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I heard bad and good comments on it. I heard that hiphop expresses the truth. Other people say that it promotes violence.

2006-07-25 04:48:07 · 17 answers · asked by Quentin Grzyb 2 in Entertainment & Music Music

17 answers

No doubt and pink are POP not HIP HOP big diffrence. And hip hop was around for only 25 years, today they call it Rap and hip hop because rap was influenced by hip hop (and other genres too). People are going to have diffrent veiws because any type of urban music (Rap&hip hop, R&B) that is written about real life, black struggles and what black americans have to go through because of where they live or lived, how they were raised and what they were raised around, that is why other races (caucasion to be exact) feel it is negative, because they don't know nor do they understand, let alone care that what there rapping or singing about is actually true and that they aren't trying promote sex or violence, but they are just rapping or singing their life struggle, because they themselves went through the struggle. People also assume its bad because they hear ONE THING, or ONE urban song and make a judgment then and there about Rap or other urban music, without listenning to a variety of it. There are very encouraging and inspirational Rap and R&B songs and they also have songs about everyday life, which are mostly songs you'll here in the club or just to listen to. I myself have an interracial backround, but I have always considered myself black, because I was always raised in a black environment and I was also brought up in the struggle so I know. Now about the true negativity, yes, somethings they say are profane, but you have to remeber, that is ALL they know , they don't live in billion dollar homes they don't always get a proper education white americans get, because they can afford to live away from projected areas, hell they're lucky if they can get three full meals a day let alone pay rent or a mortgage and I know that first hand because it was hard as hell growing up as not only a child, but a black one, let alone in the south where white people still have hanging ropes in their yards. So that is why I listen to Rap&Hip-Hop and R&B and not country or rock, because it is something I can personally realte to. And I also think that whoever dosen't like then don't listen to it, instead of trying to ban it it everywhere and try to give it a bad name. You don't see us going around saying country and rock sucks because its so negative and stupid, because they're lyrics are just as harsh. My bestfriend in the whole wide world is white and she listens to country and rock, so, I know, but I don't judge it just because I don't like it, so to those that hate rap don't do it to us.

2006-07-25 05:16:53 · answer #1 · answered by alphabuenaunis 2 · 0 0

It depends what kind of Hip-Hop they listen to, & it ALSO depends on how they are being raised / other influences... music is not the only thing that causes stuff to happen in individuals.

I think positive Hip-Hop l ike Revolutionary Hip-Hop is cool and is good for the youth. It also stays true to what Hip-Hop originally was in the first place (its roots). If a kid falls victum to the Bling Bling Hip-Hop and music video's is not the only thing to blame in the process, there are other factors & a parents or loved one like a friend should try and figure out what's wrong. Many have self worth issues...

Also alot of Hip-Hop can be argued that it is "Art" that immitates "Life" thus the violence in one's life is expressed through the art (in this case the song) the artist creates. Thus, violence has been around b 4 Hip-Hop, & it takes more then words to motivate someone into action, it takes some kind of feeling, and that feeling comes from learning or influences from experiences. That feeling that motivates someone into action (good or bad) normally has to strike a personal cord, so that the person can relate to it, which means previous situations and cercumstances had tooken place prior to the song for them to reach such an understanding and come to that conclusion/choice.

In the end it's their choice to do or not to do something, & a song can not dictate that. It can only inspire & give ideas on how to go about it.

::: Peace :::

2006-07-25 04:55:02 · answer #2 · answered by Am 4 · 0 0

While in our teen years we were most influenced by what we heard and what we saw. Today there is a combination (MTV, BET, whatever) that gives kids both.

The problem with it is that those who are involved with hip hop music are irresponsible. What they see as the most important things in life (sex, rides and cash) aren't and shouldn't be portrayed as such. It is sad because we all know that life is so much deeper than that but those images are the ones constantly bombarding today's youth.

But the key to today's youth as the youth when I was young and even before that was the parents.

What message is a parent sending to his child when they are all out shaking, hustling and smoking? It is the parents responsibility to be an example to their children. Bring them up in the right way and they will never stray as the Bible says. Unfortunately, that isn't the case today. Too many families that are missing a stable and loving environment. That is key. If a child/teen has a mother AND father who teach, instruct and love them, then they aren't as susceptible to what they see.

Most cars on the videos are rented, the gals are models and many of those who rap about "the hood" in the video live in the far suburbs once the cameras stop rolling.

Do I begrudge them from living where they want to? No I don't, but let's not paint the picture incorrectly. Too many of those who make their money off the people who are buying their CDs aren't involved with those communities. They shouldn't give back because they HAVE to (public service) but because they WANT to.

The kids today need core sense of spiritual values and honor. Without that, the kids will be moved and swayed by every wind and doctrine. "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything" way of thinking.

For those who are tired of the culture impacting our kids, they need to focus, mentor and educate them. Give them the knowledge, abilities, skills and mental tools to navigate through life.

Having a nice car with some phat rims and grills isn't going to prepared them when they have to make a way for themselves when the time comes.

