I've been induced twice. Once with pitocin which is given through an IV. And once with cytotec which is put in next to your cervix, but you have to have very little dialation and effacement to receive this. Given the choice I would choose cytotec any day before pitocin. But pitocin is better than never having the baby. My advice is...don't be a hero. I wanted to go natural, but after 18 hours I had to get an epideral. I was so tense and couldn't relax. After the epideral I had the baby in 6 hours, I went from a 4 to a 10 in like 5 hours. It's really hard to relax and concentrate with the contractions coming on so strong. Just do what feels right for you and your body, anything you choose won't be wrong.
2006-07-25 08:26:14
answer #1
answered by mommyem 4
Usually, the reason contractions are more intense is because of the pitocin they give you. It's a synthetic hormone, made to mimic ocytocin, which is the hormone that puts you into labor- starts contractions. It can be a bit more intense because your body hasn't had time to build up to the hard contractions. If you find that they are really bad, talk to the nurse about getting your epidural as soon as they will let you.
With my first labor, my water broke at home, but only a small hole, so we went to the hospital. I got hooked up to the monitors and they came in to check me and all that, and then the nurse left the room. My hubby made me laugh, and my water really broke!! Then the contractions hit. They were horrible!! They moved me into my room and the anesthesiologist was sitting at the nurses station. He asked if I wanted an epidural. I said yes, in 5 minutes he was in there to give it, and I was in heaven after that. Didn't feel a thing.
With my second, I was induced. I was already dialated to a 5, 80% effaced, bag was bulging, babies head was engaged and I was ready!! I had been having really bad contractions for over 2 weeks that would start, last for a few hours and then stop. It was horrible!! As soon as I got to the hospital and got checked in, they took my BP- it was high that day, gee wonder why?? They started pitocin and before it could kick in, they gave me the epidural. I was so happy!! It was heaven to not feel the contractions anymore.
Either way, natural onset of labor, or induction, get the epidural!! Trust me, I'm a whimp when it comes to pain and there is nothing better.
Don't worry about labor and delivery. Everything will work out in the end, and by the time you are holding your little one, you will forget all about the pain.
2006-07-25 08:46:46
answer #2
answered by odd duck 6
I was induced with my first child and the whole process is painful but not the kind of pain where you cry. It is a lot of pressure down there and you will definately know they are contractions. They start out feeling like the braxton hicks ones that I am sure you have experienced when walking and your stomach gets hard.
There really isn't anything to compare. The two ways of labor work the same and the contractions will eventually all be the same. I would suggest that you use your lamaze training and just relax as much as possible. Just think of it this way. If they will be quicker then you will be done with the whole process quicker rather than some people that are in labor for days. Regardless the end result is a wonderful baby and you will be just fine. Good Luck!!
2006-07-25 08:20:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you and the baby are doing well, I wouldn't let a doctor tell me that I have to induce. I may be wrong, but it sounds like the doc has plans this weekend. My friend was induced and the baby was actually born too early and had to be in the NICU for a few days for breathing problems.
I had both my babies naturally with no drugs, so I can't offer a comparison. I have read that with pitocin, the contractions can come harder and faster. I think your body has a harder time naturally regulating your pain. Most of the people that I know who have been induced have opted for the epidural.
If there is no medical reason for induction, I would say that your fear has a basis in reality and that you should tell your doctor that you are going to go into labor naturally. You are in control of your birth experience, not your doctor.
2006-07-25 08:36:31
answer #4
answered by Mom In Training 4
I had 2 VERY different labors with my children, with my daughter I was brushing my hair one second and on the floor the next yelling to get the car. I had contractions every 2 mins or something i didn't know because i was dying...i got to the hospital and had to wait for them to decided that i was in fact in labor-still having serious contractions-then i had to wait for the epidural man-who i love-so i got in the bath and the nurse was incredible once i relaxed and lost some of my fear i did much better-i had an epidural when i was at like 6?cenim. but i think if i had been more informed and really knew how to breath and relax i could have gone through the whole thing...with my son i was given pitocin? did i spell that right ? to induce my labor and it came on slowly and steady and i found that my contractions that i had had with my daughter were MUCH worse than with my son i got my epidural with him @ 6 cen. as well but he was a breeze! I think if you are very well informed and can breath and relax you can go natural..but after being induced just relax and go with it..if you need an epidural than get one but don't let all these other people scare you! every labor is different just be really aware and don't be scared!!! It will come out beautifully and once you see your baby the pain will *poof* be gone!
