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why do NEOCON/GOP fools believe something as stupid as a fairy tale about a guy walking on water a few thousand years ago, but don't believe Global Warming when it is a major issue that is currently happening and all the scientists have proof of it ?

2006-07-27 03:19:52 · 26 answers · asked by Pres. Chimp 2 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

Many people believe in the Bible, regardless of political party affiliation.

2006-07-28 15:41:13 · answer #1 · answered by danie_k80 2 · 2 1

Because we're tire of listening to scientifically illiterate people LIKE YOU or AlGore spewing on about subjects you have no idea about, just parroting stuff that some agenda-driven scaremonger tells you.

Let's list some facts.
1. The current trend is that over the last 100+ years, the Earth has warmed about 1ºC, most of that in the 1st 50 years of the trend.

2. The Earth has experienced multiple warming and cooling trends since before human history. Greenland was once GREEN! Ohio once was covered in GLACIERS. And all that happened without a single SUV or aerosol can or coal-burning electrical plant.

3. Based on the facts, there is very little evidence that human activity may even be causing any but a very tiny fraction of this warming. Most, if not all, of it is beyond human fault or control.

4. There is also some scientific evidence that being warmer may actually be beneficial to mankind in the long run.

5. The scaremongerers use unrealistic climatology models for their predictions - because they need to have a problem in order for government grant money to continue flowing. Greedy, greedy, greedy, as the liberals are wont to say.

6. For all we know, this warming trend could end tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, and the Earth go into a cooling trend. The fact is that neither you, I, nor any of these global warming chicken littles can predict this.

7. The idiotic Kyoto Accords, if it had been enacted, would have, according to scientific estimates, after 50 years (and some pretty severe economic impacts) reduced greenhouse gasses by about 0.5% - an insignificant number.

8. We do not currently have the technology to either predict the climate accurately, nor do anything about it anyway. Rather than running around crying, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" perhaps we need to start government funding of technology to eventually control the climate. The fact is that even if this is as bad as the scaremongers say (and it isn't), there wouldn't be significant impact for centuries. In that time, we could develop the technology to do something about it.

2006-07-27 03:39:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not too long ago (50 years or so) Scientists were worried about global cooling, another ice age. If you think the Ozone hole is proof, heres a little fact - its supposed to be there, Ozone is created when solar radiation hits the atmoshphere. the sun never directly hits the poles, so there is no need for ozone and none is created there.
As for the average temperature of the earth, We have only had accurate weather record keeping for the past 150 years or so, hardly enough time to determine if the average temperature .
Any questions?

2006-07-27 03:31:41 · answer #3 · answered by iron5frenzy 1 · 0 0

1st, just because you are a Christian does not make you a neo-con or a member of the GOP. Therefore, I think it is obvious that you are a fool.

2nd, Just because you are a neo-con or a member of the GOP does not make you a Christian. Therefore, again, you expose yourself a fool.

Now, two of your presmises are false, and it is loggically impossible to reach a true conclusion with false premises. Your arguement is illogical.

Concerning Global Warming...NASA satelites have show a patter on total global surface temperature as a decrease of .001 degress annually over the last decade. However, you also have an increase in temperatures of water at lower levels in the ocean. So therefore you have an incongruency in the data that forces scientists to ask questions.

What the data shows is that the hydrosphere of Earth is warming, but the surface is cooling. The causes of this are more likely related to the temperature and radiation from the sun, or from tectonic/volcanic activity (or lack thereof) than the levels of carbon in the lower atmosphere.

For example, the polar caps of Mars are begining to melt. yet, there is no manmade carbon emissions on Mars. Our polar caps are melting as well. The one element we share, because Mars is tectonically dead, is the sun. Also, the sun has reached its first half-life about now...(exact is impossible in millions of year measure, but we are around the time it should hit its half-life). If you have ever studies radioactive decay modles, you know that half-lifes show irregular peaks and valleys in energy output. Such peaks and valleys would explain the discrepiencies in warming variables as well. Considering that the Earth gets 99.9% of its heat energy from the Sun, I think people should look to the sun in regards to global warming.