Give. Help. Respect. Honor.

2006-07-25 05:15:06 · answer #3 · answered by A-Yo! 2 · 0 0

As an older guy, I could just slam it and say it is the "devil's music", but that's the same thing older people said about my rock-n-roll. So, I'll examine it.

I personally don't care for it, since it does promote violence, the degradation of women (maybe it doesn't bother some women to be known as "ho" or "b***h", but it does bother some), and the disdain of authority. But, in the positive, it does shine a light on conditions in the inner city, although it doesn't work to try to solve those conditions. If there were more things done by the artists to improve those conditions, they would earn more respect from me. Instead, many of them are more interested in buying fancy cars, mouthfuls of gold, and humongous houses.

Truth is an interesting thing. It has two sides. One side of a story isn't necessarily the truth, or all of it. Be careful looking at it like that.

Is it bad for our kids? Yes and no...but rock was like that too.

2006-07-25 05:11:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on where your focus lies. Clothing is nice . I just wish that they would pull up their pants.It does express one truth and the world needs to be made aware due to its tendency to put blinders on when it comes to unpleasant things.It also has provided another avenue for urban youth to move beyond that violent environment and transform not only there lives but the lives of others.Take a look at Tupac,Dr.Dre,Snoop Dogg,Ice Cube,Ice Tea,Big Pun,50 cent,Eminem,Fat Joe,Nelly etc.. As to promoting violence,that is a point of view fueled largely by fear. The news shows violence daily. Are they being accused of promoting it???? People of color in this country(US) have had trials and tribulations. Some due to their bad judgment/decisions and some due to the bad judgment/decisions and fear of others. Transform in a positive way. Be the change. Peace.

2006-07-25 05:11:06 · answer #5 · answered by wildrover 6 · 0 0

Hip-Hop isn't all bad, but I think some people like to say it's really bad because they don't want to be responsible for their actions when they commit a crime.(i.e. Get Rich or Die Trying movie came out and kids went around shooting people and stealing) Everything is bad for you if you indulge in it too much! HipHop also shows that there are people who dealt with problems in their life just as these younger kids do today and they struggled and plodded their way through it and today they are a success. Pros and Cons to it.

2006-07-25 04:55:31 · answer #6 · answered by DispatchGirl 4 · 0 0

Well Hip hop is not bad. Rap and Hip hop are two different Genre. Hip Hop is good it tell stories if you listen to Talib Kweli, Common, The Roots, and Mos Def is hip hop they really dont talk about killing people and Hoes all the good stuff But rap music tell stories about the Street and how they grow up. Im 18 i dont think that the young are impacted by rap music if Rap make you want to kill someone it's not the music it's something wrong with that person.

2006-07-25 05:01:03 · answer #7 · answered by 28304hotjessie 2 · 0 0

Well. I grew up in a neighborhood populated by lots of white kids who tried to pass themselves off as being ghetto (either that, or they were guidos). I live in a middle-class, blue-collar kinda town.

Many of the people I knew were combative, argumentative, and cast off their education in an attempt to be "hard", which I found particularly humorous because none of them knew what it was like to live in destitute conditions.

This cannot be blamed on hip-hop. It's the result of the teenage desire to be strong, independent, and in control. It just so happens that a good chunk of hip-hop glorifies a lifestyle that portrays a life of difficulty, and having "succeeded" (a relative term, in my opinion) despite a poor background. This is just the type of thing that teenagers are looking to idolize, and this combination leads to, well...


As for promoting truth...well, truth is different for everyone. It may be THEIR truth - that doesn't make it yours.

2006-07-25 04:58:59 · answer #8 · answered by rsantos19 3 · 0 0

You reported it properly. besides the undeniable fact that the guns are not killing everybody it is the guy who pulled the set off.i'm of the opinion that our society needs to have alot of stress relief classes, anger administration classes, and stop slapping human beings on the hands who commit crimes. If human beings knew that they were going to face harsh consequences it ought to reduce the tendency in the route of violence. and oldsters favor to share the blame for a way indignant the toddlers are in the present day;to many mom and father are to busy partying and chasing the alternative sex to make the attempt to be a figure, maximum youthful ones in the present day do not understand who there mom and father are.Alot of moms flow in boyfriends who abuse there toddlers and the moms stand by and enable it take position. They opt for the boyfriend over there toddler and then ask your self why their toddlers exhibits no appreciate to them. and that i will't undergo in options the cases I easily were contained in the food market line and function heard mom and father call there toddlers You little Mot--- f----- or *****, in case you call them such issues as that it is how they see the international and then we ask your self why so violent.

2016-10-15 04:47:36 · answer #9 · answered by hanrahan 4 · 0 0

Some of it does promote violence and I wouldnt let my child listen to it but more than anything it is how the child is brought up and disciplined and what the child encounters from his/her role models. If a child is seeing and hearing negativity and violence then that is how the child will grow up more times than not.

2006-07-25 04:53:03 · answer #10 · answered by Sarah K 4 · 0 0

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