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9 answers

I guess it depends on where you live... if he has friends and such maybe you should have a small b-day party. If your are very close w/fam. maybe then have them over. Three year olds are pretty simple though a trip to the park or chuck e cheese always goes over well

don't forget the camera

2006-07-26 03:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by Stevie J 2 · 0 0

A three year old won't remember the party, isn't quite ready for long bouts of interaction with other kids, and probably won't really enjoy it. Invite the child's friends and the parents of the friends, But small inexpensive toys so that all the kids get to play and enjoy the time visiting the other parents,

2006-07-26 03:56:35 · answer #2 · answered by Buffy Summers 6 · 0 0

Pass the parcel is one. Another is tying apples on a string at about head height ( on a clothes line or something ) the children have to eat the apple without using their hands. Or using the same principle put the apples in buckets of water. Also don't forget, Pin The Tail On The Donkey.

2006-07-26 04:14:53 · answer #3 · answered by jewel_o_th_night 3 · 0 0

AWW!!!!!! I love kids there so cute n adorable hehe! uh ya can always have face painting, pin the tail on the donkey, try to stick with more physical activities that are simple and easy but, not to easy. Try teaching them new things n be creative. Hope that helps a little? Good luck!

2006-07-26 03:47:33 · answer #4 · answered by *Cupcake* 2 · 0 0

I't's hard with 3 year olds they dont sit still your best bet is just keep them moving if your having at your home have a kiddie pool and sprinkler get some water guns you can have them do a water balloon toss pin the tail on the donkey simon says I would keep it simple if you try something to difficult you will lose thier interest definitly have a pinata

2006-07-26 03:41:19 · answer #5 · answered by candidworker 5 · 0 0

My daughter just had a dance party for her birthday! It was great, all kids love music. We just downloaded some kidz bob type stuff, and gave out the burned cd's for party favors!

2006-07-26 03:50:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go to birthdayexpress.com. They have a lot of cute theme ideas for the party and with each theme is activities. They are relatively inexpensive as well.

2006-07-26 04:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by becki4626 1 · 0 0

Around where I live they have a play gym for young kids. If you have one near you that would be a good idea. You could also just invite his/her friends over from a day care if he/she goes to one. And maybe rent a bouncy place to jump in.

2006-07-26 03:40:18 · answer #8 · answered by edking09 2 · 0 0

pin the tail on the donkey

2006-07-26 03:50:58 · answer #9 · answered by seesar_08 2 · 0 0

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