Nope, not at all. I am going to go back to my last (more creative field).
Sadly most people hate their jobs, and if they are American they are also slowly dying from stress from a lack of vacation /holiday time.
2006-07-24 08:53:58
answer #1
answered by slipstreamer 7
No, not when I was working for someone else. Long hours, little pay, minor recogition was just part of the problem.
My friends suggested I start my own business. At first the same problems; long hours, little pay and minor recogition. But I treated my customers and my work for them the way I wanted to be treated.
Three week vacation after first year, full medical and dental.
Now I ahve 52 full time employees and 38 1099 people, which I hope to bring on full time. We have recogition Friday once a month were I review every one pass month accomplishments. Everyones pay is linked to my salary. No full time can earn less than 20% of my salary, not including bonuses. Everyone who has 12 months with my company is entilted to there share of any bonus.
Bonus consist of 60% of all net income above budgeted amount.
Foer some reason I can't seem to stop my people from working lon kours. LOL
Try going out on your own. It's not for everybody. but it's very rewarding.
2006-07-24 09:09:06
answer #2
answered by Leslie G 2
No, I am a house wife, I stay home and clean and take care of kids. My job isn't as easy as it appears, sure I have moments where I can relax, but I'm always on duty, 24-7, there is a lot of repeatedly doing the same things, like washing the dishes and doing laundry, theres always more to do no matter what.
Plus public perception is bad, and I have no money of my own which really sucks.
2006-07-24 08:59:13
answer #3
answered by curious student 2
I dread the damn job I have, I never get a thank you, supervisors get all the credit and the uppers are just stuffing their pockets. I just wanna stick a match to that son-of-bitc* sometimes.
2006-07-24 08:56:47
answer #4
answered by ? 5
i enjoy my job, even when i dread going in
i know there is a chance i will make someone cry
and that just makes me giggle
2006-07-24 08:56:49
answer #5
answered by midnite 3
I really like my job, it's challenging and that's why I like it so much. It keeps me sharp, everyday it's something new for me to learn.
Of course there are those freaking Mondays I don't want to leave my bed.....
2006-07-24 09:04:24
answer #6
answered by Bigfoot 4
I likeit but i dont like it i guess i work 4 the money
2006-07-24 08:56:26
answer #7
answered by godlovesgenesis 2
Dread it
2006-07-24 08:54:53
answer #8
answered by DesertGirlie 2
for the most part yes. there are days where some people are rude, but overall I enjoy my job.
2006-07-24 08:55:01
answer #9
answered by Sunshine1 3
It did... I was happy to go to work in the past.
2006-07-24 08:53:33
answer #10
answered by prawn_headed 5