2006-07-25 08:31:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If this is your first birth, you will not have anything to compare the pains to, so chances are that you wont feel that the pains are worse than can be, just very very painful. In all events, some women experience more pain than others, so it is hard to tell you what to expect.
The best way to deal with pain is to be prepared. Did you know that (I cant find the original study now - arg) that of 60 subjects tested with mild electric shocks, 9 out of 10 preferred to have a higher voltage than wait 10 minutes for the lower one. Pain is much worse in its anticipation....
If you want an epidural, go for it! Read up about it beforehand so you know what to expect, and make sure that your doc knows about it so he can give it to you on time. Chances are that he will set it up with the labor inducing medication at the same time. You can also help your pains (with and without an epidural) by asking to be hooked onto a monitor. If you can see the contraction on the page, you can chart its progress and be prepared to deal with it. If you prefer to be able to walk around, make sure you have comfy shoes and that someone is with you all the time. Some women say that getting up and being able to walk around is a great relief.
You have to see what is best for you. Dont be afraid to ensure that your wishes are seen to as long as medically able.
Best of luck!
2006-07-25 08:40:44
answer #6
answered by Leah S 3
Is there a true medical reason that he wants to induce you? Or is it just that you're close to your due date? You can ask to be monitored and wait to go into labor if you would prefer if nothing is wrong that indicates you truely NEED an induction. (Some docs are just induction happy and like to plan their deliveries to avoid working on weekends, etc.)
If they give you pitocen, the contractions will most likely be more intense and closer together than naturally occuring contractions. There is typically less time to recover between contractions when you are induced. Your movement is also going to be somewhat restricted since you'll be tied to an IV, which can make it harder to cope with labor.
What does your cervix look like now? Are you starting to efface or dilate yet?
You can try taking evening primrose oil (EPO) to help ripen your cervix. It won't put you into labor, but might help to make your cervix more favorable for labor. Take 2 capsules at night and put them up near your cervix. If you want, you can prick them with a pin and squeeze the oil out and rub it into your cervix.
Having sex may help. Semen contains prostaglandin which helps to ripen the cervix. (In the hospital they might use prostaglandin gel on you which is made from pig semen! Wouldn't you rather have DH's semen!? ICK!) Also, orgasm can bring on contractions which could possibly turn into labor.
Walk a lot to help get your baby to drop down into your pelvis.
2006-07-25 08:36:54
answer #7
answered by momma2mingbu 7
My first daughter was natural. In labor for six hours, I had no epideral and pushed for two hours.
I was induced with my second. Started the patosin at 8 am, contractions finally started at 3, had her after three pushes with no epideral and delivered at 6:30. The second everything just seemed to happen all at once, a lot faster. I wouldn't say the contractions were stronger or more painful. It seemed like we were waiting forever and then all of a sudden bam, here she was. At 3 I was only 3cm, at 4 at 6 and at 5:30 fully dialated. Good luck to you, I wish you only the best.
2006-07-25 08:22:20
answer #8
answered by Melissa R 4
I went in to be induced with my daughter but when I got there I was already in labor. I had her naturally and it was pretty bad. With my son I had to be induced also, when I got there I was like 3 centimeters but they started potocin anyway. I had an epidural with him and it hurt horribly when they put it in. Then just my left side went numb. I would have rather not got the epidural. But I never felt a contraction until just before I delivered even b4 the epidural. So I dont think induced labors hurt more. Its gonna probably hurt anyway.
2006-07-25 08:39:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i had to get my labor induced because of i had high blood pressure and my daughter started to go into stress. Well they started it about 8 am and i went right into labor, i was 39 weeks pregnant. i had her at 1:04 the next day in the afternoon so it was a long process of intense labor but for sure get the epidural...im so happy for you, i cant wait im 33 weeks now!! Just be happy and it will a ll be over with in no time
2006-07-25 08:23:42
answer #10
answered by tweedle dee 2