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The Democrats would cease to exist if just one generation would learn HOW to think. The only reason Democrats have survived this long is that we've handed over the responsibility of educating our children to government schools and the NEA.

2006-07-27 05:22:22 · 13 answers · asked by why 3 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

Good point about public schooling. You know, it just happens to be one of the steps in Marx's Communist Manifesto. I am a staunch conservative and I agree with many Libertarian principles. But the Libertarians just take it a bit too far. No man is an island. I believe that yes, the things you do in your private life could, and oftentimes do, have long-term as well as short-term ramifications on others. I believe the Democrats shouldn't even be allowed to walk the streets. These days, they are downright communistic. The Republicans only get it right about half the time, being very socialistic in nature. And I believe the Libertarians, while they would indeed make an excellent major party only get it right about half the time as well, being anarchistic in nature. I am in favor of bringing back the Democratic Republicans, the Party of Jefferson. These people knew how the constitution worked - they wrote it: Jefferson, Madison, etc. Good question.

2006-07-27 05:31:44 · answer #1 · answered by jpj 3 · 2 15

Interesting question, however, the Democratic party has always been an advocate for many, many good things - education, employment, health benefits for all, protecting our environment, civil rights, justice, and religious freedom among a few things. To say that the country would be better off without the Democratic party is ridiculous. There are many issues I support that come from the Republican party - but it's lucky for all of us in this country that we have the checks and balances that we do. And to say that the Democrats don't know HOW to think, and the Liberatarian party does? Not the case in my humble, but accurate, opinion.

2006-07-27 12:34:32 · answer #2 · answered by mJc 7 · 0 0

Frankly, so long as the curren Constitution remains in force something like the Republican/Democrat split will remain, as the system structurally ensures that there will be a large Conservative, and a large liberal Party. About the only way you'd see a libertarian/Republican split would be if the nation shifted that far to the right politically, but this is very unlikely to happen, right wing fantasies aside.

2006-07-27 12:31:40 · answer #3 · answered by Adam J 6 · 0 0

You obviously are a non-thinking sheep.

Government is for the people and by the people. Out of the parties you mentioned, the Democrats are the ones that will protect your personal freedoms.

I hate to break it to you, but the Democrats have been gaining momentum. Let's see what happens in November.

2006-07-27 12:30:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While your premise is exciting, the reality is that it could not happen in our present state and it would take much more than "intelligent" thought among one generation. The problem we have now is that a party like the democrats can never really cease to exist, because of its appeal to so many people, despite the fact that they do not actually fulfill any of their promises.

We now have hundreds of precedents set by our gov't, that now leads people, all people from both parties, to expect certain things from our gov't, that they think it is the gov'ts responsibility to do them and when they don't, it is grounds for voting someone else in. I have no problem with democracy or voting someone else in, but I have a problem with those who are being voted in, again, from both parties. When put in a position of power, one has two options, work to correct the ills, or join the plunder that is already taking place and make sure you get your fill also.

How can we possible rid a nation of a party that thrives on class warfare and on handouts from the gov't at the expense of someone else? It takes strong leaders to promote and maintain the liberty of ALL. Our real problem is that if we rid the nation of the democrats and only had the repubs and libertarians, then the parties would merely morph into what we have now, just with different names. To claim the Republican Party is one that even halfway supports conservative ideas that support the liberty of all is far from reality.

If all our country did was protect the life, liberty and property of all its citizens, equality would of course reign. Would there be poor people, of course, but it would not be the fault of the gov't or of anyone taking that person's liberty away. But how excited this person would be if there was someone who was promising to bring him to glory and wealth and it would cost him nothing?

The best we can ask in life is to not have someone else burden us to the point that we can not achieve what we would like to achieve. In politics, to gain power, the democrats highlight the bad and ills of everything. But the flip side reveals that it really was equal all along. If instead of saying to someone, "isn't it horrible how the rich are making such insane profits and you are here poor" but instead say "isn't it great that there are so many examples of people making money, that you also have this opportunity” doesn’t it sound different. The best I can ask in life is that no one keeps me down. But this means that I will get no help to get up either, but that is fine, as long as no one is keeping me down. But too many politicians thrive on the "I will help you, not hurt you" attitude. My desire is to have neither, so that you don't get in my way.

The nation also likes to mix and match personal responsibility with political responsibility when it suits their interests. How one feels the gov't should respond, is not the same as how a person should respond. But again, in today's day and age, the gov't has set too many precedents to turn back now. If the gov't, in times of hurricanes, never had stepped in to bail people out in financial ways (not protection ways) than the people would never expect it. But now, the people think it is the gov't responsibility and they will think I am nuts for saying otherwise (republicans alike). Now, with every natural disaster, the impetus is not only for the gov't to bail everyone out financially, but also for them to do more than they did the last time. In the next hurricane disaster, how politically dead will a politician be if they contribute less than the last time?

No, generations have learned to think and democrats think. They willingly and knowingly want a society of inequality that helps them and it has become a fact that republicans want the same.

2006-07-27 13:22:16 · answer #5 · answered by Donut44 3 · 0 0

There could never be just 2 parties.

We've all got different opinions on issues, and it takes more than 2 parties to please everyone in the US. Maybe the Democrats will morph with another party, but for now it looks like we're still staying at 2 highly publicized parties and several small ones.

2006-07-27 12:26:32 · answer #6 · answered by lookdontlook 3 · 0 0

No. Only one party mine.

I am the founder of the SPLATT (short for Stop PLATe Tectonics) political party. Our platform is shaky. It's to eliminate earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Our mascot: the flatworm

Theme songs: "Shake, Rattle and Roll", "Whole Lot of Shaking Going On", "I Fell the Earth Move Under My Feet", "Hunka Burning Love", "Ebb Tide", "Surfin’ USA", “Catch a Wave”

Energy saving device: Lava Lamps

Favorite food, breakfast: squash pancakes
Favorite food, lunch: tile fish
Favorite food, supper: plank steak
Snack food: Thick Crust Pizza

I hope I didn’t make an ash of myself ~<{:-)]#

2006-07-27 12:33:37 · answer #7 · answered by SPLATT 7 · 0 0

If everyone could think, we'd all be Centrists--finding a middle ground between government and individuality. Compromise is the key. People need to get their heads out of their respective parties' a**es and actually look at the issues and make the BEST choices to solve the problems, not the choices to make their respective parties happier.



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2006-07-27 12:35:07 · answer #8 · answered by Crys H. 4 · 0 0

i disagree with you are you a teacher,In Columbus school all the administrator are Republican the Principals are a big republican they does nothing,and get away with it..stop blaming the nea blame the parent and the Republican party

2006-07-27 12:28:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exactly wrong.YOU dont know how to think.All YOU do recite the right-wing propaganda you get from hilarious hate radio,

Only in a country as hateful and as backwards as America would you get right-wing schlock like that.

This is why Red states are turning Blue.People have had it with that kind of garbage-for-profit.

2006-07-27 12:28:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like your assumption that not everyone is sentient.
But even then, who wants ice-cream in only 2 flavors (especially when they're hard to differentiate, constantly mix behind the scenes and are only out for themselves?)

2006-07-27 12:26:50 · answer #11 · answered by xamayca.com 4 · 0 0

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