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ok so i don't want to be gay at all i really don't but i think i am i don't know i am 14 yrs of age but i used to be fat and that devistated me so i got in shape but i love to look at muscles and body builders and lately at night i stay up late and look at gay porn i need your help PLEASE i will have a mental breakdown i don't know i don't want to be at all! i need help and support from people please gay people please if i get good support and help and life stories from people you will get 10 points maybe 20 if it is very good by me asking a nother ques and you just put like a . down fyi just if you wonder but i want to know if i am or not will i change? i am going into 8th gradei don't know if all my friends will treat me the same or just dump me and i become unpopular fyi i am popular! i have had girl friends and i have one now but i just like sex and gay and i trade pics with people over the internet i need SERIOUS HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE my fate is with you!!! i just am so confsd

2006-07-24 16:32:46 · 13 answers · asked by NONAME 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

13 answers

you sound gay to me or at least bi don't start this sex i asked myself this and i am fine though umm use a condom

2006-07-24 16:37:56 · answer #1 · answered by chippychip 3 · 1 4

The ability to say no to some of our desires, and to take a step back, is the beginning of wisdom.
Each of us must learn to say "no" to something in our lives and that something may sometimes be very desirable.
Wisdom teaches us how to deal with this.
By saying "no" to your penis, sometimes you say "yes" to yourself.
Your penis is not the president. You don't have to do what it says.
Your identity is more plastic than you think. Anger and lust are identities that you can assume faster than Clark Kent can change in a phone booth.
Urges have energy. That means they are capable of motion. Curtail the motion when it first appears and you will limit the urge.
Discovering who you are is a life long task but you will make no such discovery if you spend your time navel gazing. Who you are is a process and that process requires above all action.
What you choose most often is what you will become.
The less you engage in impulses and thoughts, the less they will engage you.
Master self restraint in matters of impulse.
There will always be a struggle between higher pleasures and lower pleasures.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your life.
Watch your life, it becomes your destiny.

If you notice a deep resistance to your urge, ask yourself, who or what is resisting? Is it you or is it your urge. Shift your identity away from the urge and observe the chattering objections of that urge dispassionately.
You will often feel you are caught between a rock and a hard place. This is the sort of struggle when engage in, produces moral heros, or when carelessly relinquished, produces monsters.
You are to young to make such a big decision about yourself right now.
Practice staying away from porn. Find something more constructive to do. Keep your mind busy with important things.
If you do not want to be gay, then talking to a gay person is the wrong way to go.
When you were fat, did you seek advice from a fat person on how to lose weight?

2006-07-24 20:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by invisable_id 3 · 0 0

I wish you where older I would send you to http://g0ys.org
You sound g0y not gay. I cant recommend you go to this site as there are naked pictures of men there and it would be inappropriate for a 14 year old.
Here is an excerpt from the site that kind of explains the concept a little.
Just a regular guy but your also into the company of good looking dudes, who are also regular guys? You are probably turned off by the “gay scene” and you’d NEVER do anal sex, because it is disgusting and totally disrespectful. We know exactly how you feel! There is a difference between what we are VS “gay”! We are called “g0ys”. We are guys who’d likely take a bullet to keep our buds safe. Nobody would guess that we love on other dudes too;…and we’d never disrespect our buds! We’re tough tender and trustworthy. (No tops. No bottoms. No bull.)

2006-07-25 03:00:37 · answer #3 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 0 0

Being gay isnt really that bad at all. You wont have to spend all your money on kids. You have a good sense of fashion, sometimes girls want you more. Eh you know you just have to deal with it. Some people arent gay, maybe you just like the male body a lot. I mean do you get aroused from looking at the porn? I am assuming you do. I had a couple of friends when i was younger who would do gay things but then turned out to be with girls and straight. For some people it can be a phase. But if not, it can be fun too.

2006-07-24 16:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Human sexuality is very complicated. You could either be gay, bi or straight. Bisexuality covers a broad spectrum.

It is difficult being gay/bi at school, as you are more likely to be subject to immediate homophobia from your classmates. However, once you become an adult - you don't escape homophobia, but you have more control. For example, you could either move house or jobs if things were really unbearable. At school, you can't move anywhere. Also, in adult life, not everyone has to know your orientation unless you want them to.

Between the ages of 5-16, I had only ever fancied guys (I'm a guy myself) so it looked like I was homosexual. When I hit 16, I had an extreme heterosexual crush, followed by another two shortly afterwards. Since then, I've been having homosexual and heterosexual crushes. Overall, I've had more homosexual than heterosexual crushes, but I cannot deny or prevent any heterosexual crush - therefore I'm bisexual.

