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As most of you know, many news stations such as Cnn, ABC, CBS, always show one side of a story. I was briefly watching FOX when the Iraqi PM made his 30 minute speech, and their were still Democrats who think we should have never invaded Iraq. And this was after the Iraqi PM thanked us like 20 times, for standing by his country when know one else would!!! Democrats can be a real pain in the *** sometime. Now i'm not talking about all Democrats but, still Democrats don't think. Here we have the Iraqi PM thanking the US, and the Dems are criticizing him!!! People tend to forget democrarcy take time to set up.

Suppose we would have give up during America's Revoultion and gave in to Britain. Britain did of course have the most powerful army and navy back then. Where would America be today? The way the Dems are telling everyone to give up on the this Middle east war, they sound like just the people that would have given up on the American Revoulution. People tend to forget about History

2006-07-27 03:26:27 · 9 answers · asked by TJ 4 in News & Events Media & Journalism

That is why Dems should not be in leadership positions. They believe in giving up on a war that they supposedly say is another Vietnam, than to fight it to the end.

Suppose Kerry had won the elections instead of Bush. When we were attacked on 9/11, what do you think he would have done? He already stated that the way to deal with terrorism in his opioion is to diplomacy. America would have been struck again.

If we never went to fight terrorism, terrorist would see us as weak b/c they know that they can attack America over and over again, and the American people went to war.

2006-07-27 03:29:57 · update #1

America would not got to war. Correction on that last sentence.

Sure their may be things that people may not agree with on President Bush. But, President Bush has shown the world that we the American people do not tolerate terrorist attacking us. We have shown that America is strong and is not to be trifled with.

2006-07-27 03:32:18 · update #2

Take Isreal for instance. Isreal has given warning for civilians to clear the streets and leave their homes for weeks. But, down in the Gaza Strip, you have children playing in the streets while their is crossfire, you have civilians watching from their patios. How in the hell are you suppose to prevent civilian casualities when you have stupid people like the Palestians who think that the armies down their are firing rubber bullets? You can't.

2006-07-27 03:35:02 · update #3

Ron o you thought I was brainwashed. Dude let me give you some facts that you might like to know considering you don't watch fair news. You watch that stupid **** called CNN that is basically on the terrorist side.

First, how in the hell do you go off saying that Dick Cheney installed the Iraq PM in his place. Even if he did you dumbass moron, we now have a freaking ally who can help us win the war. And you stupid jackass, its also nice to know that we have a relaible source of oil from and ally. But wait, you prefer to let the middle east stay as it is, knowing full and well that oil prices are going to keep going up if we allow these terrorist to control that region. Might as well say bye to our economy then.

2006-07-28 02:07:08 · update #4

Second, considering Iran you ill formed liberal. WE KNOW THEY ARE BULIDING A NUCLEAR REACTOR. What do nuclear reactor produce? either energy of nukes. Which do you think Iran is going to produce. Hell if you watch the news then you would know that Iran wants Isreal blown off the map and since we are a main ally of Isreal then that means they also want us destroyed. If you don't beleive that then their is no hope for you. If Iran even attacks Isreal that gives the US to take out one of the main suppliers of terrorism around the world.

But wait, Ron O prefer to diplmatically talk your way of this issue. You prefer to try and peace talk with terrorist. Thats like trying to tell a child molestor to stop raping children. Its not going to happen. The same with the middle east. As long as terrorism controls that region their will never be peace. But I forgot. You Ron O are the one to brainwashed to understand that.

That is why Kerry lost the election.

2006-07-28 02:12:50 · update #5

9 answers

Yeah, I know what you mean.
There are so many POSITIVE things about Iraq that the media just won't report.
I mean - hey - okay so we DID bomb their country into the stone age and kill tens of thousands of innocent people and injure and cripple even more and scatter radiation around that will last for thousands of years - but hey, we did it for THEM, right? We selflessly invaded their country to fight terrorism, or maybe depose an evil dictator, or was it to find weapons of mass destruction, or - wait, NOW I remember - it was TO BRING THEM DEMOCRACY. Yeah - that's right.
And now when we rebuild a school (that we destroyed in the first place) the media doesn't even report on it, just because a few dozen people were killed that same day in the civil war that WE made possible.
Sometimes I get SO annoyed with the media! They just don't seem to understand that WE'RE good - and anyone who opposes us is EVIL.

2006-07-27 03:45:27 · answer #1 · answered by Curmudgeon 3 · 1 2

The news media portrays the war in a negative way because it IS negative. Contrary to what you hear Bush say, war has no winners; everyone loses! WOO HOO! The "winners" just lose less than the opposing side. The war is only good for profiteers (arms manufacturers, mercanaries, logistical support companies such as Corruptiburton, I mean, Halliburton) and the politicians whose pockets get lined from it.

Why does a single American have to die for Iraqi freedom? How is Iraqi freedom going to make my life better? It's NOT!!! Why don't we start at home and free the Native Americans from hundreds of years of murder, victimization,continuing exploitation, and hypocrisy? Oh, I see, we are devoted to freedom but not THAT devoted to it. Why don't we--as standup Americans who are righteous, kind, and just--do what's right and free the Natives first and THEN we can free the rest of world.
Freedom isn't the answer, war is.

