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God didn't write it, so how can we believe it, maybe someone lied.

2006-07-24 09:00:23 · 15 answers · asked by L4L 5 in Social Science Psychology

15 answers

I've looked at both sides of this question with an open mind. The truth is, no one in today's time can know if the bible is fully true. The bible is a book based on belief and religion. However, at the same time, how do we know that anythign we deam as history is the way we "state" happened. Granted, there are many forms of evidence that an act may have happened but did it happen the way it is recorded? For example, sticking with the issue of religion, up until 69-75 AD, the city/land of Jerusalem was called Jerusalem. However, in roughly 69-90 AD, a roman emperor changed the name of the city from Jerusalem to Palestine because he hated the jewish people so much. It is not until 1948AD that the land returned to its original name of Jerusalem. You can go further into history and ask what really happened on Pompey? What made the people stay on the land knowing that the volcano was going to erupt and destroy the cities around it? Why didn't the closest cities/town/countries, whose rulers were all related, come help those in pompey? Scientifically, how can we trust the use of Carbon 14 dating when it has been proven that many things can affect the half-life of an element and object. The truth is, today, all we have is speculation. A few years ago, coffee was bad for you. Today, coffee can help prevent cancer. Who knows, maybe coffee can cure blindness too? YOu have to look at it from all angles and see what you believe to be right/wrong and truth/lie. Another example, in Japan, they do not teach their students that the USA dropped an atomic bomb, that killed thousands, in Hiroshima/Nagasaki. They tell them a large bomb was dropped but not the size and no the extent of the damage. In Germany, they don't tell their students they lost both WWI and WWII but they do teach that in school everywhere else. The bible is one of those things that you belive in your heart and not fully with your head. Again, its based on faith and religion.

2006-07-24 09:15:14 · answer #1 · answered by vail2073 5 · 4 0

There have been hundreds of books written on the subject of the evidences of the divine inspiration of the Bible, and these evidences are many and varied. Most people today, unfortunately, have not read any of these books. In fact, few have even read the Bible itself! Thus, many people tend to go along with the popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes and is no longer relevant to our modern world.

Nevertheless the Bible writers claimed repeatedly that they were transmitting the very Word of God, infallible and authoritative in the highest degree. This is an amazing thing for any writer to say, and if the forty or so men who wrote the Scriptures were wrong in these claims, then they must have been lying, or insane, or both.

But, on the other hand, if the greatest and most influential book of the ages, containing the most beautiful literature and the most perfect moral code ever devised, was written by deceiving fanatics, thenwhat hope is there for ever finding meaning and purpose in this world?

If one will seriously investigate these Biblical evidences, he will find that their claims of divine inspiration (stated over 3,000 times, in various ways) were amply justified.

2006-07-24 09:05:55 · answer #2 · answered by Skipping Rock 2 · 0 0

The "Bible" is true. As any other story is true. I don't think the events are accurate in accordance with history, but the point is to give the reader something more valuable: compassion, wisdom, empathy. That is what any author would like to inspire into their readers. So, yes, and no. No, the "Bible" is not historically or logically accurate, but yes, the "Bible" is true.

2006-07-24 14:09:24 · answer #3 · answered by jedisaurus 3 · 0 0

God might not have penned it. but it is the word of God written down by many different people,

The question of How can we believe it .. it based on faith. Surely you believe in somethings that dont have scientific backing? maybe you believe in ghosts or ET's or vampires or Natural magic or a host of other things.. I was told once that if you dont believe in God you will believe anything. so which is it for you.. what do you believe in that doesnt have scientific backing?

2006-07-24 09:06:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God wrote the Bible through people. That's called divine inspiration. One way we know it's true is because it's impossible to prove wrong... if you seriously set out to prove it wrong, you will ultimately be convinced that it is truth and that you need to turn to God, because it is the "Living Word" and God speaks through it even today. Allow Him to speak to you, too, and you'll never again wonder whether or not it's for real.

2006-07-24 09:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not whole could be bigger mentioned. Some already forget about the 7 books Luther eliminated. In the sixteenth c., Luther, reacting to severe abuses and clerical corruption within the Latin Church, to his possess heretical theological imaginative and prescient (see articles on sola scriptura and sola fide), and, frankly, to his possess interior demons, eliminated the ones books from the canon that lent help to orthodox doctrine, relegating them to an appendix. Removed on this method have been books that supported such matters as prayers for the lifeless (Tobit 12:12; two Maccabees 12:39-forty five), Purgatory (Wisdom three:one million-7), intercession of lifeless saints (two Maccabees 15:14), and intercession of angels as intermediaries (Tobit 12:12-15). Luther desired to take away the Epistle of James, Esther, Hebrews, Jude and Revelation. Calvin and Zwingli additionally each had disorders with the Book of Revelation, the previous calling it "unintelligible" and forbidding the pastors in Geneva to interpret it, the latter calling it "unbiblical". The Syrian (Nestorian) Church has simplest 22 books within the New Testament whilst the Ethiopian Church has eight "further." The first version of the King James Version of the Bible incorporated the "Apocryphal" ( Deuterocanonical) Books. The 7 books eliminated from Protestant Bibles are recognized via Catholics because the "Deuterocanonical Books" (versus the "Protocanonical Books" that don't seem to be in dispute), and via Protestants because the "Apocrypha." The concept that each one discovered reality is to be located in "sixty six books" is not just no longer in Scripture, it's contradicted via Scripture (one million Corinthians eleven:two, two Thessalonians two:15, two Thessalonians three:6, one million Timothy three:15, two Peter one million:20-21, two Peter three:sixteen). It is a inspiration unparalleled within the Old Testament, in which the authority of people who sat at the Chair of Moses (Matthew 23:two-three) existed. In addition to this, for four hundred years, there used to be no outlined canon of "Sacred Scripture" apart from the Old Testament; there used to be no "New Testament"; there used to be simplest Tradition and non-canonical books and letters. Our Lord based a Church (Matthew sixteen:18-19), no longer a publication, which used to be to be the pillar and floor of Truth (one million Timothy three:15). We can recognize what this Church teaches via watching no longer simplest at Sacred Scripture, however into History and via studying what the earliest Christians have written, what people who've sat at the Chair of Peter have spoken continually with Scripture and Tradition, and what they have got solemnly outlined. To think that the Bible is our simplest supply of Christian Truth is unbiblical and illogical.

2016-08-28 18:43:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its not true because it was written by mortal men not prophets and certainly not immortals if it was true then we would have much more proof if you can give me proof that Jesus walked this land and that the heretics were inspired by the "holy ghost" i will pray every waking moment of my life btw i am extremely evil so me praying every waking moment is near impossible

2006-07-24 09:25:59 · answer #7 · answered by First L 1 · 0 0

the bible has been misquoted for hundreds and hundreds of years, Is'nt wierd how so many people live by it. It would be like being married all your life and not knowing a big part of your other half

2006-07-24 09:06:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is a matter of faith and faith is a choice. Even among fundamentalists who insist that the Bible is true- there are 56 scholarly views of inerrantcy and 15 of inspiration.

2006-07-24 12:12:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a collection of stories, myths and opinions written over much time. No, it's not True, so don't accept it literally. If you can draw useful guidelines from it, go ahead.

2006-07-24 09:15:23 · answer #10 · answered by ElOsoBravo 6 · 1 0

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