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My friend is 15 and she wants a baby.She has a boyfriend who also wants a baby and he will be 16 next month.They have talked about all the plans about how they are goin to take care of the baby.i dont know what to do.Someone please help me out!!

2006-07-26 15:28:54 · 48 answers · asked by a curious friend 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

48 answers

1000000000% wrong. y do u care? its her choice her life. tell their parents for real, even if she would get mad at u. u can save an innocent babys life.

2006-07-26 15:31:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm usually very open minded about everything, but no way in the hell is that right. They are both too young. I mean having a baby is a life long commitment, they surely can't take it back when its crying too much and won't sleep at night. I'm quite sure the boyfriend doesn't even live with her either, so he wouldn't really have as much responsibility with the baby, other than just coming by to feed and play with it. A baby needs two parents, who can devote time to them and nuture a lasting bond. And they can't go off to hang out with friends at the mall or anything because they have a child to take care of. This next statement, I don't know the stats on, but I have read that having children at such a young age is bad for the girl, because she is still developing in her reproductive organs. And if something went wrong in the labor she may never have children again later in life. So the best thing you can tell them both is to keep it in their pants and wait til the proper time to even be thinking about children, like when they are older. Done with school or both have jobs or have gone to college. Because another big thing is even though they may think they are in love now, whenever they grow up and develop into two different people than they were when they were 15 and 16, they may come to realize that they want to be with different people and that baby might suffer in the process because his or her parents didn't think this decision through.

2006-07-26 15:39:12 · answer #2 · answered by Bloody Kisses 4 · 0 0

Smack them upside the head.


No 16-year-old really can handle a baby. The fact that so many girls get knocked up is something of a tragedy.

They have no clue how the real world works. They don't know the strain of working two minimum wage jobs full-time just to pay the rent. They don't get that a baby is not just an animated doll; it's a human being they are totally and absolutely responsible for.

They don't know that their social lives will evaporate into the ether, nor that they won't become cool for having a drool machine about them all day and all night.

Sleep will be a luxury, with the scion screaming at all hours for momma and her breast, or a fresh diaper, or for a little company.

Wake them the hell up, and if that fails, tell their parents about their intentions. It may cost you a friend, but her life is more important than your company.

2006-07-26 15:33:24 · answer #3 · answered by kx_wx 3 · 0 0

Just tell them this:

Rent $300-800 a month
Food $250-500 a month
Utilities $250 a month
Car $300 a month
Daycare $560 a month
Diapers $50 a month
Formula $ 75 a month
Clothes and toys $100+ a month
Doctors visits ???? (I had great insurance and complications still cost me $1000 out of pocket)

If those figures don't change their mind, have them talk to a teen mother. And if that still doesn't work, ask your friend about college, dreams, career, etc... If he leaves, she's the one left with the baby. Then what?

2006-07-26 15:35:41 · answer #4 · answered by JC 2 · 0 0

Maybe not the best thing to do at 15! A few raesons, having a baby is such a huge responsibility, which they may not realise untill they actually have one. When you have a baby in the early stages you hardly have any time for yourself, & money is an issue aswell. Also at the age of 15 you don't know if the relationship will go the distance. They should stick to baby sitting for now, then you can give the baby back when you've had enough!

2006-07-26 15:34:47 · answer #5 · answered by idk 3 · 0 0

YES IT IS WRONG!!! At there ages they should have better things to think about than ruining there lives with a child. What about graduating? Prom? Sports? Social clubs? Church? What kind of JOB can a 15 & 16 year old get to support this baby? McDonald's is NOT a career move unless you plan on owning one. Read a book. Go to the movies. Play scrabble. But for God's sake stop having unprotected sex and start thinking about your future. You have your whole life ahead of you too make babies. And when you can stand on your own two feet and support one that is the time to have one. Finish school, get a good job with benefits, GET MARRIED and then plan your family.

2006-07-26 15:38:25 · answer #6 · answered by damiansams 1 · 0 0

Get them a pony. It would be easier to take care of. All you'd need would be a small barn and lots of hay and a couple acres of land so it can walk around a little. Also, you can get health insurance on the pony cheaper than for a kid. Plus, if the pony gets really hungry and you can't afford to feed, you can sell it to someone who can. That might be a bit distressing to do, but it would be a lot easier than having to give up a child because you weren't ready to care for it the way it deserves. Another thing, if the pony has a life threatening illness, you can put it down, but with kids, you have to live with that and pay for it, too.

And forget about partying, unless you can find someone to thoughtlessly dump the kid on while you have fun (without the kid, of course).

