Not all, but most celebrities are like that. The reason is, the public worships them and they lose sight of the fact that they are just people.
Cab drivers want to give them free service. Restaurants want to give them free food and super service. This is a real joke to me, because who could afford to pay their own way more?
Mariah Carey is another one. She screams at hotel maids and delights in having them fired.
As long as the public treats them like royalty, they will continue to act this way. They have forgotten who they were when they were trying to "make it". I say, let them wait in line with the rest of us. Quit pampering them. Instead of trying to kiss their a$$es, they should kiss ours for making them so rich.
2006-07-26 03:17:40
answer #1
answered by lcmcpa 7
A lot of them, yes. That's because alot of the public put so much into knowing who they are trying to turn themselves into that person. I know that If I had people watching my every move and trying to figure out everything about my life and where I get my clothes from, who does my hair and so forth, I would have an ego the size of the galaxy too.
A few months ago, I went to a play in D.C. that starred one of my favorit male singers, Gerald Levert. After the play I saw him in the hallway and he was so cool. He kissed me on the cheek and took pictures with me. I even got him to talk to my mommy when I called her on my cell phone. So not all celebrities are arrogant jack offs but many are.
2006-07-26 03:08:31
answer #2
answered by duncanchild7 3
Yes i do think "MOST" of them are like that...they just put on this act about being caring and sweet n all that crap...but at the back of their head they all know their better then us...and the thing is they would never be where they are if it wasn't the push they get from us....who buys all their dvd's/cd's/goes to da movies/posters etc etc???? WE DO!!! the only reason they all that famous is cuz of the support of the conclusion i think they just put on a "oh so sweet" act that would get them more media coverage and make them something better then what they are!!! we all know the real truth.....................reality bites.....i know!!!
2006-07-26 03:11:44
answer #3
answered by Lola 2
When it comes to rich and fame yes you are stuck up. Most famous celebrities are conceited, but when the camera's in their spotlight they become all nice and what not.
2006-07-26 03:04:57
answer #4
answered by melodieandromeo2006 2
look at paris hilton ok she didnt ask to be born but
she got every bloody think, shes never worked in her life and never will
when we all work our arses off ffor years and cant even aford a pension
plus she always poses shes a moose
2006-07-26 03:03:52
answer #5
answered by beavis 2
i think a few r like paris and linsey lohan
2006-07-26 03:40:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
not all though....
2006-07-26 03:03:33
answer #7
answered by fuilui213 6