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disabled windows firewall and only use mcafee firewall why does it take sooooooo long to boot?

2006-07-25 16:23:08 · 8 answers · asked by starmoon464 2 in Computers & Internet Security

8 answers

Norton is a pain in the *** to uninstall. It is NEVER a clean uninstall. You may want to go to the Norton site and follow their instructions for a clean uninstall - or get yourself a good regcleaner program. The other thing is to click on the start button and click RUN and type MSCONFIG and go to the tab that says Startup and make sure there's no Norton files checked there.

2006-07-25 16:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by longhats 5 · 0 0


2016-08-26 13:17:36 · answer #2 · answered by Dorthy 3 · 0 0

Run MSConfig and disable everything that you don't use...this will speed it up. Yes McAfee sux. Norton All in one also sux. you probably need to add more ram to the system. you can go to www.perfectdisk.com and download the trial version, do a complete defrag and then do an offline defrag. this will help, but as long as you use the internet security crap from either company, your computer will be slow. Service pack 2 and the updates will give plenty of protection for the average user. Just find an antivirus such as AVG or Norton's Antivirus without the security crap and you'll be fine. If you surf a bunch, you may want Spybot or Ad-aware to protect against potential spyware.

2006-07-25 16:41:06 · answer #3 · answered by ftb1016 1 · 0 0

Norton & mcafee are memory hogs. They slow down the pc drastically. I had them both finally removed & now using trendmicro. If you want a free use AVG anti-virus free edition (www.girisoft.com) .

First uninstall mcafee or norton then download/install & run ccleaner (www.download.com)
After cleaning registery with ccleaner install anti-virus.

While dealing with Msconfig, Don't disable all programs otherwise you pc may not boot. When the window opens, click on 'startup' & untick all boxes leaving virus protection. Otherwise your pc may be vulnerable to virus attacks. Then apply, close & re-start your computer. When you get a pop up window on re-start, simply tick the box in that pop up & click okay. Now you have lesser start up programs & the boot time taken would be very less.

2006-07-25 18:41:51 · answer #4 · answered by Vicky 4 · 0 0

mcafee is a very demanding software, it requires a lots of space in RAM, and it does control every single program in startup, now since you have installed that at the end, the computer will run that program at the end of startup list, and since it will go and check every other program that is why it is slower, I would encourage you to not to use mcafee if you have the ability, pccillin is much lighter and faster, and you could get it for cheaper.

2006-07-25 16:32:18 · answer #5 · answered by zizigooloo_asipasi 2 · 0 0

The quickest thank you to get it may well be to acquire it from any depended on internet site. only google "acquire residing house windows xp sp2" and get the report. Then set up. the reason I do it this manner is via the fact i take advantage of DAP (acquire Accelorator professional). that's a lot quicker than only employing residing house windows replace.

2016-12-10 15:47:13 · answer #6 · answered by zabel 4 · 0 0

Try dfraging your drives,if theres to many spaces it'll take longer to read.

2006-07-25 16:29:55 · answer #7 · answered by chris e 1 · 0 0

mccafee sucks and so does norton... sry but it does. avg with smooth wall

2006-07-25 16:30:41 · answer #8 · answered by Brady 3 · 0 0

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