here's the whole recap on the last episode.
One night at Robot Arms Apts., Bender is hearing and seeing strange things coming from Fry's Room. Ignoring the Bender Cannot Enter signs on the door, Bender enters and finds Fry playing the holophonor. Fry says he's been taking lessons, but he still stinks. Bender agrees to come to a recital for Fry.
At the recital, everyone else is good, but all Fry can produce is an angry snail that produces holo-slime. The teacher says she can't teach Fry.
Fry says that he's hearing beautiful music in his head, but his hands can't keep up. Leela says that one of her boyfriends was a musician, and she really liked him, but he cheated on her. Fry says he wants to learn to play, and Bender says that the Robot Devil can help them.
Fry and Bender arrive at Robot Hell. The Robot Devil says that he can switch Fry's hands with another robot's hands so they can play good. The Robot Devil spins the Wheel of Robots, and it lands on him, so he switches his and Fry's hands.
The Robot Devil keeps trying to get his hands back, but Fry won't give in. Fry starts playing the holophonor well (yet somehow continues to produce snails). Leela really likes his playing.
Hedonist Bot asks Fry to write an opera for him. Fry decides to write about Leela. Fry says that he can't let Leela see any of it before it's done.
Robot Devil asks Bender for his hands, but instead, Bender trades his crotch-plate for a bullhorn nose. Bender tries it out on Leela, causing her to go deaf. She cries about being unable to hear Fry's opera now.
Hedonist Bot introduces Fry, who's opera begins with a scene with Leela being found at the Orphanarium. It then goes into a scene with Fry, Bender, and Leela fighting Godzilla.
Later, at intermission, Leela finds the Robot Devil, who says that in exchange for her hand, she gets new robotic ears.
The Robot Devil gets angry at a scene where the Robot Devil is shown as being stupid and interrupts the opera. The Robot Devil announces that she signed a contract saying she would marry him, but she didn't know that. The Robot Devil says he call it off if Fry gives up his hands. Fry gives him back his hands, but can't play the holophonor anymore, so everyone leaves.
Leela tells Fry that she wants to hear how the opera, and in respect, the series, ends. Fry ends by playing the holophonor, with a crude picture of Fry and Leela. They share a kiss, then walk off screen, thus fulfilling the series by Fry and Leela getting together.
2006-07-25 17:38:56
answer #1
answered by annabelle 2
This Site Might Help You.
What happens in the last episode of Futurama?
I used to watch this show back then but I never had the chance to see the last espisode. What happens? Do Fry and Leila finally end up together?
2015-08-13 00:12:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well hold on because the show is coming back episodes start next year.
Show has a cult following. I miss it.
2006-07-25 17:36:45
answer #5
answered by jadz 2