2006-07-24 07:48:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
you mean is it a corrective feedback loop? There is certainly no "intent" as such. But if you phrase the question as: "will natural disasters reduce the human population to the extent that less disasters therefore happen?" then.... maybe
earthquakes and volcanoes: clearly not. There's no linkage between overpopulation and that kind of disasters. Tsunamis are included there.
Hurricanes and typhoons? Maybe. Climate change increases the energy which hurricanes can pick up through evaporation in warm oceans. That's why some of the early climate change models predicted "hypercanes". I don't know what the story is there nowadays but the destruction in New Orleans and previously in Honduras, Nicaragua and Belize could well have been exacerbated by climate change.
Droughts, landslides and floods? They are quite clearly seriously exacerbated by human activity, denuding the landscape and so on. So overpopulation will result in tragic deaths. More tragically, the judgement doesn't necessarily fall where the crime was committed. Amazonian loggers and gold panners destroy the rain forest, but the pain is felt 1000 miles away in the arid Brazilian northeast, in the form of debilitating drought.
PS I also like noodles_the_clown's answer
2006-07-24 14:56:05
answer #2
answered by wild_eep 6
It simply cannot be.
Earthquakes, tsunamis ans volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics. They happen in fixed areas such as the ring of fire in the Pacific.
Tornadoes, typhoons and other storm systems only occur in their own specific areas.
All of these are dictated by planetary science. All human being have to do is move a Little and they would avoid them. They choose to stay and suffer for it.
There is no supernatural force here it is just the normal science of nature happening.
2006-07-24 15:02:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Nature usually finds a way to sort out imbalances. However, we have reached a stage where we can survive most of the usual catastrophes. But, if we don't buck up our ideas, we won't survive the Global warming. Unless WW3 happens first!
2006-07-24 16:50:14
answer #4
answered by paul r 2
Some say yes, some say "we need a good war" but gaya
the living earth don't care about us
even when we are long gone there will still be gaya ! remeber that 2
billions years ago the athmosphere was "todays" tocix gasses
not a single beeing from today would have survived hence
tat twam asi
2006-07-24 15:06:28
answer #5
answered by gr8dane 1
To me, it makes sense. Interestingly enough I wonder if the areas of natural disasters are chosen by a higher being, well in advance.
2006-07-24 14:52:21
answer #6
answered by twinkletoes 3
A friend of my dad's used to say that natural disasters are "nature's birth control". I don't know if that answers your question but that popped into my head when I saw your question.
2006-07-24 16:09:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think so.... I believe the earth is a living presence at least and as such takes steps to cleanse itself, the day may come where the earth says "screw this Im tired of these creatures hurting me so bad, time for some volcanoes and earthquakes!!"
2006-07-24 14:50:16
answer #8
answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7
Natural disasters happen naturally. There's no reason for them except nature. I don't think she gives two hoots about mankind
2006-07-24 15:51:20
answer #9
answered by Patchouli Pammy 7
Not culling, but reducing. Some believe this.
2006-07-24 14:50:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous