They have nothing to do with each other.
Pimping is the act of managing a prostitute. While an informal arrangement, the pimp (or 'daddy') provides safety and collection services for a prostitute in return for some, most, or all of her income. Usually, this is a completely unfair and unhealthy relationship for the woman, but she seeks the approval and relative protection out of desparate necessity.
A strip club (tittie bar) is a place where independently hired women take their clothes off in a no-touch environment. The take is split between the bar owner and the dancer. It is not uncommon for sex acts to occur in such establisments, the term does not imply a club where sex occurs.
2006-07-24 17:22:20
answer #1
answered by justwebbrowsing 3
Uhh... what do you mean the difference? How could you not know just by the word itself?
Pimping is to hire girls to be prostitutes and then those girls give you the money they make.
A 'tittie' bar is just a stripper bar. You go there and drink to girls that dance and strip.
2006-07-24 17:18:46
answer #2
answered by Boob 3
Both are usually appeals for things you ask for selfishly or ought to take care of yourself. The Lottery costs you a around 70 cents for each dollar of return on the long term, and it has only materialistic benefits. Prayer doesn t cost you anything, the results are based on the request s agreement with the perfect divine plan, and it can have eternal benefits. The Lottery will break your bank account, but investing in prayer builds your heavenly account -- if you have accepted the deposit that s waiting to take you out of the red.
2016-03-27 05:50:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
pimping is... where you have women that are hookers. they pay you half of what they make... and u take care of them. a tittie bar? strip club is different.. the women/men work for a company.. and they dont usually sleep with the customers.. they arent surposed to.. but if they do after they leave the club that is there own thing.
2006-07-24 17:19:29
answer #4
answered by tansyangeni 4
Well a tittie bar is a bar... and pimping is like pimping a hoe... I don't understand why you can't distinguish between the two but maybe you are talking about something else............
2006-07-24 17:18:46
answer #5
answered by cherry_kissez376 3
some pimps don't have a place for the girls to dance,, they just work off the street,,,,,,,
2006-07-24 17:18:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The expensive beer.
2006-07-24 17:21:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
One is marketing, the other is advertising.
2006-07-24 17:19:00
answer #8
answered by Jolly1 5
Hookers don't have to dance, that's extra.
2006-07-24 17:20:33
answer #9
answered by tumadre 5
2006-07-24 17:43:23
answer #10
answered by c_wag03 4