage, in general, is an oooooooooooold antiquated institution.
Why people get married is basically peer pressure.
Then they do it and what's the gain?

Nothing if they are a loving couple to begin with.
Except a tax break and social recognition of the marriage..
which confers either prestige or taboo regarding sexual relationships with a spouse.

Why a heterosexual couple gets a tax break, gets social prestige etc and NOT the homosexual is a matter of intolerance. That's all there is to it.

I think the thing should just be abolished in general, however.

2006-07-27 10:58:16 · answer #7 · answered by -.- 6 · 0 0

Gay marriage... such a hot issue, eh?

Instead of going through and posting a whole gigantic spiel about my thoughts on this issue, I'll just go through the key points one-by-one and hope it all amounts to something.

1) I love how people claim that they believe "homosexuality is a decision." First of all, they make it sound as if anyone would ever decide to be a homosexual in today's society, with all the bigots and judgemental people and hateful people around. Secondly, did YOU decide to be straight? When you were a little kid just beginning to explore sexuality, did you consciously say to yourself, "Well, now I'm going to be attracted to girls"? Of course not. It just happened, man. And some people when they're that age are attracted to people of the same sex. I really can't wait until they discover the genetic process that occurs to determine orientation, or the gene that decides orientation, so people would quit claiming that gay people result from bad parenting or something going wrong in their youth or something like that.

2) Few things irritate me more than the statement that only heterosexual marriage should be allowed because the "correct" family structure has JUST a mother and a father. So I guess that means a kid whose father died, and currently lives with his mother and grandmother, is in an incorrect family structure. I guess that means that a kid who lives with just his mother is in an incorrect family structure. I guess that means a kid who lives with his father and his grandfather is in an incorrect family structure. Do you honestly think it makes a difference? I know a lot of people who would rather a child end up with slightly-abusive heterosexual parents than completely loving homosexual parents. The logic just boggles my mind. If two males are capable of providing a child a loving and caring environment, who cares that they're two males? The most important thing is that the child is in a loving home, right? ...Right?

3) The statement that gay marriage is bad just because "it's a sin" that's so ridiculous that I refuse to even analyze it. I have no idea if it says that in any religious text or not, but I'm pretty sure homosexuals couldn't care less about what your twisted beliefs are.

4) People also claim that only heterosexual marriage is valid because it produces children. So what about old people who want to get married? A lady who's 65 marries a guy who's 60: They're sure as hell not having kids. What about couples who are incapable of having children? Last time I checked, they're allowed to marry.

5) The claim that allowing homosexual marriage will lead to legalizing polygamy, marriage with animals, etc. is totally ridiculous. That's like saying that you can't lower the voting age from 21 to 18, because then you'll have to lower it from 18 to 15, and then you'll have to lower it from 15 to 12, and so on. No one ever said anything about polygamy. Two healthy adults should be able to marry one partner, regardless of sex. Why is that so difficult to understand?

6) You know, you can't go too far saying things like "you can't change the family structure" or "you cannot change the traditional family," because the idea of what defines a "traditional family" has changed over the years. That same argument has been used to justify a lot of other nasty things, too. You know, some years ago you might have heard, "A traditional family has a white man and a white woman. To break that tradition and allow interracial marriages would mean the downfall of society!" People also try to say occasionally, "A traditional family has a man in charge, and the woman underneath him. To break up that tradition and allow the woman to be the more powerful person in the family would mean the downfall of society!" But in many relationships, the woman clearly is more successful than the man and "runs" the household. Do you realize where we'd be if the concept of the "traditional" family remained unchanged ever since marriage came into existence? And besides, many, many people don't live in a "traditional" family anyway, whether they had parents who died, or they live with their grandparents or aunt and uncle or someone like that.

7) And finally, the stupidest reason of all: Gay marriage should be illegal because "it's just disgusting." If you're a straight man, the idea of "being with" another man is obviously pretty unappealing. But if you're a gay man, then the idea of being with another *woman* is unappealing as well. So you can see how that argument leads to nowhere.

And just for the record, with all of the above said, I'm not gay. But there is simply no valid, fair reason to outlaw homosexual marriage. End of story.

2006-07-27 08:04:46 · answer #8 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

Well, first of all---what is your definition of ignorant? Is that someone who will have an opinion that does not agree with yours? Or is that a person who does not have adequate information to answer the question?

Being ignorant of something means you just don't have enough information on the topic to comment.

But, I guess I'll take a shot.

I believe "gay" relationships---same-sex relationships---are wrong. I believe that people of the same sex being married is ludicrous. Marriage was ordained for the procreation of the species and so that there was a family---consisting of a male and female--who would raise those children to love, respect, and revere God.

Now, before you come down on me-----just because an opinion differs with yours, does not mean that I'm bad or you're bad, or that either of us are awful, horrible people. It just means we disagree.

I believe that homosexuality is a choice and not a birthright. We are born in sin and of sin. Our natural drive is to sin. Doing what comes "natural" means sinning. But we have to make the decision NOT to sin; NOT to be animalistic. If a person feels they have the "urge" to be with someone of the same sex, they need to say, "No, that's wrong, I'm not going to do it." Just as if a man who is married sees a beautiful woman and is tempted to betray his wife and commit adultery. He just has to decide to say, "No, that's wrong; I'm not going to do it."

2006-07-27 07:21:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I beleive in civil unions for gays, but not marriage. I beleive marriage is for the purpose of bringing children in to the world in a secure family environment. Since gays cannot naturally have children, I think it defeats the whole purpose of marriage. I do not beleive a marriage is between a man and a woman, I beleive marriage is for the benefit of the family (ie the children who are being born into it). SO no, morally, I dont beleive in gay marriage. BUT, they do need to have civil unions available to them, because they cant get married wont stop them being gay, they should have the same rights as any other couple, but not a marriage.

2006-07-27 07:18:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gay marriage is wrong, immoral and there should be a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as "the union of one man and one woman". We cannot define marriage down or our society will continue to degrade.

To all of these people making the specious argument that if "somebody loves somebody than they should be able to marry". What about the 14th Amendment? Under the equal protection clause of the Constitution, "no state shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Thus, if you allow gays to marry, now people who are polygamists will want to be able to marry legally. If you are in an incestual relationship and want to marry, you have legal ground to challenge statute because gay marriage is legal. Believe me, it opens up way too many cans of worms and we can't afford the sacred institution of marriage, one that was based in religion before interference by the state, to be destroyed because people of the same sex want to marry each other.

2006-07-27 07:16:57 · answer #11 · answered by TakingStock 3 · 0 0

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