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21 answers

Would probably damage the babies back, we never let our child spend more than 3 hours in a car seat even when on very long journeys.

2006-07-24 12:37:26 · answer #1 · answered by Monty 4 · 0 2

There is no harm in it as long as the baby is strapped in and is in a place where the carseat cannot fall, roll over etc...(ex: it cant be set on a table, or the couch...needs to be on the floor)...it actually is more comfortable for many babies because it makes them feel snuggled (like swaddling does) also, the upright position is helpful for children who have reflux problems...they have more discomfort when lying flat. In addition, the upright position actually lowers the risk of SIDS (and GERD)...I did alot of research on this as my baby would only sleep in her swing (which has very similar features to the carseat - it was shaped exactly the same - her legs didnt dangle or anything). It's fine.

2006-07-24 21:11:31 · answer #2 · answered by dixiechic 4 · 0 0

Yes! A baby needs room to stretch and move it's head from side to side when sleeping. You can't do this in a carseat. Sleeping in one just may affect the baby's development and or cause flat head syndrome. Sleeping in anything but a crib or play yard is NOT a good idea!

2006-07-25 01:56:46 · answer #3 · answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6 · 0 0

When my baby's would get chest congetsion, I would put them in their carseat next to my bed so they would be upright (easier to breath) and I could rock them when the coughing woke them up. Baby's all over the world sleep differently, and I'm going to have to guess if its okay to sleep in a carseat during the day, its okay at night. Although, buckling them in or restraining them when they are old enough to roll over and move around doesn't sound so great.

2006-07-24 19:40:45 · answer #4 · answered by Jessi B 3 · 0 0

Nothing is wrong with it. My newborn son wouldn't sleep anywhere else for the first few days. It's more snug and cozy like the womb. But after a week or so, he/she should want to start stretching out some, so a bassinet or crib would be better. But if the kiddo sleeps well and it works for her, it's not going to hurt the baby.

2006-07-27 15:20:58 · answer #5 · answered by butterfli 2 · 0 0

My older son used to sleep in his infant car seat all the time...at least 3 or 4 nights a week. He was SO colicky, most of the time the only thing that would calm him down was to take him for a drive. When we got home, you better believe I wasn't going to wake him up just to take him out of his car seat! He usually woke up a few hours later anyway for a bottle and diaper change, and when I was finished with him, I'd put him in his crib normally.

My sister in law's son had terrible reflux, and her baby's pediatrician recommended she put him to sleep in his carseat to keep him upright and keep the acid from backing up in his throat.

2006-07-24 23:03:28 · answer #6 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

For some newborns this works out well. They may be unable to sleep well in the wide open space of a crib. (Think how bunched up they were for 9 months.) They may prefer the confines of the carseat.

Also, some babies who have reflux may sleep better in a carseat.

Many times if a baby is congested the doc will recommend that you let them sleep in their car seat.

2006-07-24 19:37:58 · answer #7 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

I suppose if the baby had congestion problems it might be useful, but I would never suggest it for very long. Babies need to stretch out and get used to sleeping in a crib.

2006-07-25 02:31:54 · answer #8 · answered by Crystal 2 · 0 0

no harm can come from a baby sleeping in a car seat i had my son sleeping in one for his first two monthes and one my good friends had her son sleep in one for his first three monthes and i actually believe it may be healthier because the baby is in a reclined position that way if s/he spits up while sleeping it reduces the chance of choking and reduced fluid on the ear drum way better than dealing with a baby and an ear ache

2006-07-24 19:40:16 · answer #9 · answered by DUCKYJ 2 · 0 0

i am a mom of 3 and i let all my kids sleep in their carseats. when i put them in it, i would rock it so they would go to sleep, just like if i were driving. don't let anyone tell you not to do it. if it works for your baby, then do it. all my kids are just fine.

2006-07-24 20:28:24 · answer #10 · answered by bam_32473 2 · 0 0

I don't think that sounds like a good idea. The baby is strapped in and cannot move.

Also, infants should not sleep solely on their back. They could get a flat head.

2006-07-24 19:38:11 · answer #11 · answered by Kitty 5 · 0 0

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