2006-07-24 19:11:54 · answer #5 · answered by nemesis 5 · 0 1

Relax buddy, you've got plenty of time.
1) Stay off the porn, gay or otherwise. That'll mess with you either way.
2) Find some OTHER extra-curricular activity to take your mind off of this for a while
3) Give youself a break, you're young and things are crazy enough as a teen without beating yourself up over this.

Hang in there,

2006-07-24 16:43:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think that you need to talk to a professional..either a doctor or someone on a help line...even if you are gay, I promise you that you can have a really good life..it's not the end of the world..But right now you need to help yourself by getting some help..Do it and do it NOW...You don't have to feel the way you are..Doctors are there to help you and they really can.
Fyi I was good looking and popular and found out that I was gay...not necessarily the same case as yours..but happiness is possible...again talk to somebody now, please.I care.

2006-07-24 18:55:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Lay off the porn, at 14 you are into it too much and it will just get worse.You are thinking more of sexual acts more than who you are. Don't blow a fuse, just chill some.At your age it's not hard to get excited and confused sexually.Stay away from the net and trading pics etc, you do not know what they may have in mind.

2006-07-24 19:56:20 · answer #8 · answered by AJ 4 · 0 0

First of all... change your screen-name... it suggests things that perhaps you don't need to be suggesting.
Secondly, there is nothing wrong with being anything you are meant to be but at your age this is not something that has to eat at you or keep you up at night.... worrying needlessly.
You are way too young to be looking at porn. I know that is not what you want to hear...sorry... but the facts are by looking at that stuff you are just confusing yourself more. Removing yourself from sexually explicit stimuli either straight or gay right now might be the key. You have your entire life to decide what is right for you.

2006-07-24 17:20:58 · answer #9 · answered by freshman_m18_2003 1 · 0 1

Going to a strip club or having sex with a woman to work out are the dumbest belongings you may want to do. first of all, all and sundry has thoughts for human beings of a similar sex. regrettably, in at present's society, human beings without delay imagine that they are gay because they prefer someone of a similar sex. you may want to or might want to no longer be gay, yet in case you attempt gay sex, or get entangled interior the gay existence-sort, you'll open up a plethora of thoughts and thoughts which will be confusing, if no longer no longer attainable, to get rid of. There are taboos in society, even at present, that impression all and sundry, and in case you attempt heterosexual sex to tutor that you aren't from now on gay, you may want to no longer take care of to finish because of a few deep thoughts that it truly is incorrect as you aren't from now on married. you also might want to be attempting too not easy and heavily isn't waiting to finish. both of those circumstances can make you believe that you're gay, no matter if you aren't from now on. also, you should keep in mind that many 'gay' human beings comprehend that in the adventure that they introduce someone to the gay existence-sort, the man will in reality be 'addicted' to it, even no matter if it isn't his or her being. it truly is amazingly equivalent to alcohol. in case you do not drink, you do not have an charm for the alcohol, yet in case you drink, pretty at too early an age, you may have a tricky time putting the stuff down. subsequently, they hunt down lonely, introverted childrens who they can impact. Friendship with gays does no longer recommend that you're gay. i'd inspire you to hunt employer with acquaintances of both sexes for platonic relationships. Platonic ability non-sexual. i'd also inspire you no longer to contain your self with sex or sexual circumstances until eventually you may ensure who you're. Now, I suggested all this, yet you should comprehend that i'm a Christian, and that in accordance to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, and an abomination to God. I ought to state that no longer each and every person believe this, and that is the way that existence is. however, it is an significant problem, and IF there's a God, and IF there is an afterlife, it is necessary that you may appreciate all aspects of this existence-sort and the way it may impression you. go for your community Bible-believing church and get entangled interior the childrens communities. study the Bible, and word no matter if you settle for the classes in it. Ask God to bare the certainty to you, and he will.

2016-11-25 22:28:21 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

relax ! calm down! you are at the age of puberty..your hormones do strange things to your body and mind. so dont get paranoid of who you are gay, bi or straight.....when you pass 20 only you will start to identify what sexual orientation you are. at this stage you will look at all kinds of sexual situation and probably get turn on by them, just because you gonna grow into a sexual person. thats normal. if you are still sexualy confuse at age 20 than should you start worrying.

2006-07-25 01:40:23 · answer #11 · answered by sstooc2001 6 · 0 0

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