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What 5 unique things would your administration be known for ? I'll post mine as additional details. Be creative, but be realistic(yeah, I know the question isn't realistic, but...)Try to list those things which are within the scope of the presidency, not those things delegated by the constitution to Congress or the states.

2006-07-27 00:41:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

Well, first thing I would push for is to lower medical costs by placing a cap on attorneys' fees. Part of the reason medical care is so high is because of the ridiculous lawsuits, which cost hospitals money, whether they win or lose the cases. Another problem is, of course, the high costs of prescription medication, which brings me to the second thing I would do. The cost of medication is high because 1) People will pay the high costs, because they have to and because 2) The companies that research pharmaceuticals have a monopoly. So obviously that business needs to expand, and more money needs to be funded to research, to bring the cost of medication down. We also need to fight for better coverage. Obviously a senior citizen on a fixed income of $1200 a month can't afford $200 for medication, so there needs to be a better system of giving them the health care they need and deserve. I would propose to Congress that they cooperate with a think tank, and figure out how we can get better health care for everyone. They're not doing their job, at all.
The third thing I would do is move to reform welfare, so that a person who is on it can stay on no longer than three years, and that's only if they are trying to better themselves by getting an education, and looking for a job. If they are not doing either one of those two, let them starve, and take their kids, and place them in foster care. Also, push to make sure that they are on birth control or some other kind of method of contraception, so that they aren't having kids while on welfare. We also need to be more stringent on what food stamps can buy. And they need to be completely non-transferrable.
The fourth thing I would do, after reforming welfare, is allocate more funding towards education. However, it would be done a little more differently. Instead of throwing some money at the problem, all teachers must undergo testing to make sure they're qualified, and that they're doing their jobs. If a teacher has more than a 20% fail rate per class, they're not doing their jobs, and they need to be fired. Immediately. I don't care what color their skin is, or how long they've been teaching.
Second, obviously in the more affluent school districts, they don't need as much money, because they have families that contribute (for which they should be receiving a tax cut, and if they aren't, that would change.), so the poorer school districts would receive better equipment, and more current books, directly from the government. Many of the children in the Appalachian mountains, for example, can't even afford shoes, much less to go to a good school. We have a third-world environment right in our own country. It's a travesty. These kids need to be given more.
The fifth thing I would push for is to illegalize abortion in the third trimester entirely, except in cases where the mother-to-be's life is at stake. At that point, it is most definitely a baby, and it looks like one. Abortion would remain entirely legal in the first and second trimesters though.
There are so many other ideas I have, as to what I would push for, what my platform would be. I'm a moderate, so most of my views are as well. Only problem is, I would never be elected. I have too much of a past, and at the moment, only a high school education.
Would I be a good president?

2006-07-27 01:01:54 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 9

Find a solution to the Iraq situation, there are a lot of smart people out there and with the help of some of the nations the current administration ignores it could be done.

Start a Apollo type program for the solution to the energy problem. Almost all the worlds problems today are caused by oil, and oil companies. This would also solve so many other problems, pollution, global warming, get the right people working on the problem. If we are not spending the money in Iraq we could afford to solve this problem.

Give back all the rights that the current administration has taken away in the name of 9-11. Fix the homeland security department, current administration has created a monster bureaucracy that not only does not work, it is ripping our freedoms away from us, does big brother sound familiar.

Universal health care, it's an obvious solution to a problem that is just getting worse and worse, do you get the feeling that the insurance companies are jealous of the oil companies profits.

Real Tax reform, no more loop holes for the very rich. It's sort of like when a company gives a 3% pay raise to everyone and say it's fair, lets face it 3% for someone making $20,000 a year is not the same as 3% for someone making 1 million a year, and the rich should have to pay more in taxes they can afford it.

2006-07-27 01:09:53 · answer #2 · answered by Jim C 5 · 0 0

1. I would repeal laws that go against the constitution.
2 . I would make new laws to protect woman from inappropriate touching and violence by police.
3. I would enforce morality in business by taking on company's that abuse the government by passing laws that give them unfair advantages at the expense of morality.
4. I would replace the FDA with an entity that actually protects consumers instead of just protecting big business.
5. I would replace gas and oil with cheap renewable resources.

