In terms of an amount, there is more than enough around to stop starvation this very instant.
The problem is whose hands this money is in.
Unfortunately money is not equally distributed and those that have some to share are usually unwilling to give.
If everyone, every single person on the planet, was committed to it, starvation would be over by the end of the week.
2006-07-24 05:32:53
answer #1
answered by jquasimodot 3
MORE then enough money has been and is being spent for "starvation" relief. As has been stated above by some that seem to know, it is power hungry small people with no regard for people (see Free African nations - N. Korea - the old USSR etc...). In the late '80s over $500M was spent by the U.S. for tractors, seed and irrigation systems that would feed the hungry. After 3 yrs a new survey was conducted to see how effective the program was. Out of 100 tractors only 6 were ever used - and not for farming - the seed was allowed to rot (what wasn't eaten) ant the irrigation water was diverted to houses not fields. More food is produced on Earth then is needed but is not distributed to the hungry but to the people that have $. Sending money to the relief agencies (Billions over the last 10 yr.s alone) has only helped a small % of the hungry. Probably better to send the money directly the the people - where money (profit) food will follow.
2006-07-24 06:19:55
answer #2
answered by Heilwraith 1
You can't eat money, there is no nutrition in it, some inks are bad for you, plus it is very very dirty.
Starvation sadly is not a symptom of lack of money. It is more likely a function of corruption. Often when funds are provided to increase agricultural infrastructure or deliver food the money is funneled instead to the country's military or fat cats.
Surprisingly, it is actually not even a simple lack of food. (Since an increase in nutrition also increases fertility rates, this creates more mouths to feed. If the food levels are not maintained at the new higher level starvation again will result.)
Money will not stop starvation.
It will take grassroots internal organization and education to reduce starvation. Democracy can help with this because people become personally invested in the success of programs not just as food today but ongoing prosperity for their family.
Education is necessary in order to keep fertility rates at a sustainable level. Studies have shown that the more highly educated the women in a population are the fewer children they have and the later in life they have them. This would have long reaching effects in the economy of poorer countries by increasing the value of the individual worker.
This could move them from sustenance work to a lifestyle where they were able to "get ahead" some. When this is possible it means that the next drought does not kill thousands in starvation because food is stored up.
This is the basis for national prosperity, freeing the low level workers to become more specialized and trained in technological advances for higher efficiency farming. Then their nation will not be trapped in a "dirt" economy but can move to a service based one which most economic powers are based.
That’s my 2 cents
2006-07-24 10:48:00
answer #3
answered by Crystal Violet 6
No amount of money will stop starvation. Starvation is primarily a result of the control of food/money being used as a power tool. As long as people are dependent on food from outside sources there will be someone who uses that dependency to make a power play.
2006-07-24 05:25:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there is enough money in the world to stop starvation.
2006-07-24 04:29:07
answer #5
answered by maylandchastity 2
I don't think it's money that will stop world starvation - but distribution of that money and resources. It's usually corrupt governments and militas that prevent the donated food/money from reaching the people who really need it.
2006-07-24 04:29:28
answer #6
answered by slinkey_1616 2
a lot of money... and that would only stop starvation for a brief period of time. People conceptualize hunger as a food problem... it's not, it's a people/political problem.
2006-07-24 10:03:27
answer #7
answered by P F 2
less than whats around, consider that it takes €7 a week to feed a family in africa, yes an entire on €7, so think of how much corporations are making and how much is being wasted by bad governments and you wouldn;t be long about coming up with a ridiculous figure which would wipe out poverty...
2006-07-24 04:31:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
None. The world is producing more food that it is consuming. The only problem is, some governments don't like it when their people eat and own land, because hungry and landless people are easier to control.
2006-07-24 07:28:28
answer #9
answered by NC 7
More money is not the answer. There is not enough money in the world to replace the despotic dictators who deprive their citizens of basic rights and needs.
2006-07-24 09:40:32
answer #10
answered by Thomas F 3