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i have been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 months and things are going great. the only problem is, his best friend is also his ex!! they were friends then got together for about 3 months but it didnt work so they went back to being friends, but now im really paranoid whenever they see each other. any ideas how to get over this?

2006-07-24 22:47:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

12 answers

Its perfectly normal to feel this way... Be confident however that your boyfriend chose u to be his girlfriend because of the qualities u have! As uv said, they broke up because things didn't work out. Look, if things are going great between u and ur guy, dont let things of the past (like his ex) get in the way of ur happiness. Its normal to be paranoid, but know when to stop... Sometimes, if we dwell too much on the past, u may have overlooked what is happening in the present. Enjoy ur time with the guy. Trust is important too.

2006-07-24 22:56:18 · answer #1 · answered by joe_logs_a_co 3 · 5 2

Me and my ex-boyfriend are now best friends as we were before and we are really very happy. I still love him and he still loves me and it's just a period of time and I'm sure we will be together again. His girlfriend is also paranoid about us and there is what to be paranoid for.So you can become a friend with her and then you will be sure if there is a problem or not. If they are still in love leave him alone and find someone else it will be better for both of you.

2006-07-25 05:56:25 · answer #2 · answered by kitten 2 · 0 0

hmm, how long ago did they stop seeing each other before you started your relationship with him? make sure you're not the 'rebound' person or you'll end up getting hurt. i would be jealous too in this situation. but you have to grow up & deal with it. if they didn't work out & are better off, happier being friends, then there's also nothing wrong with that. invite her along to a picnic or something & see how they interact. if you feel either party still have feelings for each other, take a step back & see if you feel happy to carry on. your bf chose to be with you now. enjoy the present & don't resent him for being friends with an ex.

2006-07-25 05:56:28 · answer #3 · answered by ashley b 1 · 0 0

Because you used the word paranoid I am going to guess you are still an outsider and don't share all the way. If you want to have a winner to play with you have to pay the cost. Otherwise get an outsider to love.

2006-07-25 07:19:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to tell him how you feel, this way it will give both you and him a new focus of what you both want. If he loves you so mich he will realise that by seeing his ex hurts you he will stop. If not I would question the motives of having the ex as a friend..

2006-07-25 05:53:46 · answer #5 · answered by kirsun10 4 · 0 0

Make up your mind, you either trust him or you don't. If you don't move on and if you do just do it. Personally, I wouldn't want to deal with this situation, even though it was only a 3 month relationship.

2006-07-25 05:51:04 · answer #6 · answered by dappersmom 6 · 0 0

Well, if I'm in your situation, i'll talk to him and tell him my concerns about him and his bestfriend. I understand how you feel but you should also learn how to trust your boyfriend especially if he's telling you everything that's happening when they see each other. Just trust more!

2006-07-25 06:06:42 · answer #7 · answered by yummy _me 3 · 0 0

well, u need to develop trust.how can you be in love with this guy when you dont trust him?

its so simple,even he knows that they were'nt getting along and thats the reason why he has you in his life,just trust him and have you spoken to him about how you feel?

you should,if you have'nt........confide in him and hes the best person to help you get out of this!!

2006-07-25 06:01:59 · answer #8 · answered by country_girl 5 · 0 0

I dont blame you at all, i couldn't do it, i would finish it with him, it would drive me mad the fact that he was still seeing his ex. I think they are far too close seeing as they were once together.

2006-07-25 05:52:35 · answer #9 · answered by Emmie 3 · 0 0

You never do get over that cos same thing happ to me too and they finally got together again while he was with me! I dumped him cos I deserve more.

2006-07-25 05:51:15 · answer #10 · answered by cindrela_is 1 · 0 0

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