2006-07-27 04:18:56 · answer #2 · answered by retardica 2 · 0 0

My god, take your brain out again and wash it one more time. This isn't WW II. Just try listening to other points of view rather then being so narrow minded. Not everyone wants to follow any leader no matter where the path leads. You have the right to knowledge. Use your freedom to enlighten yourself. You sound like a brainwashed zombie. I know your heart is in the right place and you care about America but you need to expand your view of the world. Don't believe everything either party tells you as absolute truth. They both lie that's a fact and don't fall for all this good cop, bad cop BS they throw at you. If you expect to learn about what is going on from 30 second sound bytes on any channel forget it. Do some real research and stop being a parrot.

2006-07-27 06:45:57 · answer #3 · answered by Thomas S 4 · 1 0

Gee, TJ - what can I say? When you're brainwashed, you'll believe anything. Now pay attention as most of these nice people who have provided you with rational answers to your 'question' try to clear your head of all those Limbaugh drugs you have ingested while listening to such balanced and unbiased reporting.

First of all, the new Iraqi Prime Minister thanked the U.S.A. for invading Iraq because he's been installed as Dick Cheney's puppet. Like George Bush is Cheney's puppet in the American government, this new P.M. does whatever Cheny says. You'll find that to be true once NO AMERICAN TROOPS ARE WITHDRAWN FROM IRAQ until Cheney has a rock-solid, iron clad arrangement in place to take all of Iraq's OIL.

Cheney wants all that OIL so he and his buddies at Exxon-Mobil and Halliburton and Bechtol can get richer and richer and richer. Do you think the Bush administration gives one hoot in Hell about turning Iraq into a democracy? Of course not!

Now here's another prediction, TJ. Pay attention: the U.S.A. won't illegally and unconstitutionally invade North Korea. We'll use diplomatic efforts to solve that little problem because North Korea has no OIL!!!

One more prediction (are you still with us, TJ?): As soon as George Bush and his boss, LimpDick Cheney, can figure out a plausible excuse for illegally invading Iran, we'll do it (they're pretty sure 'weapons of mass destruction won't work a second time, so they'll have to invent some other lie). Why invade Iran? Because there's billions of barrels of OIL swimming underneath Iran's sands - and Dick Cheney wants it all!

Watching Fox News today is no different from watching Hitler's propaganda films from the days of the Nazi regime. It's not "news", TJ - it's bull**it! But the Republicans know that if they put those shouting heads like Hannity and Limbaugh on the air, there will be enough dumb-struck sheep willing to be led to the slaughter - knowing that people like you will believe anything because it's easier than trying to think for yourself.
Check out the new blog: BUSHWACKER!
I know you probably think (?) I'm defending those wacko left-wing liberals, but I'm not. In fact, I think the liberals are just as bad - if not worse - than those right-wing conservatives. The only positive is that the conservatives have outwitted liberals by crafting an amazing media blitz designed to look like "news" when it's really nothing more than a Republican public relations extravaganza that eats up the airwaves as they eat up millions of Americans' brains.

You'd best lie down and take a nap before Limbaugh comes on. All his crapola will certainly wear you down as you won't know which commie liberal to kill next! It's amazing how the FCC allows such hate and bias to fill our national airwaves (and don't tell me it's a matter of free speech; this is America, where we still should have an expectation for civility and common sense).

Okay, I'm going to sign off now before I get too verbose (which I easily can do when I run into mentally-deficient dullards). -RKO-

2006-07-27 09:43:18 · answer #4 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

As you know, the dems are upset about being out of power. To them, it's a game of King on the Mountain, and whatever has to be done to unseat the Republicans, they will do it.

I didn't hear all this "give peace a chance" when we were bombing the living crap out of Bosnia from 30,000 feet. Don't buy into the pacifist democrat mantra. They are extremely war-like when they control the spending money. Put a democrat in as prez, and they will tear it up in the Mideast (as long as the dollars are flowing to their cronies)

It is all very hollow and very insincere. I suspect that these double-dealing politicians will pay dearly for their words, which, after all, are a matter of permanent record!

2006-07-27 03:35:51 · answer #5 · answered by Elwood Blues 6 · 0 0

Well to be sincere there is not any truly approach of having information besides from eyewitness debts and C-SPAN. A govt community could be EXTREMELY unsafe and a expertise propaganda laptop in some way. The reality is folks wish to listen to what they decide upon to listen to, if it is helping the struggle or no longer. That is why rough-left MSNBC is in industry as good as rough-correct Fox. That's capitalism. People must consider for themselves and beyond the spins of the Rush Limbaughs, Bill O'Reillys, Keith Olbermanns of the sector. If they make a mindful selection to agree those folks, that's good enough. However they must no longer consume their bs and take it as gospel.

2016-08-28 17:06:14 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Because war is a bad thing - for all sides involved but especially for those caught in the crossfire

And response to your addition - waging full scale war on terrorists doesn't work - look at the UK against the (US funded) IRA - war created more problems, so the shift moved to the police mounting criminal investigating

2006-07-27 03:31:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

... You do know that the Prime Minister of Iraq was put there by the US Republicans... He was a nobody before we invaded his country and overthrew their government.

2006-07-27 03:33:31 · answer #8 · answered by Mac13eth 4 · 0 0

This WAR should NOT be happening.

2006-07-27 04:18:58 · answer #9 · answered by Jim F 5 · 0 0

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