2006-07-26 15:38:20 · answer #7 · answered by cdb 3 · 0 0

Very wrong. There are a few things you need to have before a baby... AT THE VERY LEAST:

1. Highschool Diploma
2. Reliable Car
3. Home (not with mommy/daddy)
4. MARRIAGE! PLEASE, get married first!
5. Jobs (enough to pay for yourself, significant other AND baby, babies are expensive)
6. Good health insurance... babies are not free, and good insurance is hard to come by. Many things can go wrong with a new baby.

I hope this can help you talk to her. =D

2006-07-26 15:34:42 · answer #8 · answered by Danielle 4 · 0 0

Dear god they are insane? I'm 22 and have a 6 month old and I have a hard engouh time. The worst part is losing your freedom, you can't just walk out the door and go hang with your friends. You have to get that baby ready , haul him out the door ( those car seats are heavy)! You watch all of your other friends out having fun and partying meanwhile your stuck at home watching re-runs of Law and Order.

Oh and one 12.9 oz can of Similac costs $11.00 it would take you about 2 hours at a min wage job to be able to buy it. Thats saying you could find a job .Most jobs require someone to be a certain age ,and they really want people with experience. I don't care what they say they will discriminate against you for your age. I made the mistake at an interview and told someone I was 21 and they assumed I went out drinking and partying everynight.

Baby needs clothes and diapers too , also which don't come cheap. I buy the cheapest diapers I can find, Target brand size 2 , 96 pack , they are still $10-$11 a pack ( WIC doesn't cover that ). They accidently sent me the hospital bill for my son's birth it was like $1, 250.00 dollars ,lucky for me medicaid covered that. When they say that babies are expensive its not a ******* joke.I wish to god I still lived with my parents and didn't have to pay bills. Where are they going to live ? How are they going to pay bills? What are they going to do if something goes wrong, hot water heater goes , pipes break , etc? How are they going to get to the doctor? Do they have driver's liscenses? Do they have a car? What happens if something goes wrong with their car? You can't just put that baby in the other room and ignore it, its going to cry. It will cry at the worst times , even during the middle of the night up until its 3-4 months old. It will get sick and need to see a doctor , they'll have to get insurance ( which any more comes only with a good job). In order to get a good job you have to go to college but in order to get there you have to make it through K-12 , its hard to do homework with a baby screaming for your attention.

Babies require lots of attention and care you have to feed , burp them, wipe their butts, wipe their noses, clean their ears , cut their nails, bathe them, wash their clothes. You have to teach them to eat off of spoons , teach em to use the toilet , you pretty much have to teach them every thing you know. Big job , big responsibility . You leave your baby in the car unattended for 5 mins and they will throw you in jail. Your child does anything wrong you are liable for them. Its a job that lasts a life time , just because I turned 18 doesn't mean I don't ever call my mom up at 3 am.

How do they know they want to have an attachment to each other for the rest of their lives, they have barely tested the waters. Problems do occur in relationships, people lie , cheat , get bored , get annoyed , find something better.

Life is FULL of hard knocks. It'll knock you flat on your ***.
Employers , bill collectors and the general public doesn't give a rat's *** about your problems, if you run out of money its your problem not theirs. I'm sorry I can't sugar coat it . Life is not peachy keen , cotton candy and ice cream. I love my son but I wished I had waited to have him.

2006-07-26 17:17:21 · answer #9 · answered by primamaria04 5 · 0 0

YES!!! It is wrong. Please try to talk them out of it. They are way too young. They don't understand that having a baby will change their whole life. They will always be responsible for the love and safety of this child. I'm sure they really believe they want a baby and have great intentions and plans, but tell them to wait please? If you are a friend as you say then help them to see it is wrong at this time in their lives.

2006-07-26 15:42:06 · answer #10 · answered by misty 1 · 0 0

I understand the need for starting a family...although I didn't have that need at 16. They are going to do what they want....unless their parents actually have a spine and step in long enough to make them wait till 18.....

If anyone can get them to listen, they need to understand that a child is the ultimate love and responsibility...

Are they prepared to:

Find good daycare so they can both work? Have they measured that cost..?

Have they weighed the option of one of them being a stay at home parent?

Do they know what responsibility comes with being a stay at home parent..?

Can they realize that once they have a child they have to give up their ways of being teenagers??
Oh screw it....
Oh my gosh....you know what...tell them to graduate, get established in some type of work or profession and then think about kids...

2006-07-26 15:38:04 · answer #11 · answered by keeperlast 2 · 0 0

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