Why do Darwinists still believe in slow evolution when the fossil record has offered no evidence supporting that scientific conclusion in the last 150 years?

What is funny, though, is that we are still in an ice age, geologically speaking. I love it when people who have never studied geology espouse "predicting ice age" theories, because we are still in the ice age. There are times in the history of Earth, when mamals without cars walked, that there were no polar ice caps at all. Plants, vegitation, and cute animals lived on Antarctica and the Greenland. Go back a few years in human history, well before the invention of industry, and there was no ice anywhere on Greenland. So long as we have polar ice caps, we are techniocally in an ice age. It is just that it is not as sever as other times in the geological history of this planet, like when you had icy tundra all the way in Mexico...and half the Gulf of Mexico was an ice sheet.

There is a difference between science, and scietific alarmists. Scientific alarmists enter science not with curtiosity, as a scientist should, but with a political agenda. That is what is going on in the current debate on man-made global warming.

Sorry for my spelling errors, but spell check failed.

2006-07-27 03:34:41 · answer #4 · answered by lundstroms2004 6 · 0 0

The same scientists also had proof that we were entering an Ice Age in the seventies. But that was about twenty years before you were born, isn't it?
Besides, there's more documentation on the life of Christ (SECULAR documentation) than there is on the life of Plato. Not only that, but would you die a horrible death for something you knew to be a lie?
Yes, there is a warming trend happening. In a few years, it'll cool right back off again. It's one of the cyclic changes of nature.

2006-07-27 03:24:12 · answer #5 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

It's easier for some people to hold on to the stories taught in childhood than to fully mature into the world of reason and discovery.They're afraid if one myth crumbles,their whole life may uravel.Sad,really.

Because understanding climate changes,and what we will have to do to reverse negative trends means changing how we use our resources,which cuts into big businesses profits.Manufacturing and production are not bad,but changing our habits will rquire some profit loss,and they don't like that idea,even if it does mean a cleaner,more stable earth.

Environmentalism is not a left/right issue,but the problems with ignoring it actually ARE an inconvenient truth.

2006-07-27 03:28:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LOL Because fairy tales are A LOT easier to understand than Global Warming, which requires an EDUCATION. That's why you tell children fairy tales, and not economic theories--they don't have the brain capacity/maturity for it.

2006-07-27 03:27:14 · answer #7 · answered by Kookoo Bananas 3 · 0 0

first of all, worldwide Warming isn't worldwide warming. i've got self assurance in worldwide warming...that the earth is in a warming style. it is elementary. (notwithstanding the severity of the warming is being oversold with the aid of activists.) however the earth warming does not start to teach all of worldwide Warming alarmists' claims. in accordance to organic technology the earth is often the two warming or cooling. in accordance to organic technology (on which worldwide Warming supposedly bases its authority) Europe exchange into coated in Ice in the semi-recent previous. This ice melted long in the previous any of the meant reasons of worldwide Warming existed. How? Mars is likewise experiencing planatary warming. How? guy isn't there polluting something. so a techniques as greenhouse gases bypass...the mere coexistence of phenomena does not point out causality. And crucial to a theory in worldwide Warming is a static view of the earth's environment. The organic worldwide isn't static. i'm open to theory in worldwide Warming, however the info isn't there. Why?

2016-10-08 09:21:09 · answer #8 · answered by erlebach 4 · 0 0

The issue of global warming cuts into their profits. What some guy did years and years ago while walking on water has no bearing on their profit margins.

2006-07-27 03:24:35 · answer #9 · answered by quikzip7 6 · 0 0

We do, but we also believe that it is happening on mars as well, thus it is a cyclic sun event. The devisiveness comes from wether it is caused by man or not. In that ALL the scientists do not all agree. In that, it is the Fools like AL Gorski and his convenient LIE that cause you to believe that it is MANS fault. To get his sheeple to sighn on to the Kyoto B***S***accords and get the US to pay for it all since you and I have the big pockets.

2006-07-27 03:29:41 · answer #10 · answered by battle-ax 6 · 0 0

Because there isn't anything in the Bible about Global Warming. You ask a smart a$$ question, I gave a smart a$$ answer.

2006-07-27 03:22:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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