If I were president I would have the help and support of Congress and the American people. I believe that a president without such support is helpless.

2006-07-27 01:09:05 · answer #3 · answered by marytormeye 4 · 0 0

I love Olcay's answer. This idiot should move to Russia. Hasn't this already been tried...it's called Communist. Equal resources for all means none of us have to work because there is no motive for profit. Thus we can stand in line and wait for our daily allotment of stale government bread and standard issue mass produced government shoes.

Anyway, back to the question:

1) Increase federal funding and grants for NIH and NSC projects, such as those that relate to biotechnology, nanotechnology, and other future industrial growth areas. This would include both university and industry research.

2) Convince Israel to blow up Iran's nuclear plants. Israel did this is a stealth strike in the 1980s and should do it again. The US could provide political and military cover if necessary.

3) Increase federal funding for voluntary corporate environmentalism to improve the environment with less regulation.

4) Convinc China to not value their currency as a percentage of the dollar, but rather let it be valued on the open currency market. Pressue the World Trade Organization to make this happen and prevent China's unfair advantage in trade.

5) Press for more open markets and a free trade world. To participate in the free trade, mandate economic and political freedom from these countries. Press Islamic countries to allow women to vote.

2006-07-27 00:56:53 · answer #4 · answered by The Big Shot 6 · 0 0

1. Secure the borders, with the military. Move troups home from Europe and other far away posts (not Iraq or Afganhistan).
2. Make the INS do their job and deport illegal aliens.
3. Work hard to get Congress to allow Oil drilling in ANWAR (Alaska) and to fund alternative fuel technology, require automakers to produce drastically more efficient vehicles.
4. Tell the American people about the Fair Tax (www.fairtax.org) and ask for their support in getting their representatives to vote for House Bill HR 25 and finally get rid of that evil IRS!
5. Do everything in his power to move the United Nations to France and let the world appeasers fund that idiot organization.

2006-07-27 00:55:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1: pull out of Iraq and Afganistan and apologise for any wrong doing, 2: get the G8 leaders of the world to stop pussyfooting around the whole poverty issue and end it, 3: disband the C.I.A. no-one should have more power than the president, 4: open all borders and let people live where they want and finally 5: Death penalty for Peado's, Rapists, Murderers and Conmen, Extreme I know but it would end alot of it...

2006-07-27 00:48:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a million. Closed Gitmo. 2. gained commitments via individuals of G20 to invest $a million.2 Trillion to stem the tide of the international financial disaster. 3. gained dedication via Turkey to help interior the conflict against international terrorism. 4. Reallocated protection rigidity aspects into Afghanistan. 5. Signed the financial Stimulus invoice into regulation.

2016-11-03 02:36:09 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Let me see, since I couldn't do anything right as 6 billion other people would have a say as to if I did anything right,
1 nuke
2 the
3 world
4 with
5 everything

2006-07-27 00:51:49 · answer #8 · answered by uncle.bubba 2 · 0 0

Make sure Monica left the building without the dress for starters, after that I'd champion wildlife and forestry conservation issues, push for healthcare for everyone in this country, and create fairness for men as well as women in the courtroom in issues such as parental rights and child support issues.

2006-07-27 00:49:03 · answer #9 · answered by quikzip7 6 · 0 0

Push for domestic oil drilling and relax environmental laws until alternative fuel can be developed, stop the flow of cash in a failed public education system and offer vouchers to kids who score high enough to qualify for them. Make congress to take action on social security system. make congress take action on a fair tax system and stop raping the working class. repeal every gun control law on the books and require every home have at least one firearm in it

2006-07-27 01:20:28 · answer #10 · answered by sealss3006 4 · 0 0

Universal health care
No more defecit spending
No more catering to business at the cost of people's health and lives
Make voting easier, not harder
We would no longer be the bully of the world

2006-07-27 00:47:24 · answer #11 · answered by happytraveler 4 · 0 0

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