I just visited your site http://ideanxt.com/ I found your site visually appealing, loaded easily etc. I also checked out your source codes of your site, (the foundation) and noticed a few little thing that If were my site I would change a few things (1) you have
ideaNXT :: Think what you have never thought
as search engines use what is in the
tag to index your site for search engines queries, I would use a major "keyword" in my "title" tag also (2) I would add a "meta" content and a "meta" description tag with more keywords in it (3) add the "alt" tags to my
tag, this also help with search engine indexing and also to save bandwidth a few visitors to your sight turnoff images, so if you put the "alt" tag in these visitors will know what the image is about
for more tips I have included a link that I used
2006-07-26 06:58:37
answer #1
answered by luv_a_win 5
There are a number of free resources available to advertise your website and increase traffic. You can advertise on relevant free classifieds ( www.craigslist.org) ,directories (dmoz) and relevant forums. Major search engines like Yahoo, Google , MSN search are a major source of visitors for most websites and you can submit your website to these search engines for free. You can also run contests offering prizes to regular visitors. I have found the following website useful
2006-07-29 19:03:13
answer #2
answered by raghviii 2
The best way is to mention your site on-in,"my Space"
The traffic is so heavy,so many hits,it will boost your site fast!
2006-07-26 08:52:23
answer #3
answered by ? 6
post something about sex
that somehow seems to drive up traffic lots
2006-07-26 08:50:21
answer #4
answered by farrah_tahar 2
i saw your website, before you drive or consider driving traffic there, you might want to make it at least a bit interesting. I couldn't figure out what it was, there were errors, dead links, etc.
2006-07-26 08:51:46
answer #5
answered by thunder2sys 7
Looks like your on the job. Have a good one:-) just one thing you forgot to list your site in case anyone was interested why? The suspense is killing meeeeee
2006-07-26 08:53:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Cheapest what?
2006-07-26 08:50:00
answer #7
answered by joe 5
have it registered in all the search engines.
2006-07-26 08:51:14
answer #8
answered by Dr Dee 7
do like asin? if u like why?.abt. ur question sorry...too ignorant to answer
2006-07-26 08:53:49
answer #9
answered by cutie_pie 1
yeh, go by bus
2006-07-26 08:49:57
answer #10
answered by singa_dude 3